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British Forces in Nigeria during World War I

  • By August 25, 1914, British forces in Nigeria had advanced into Kamerun, engaging in battles at Tepe and Nsanakang.
  • The Battle of Tepe resulted in a German withdrawal, while the British failed to capture the German fort at Mora.
  • British forces suffered a defeat at the Battle of Nsanakong and were repulsed in the First Battle of Garua.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10064/12606)

以下のとおりお答えします。 アフリカを中央部や南部に展開する英国軍とドイツ軍の間の衝突を述べています。 >By 25 August 1914, British forces in Nigeria had moved into Kamerun towards Mara in the far north, towards Garua in the center and towards Nsanakang in the south. British forces moving towards Garua under the command of Colonel MacLear were ordered to push to the German border post at Tepe near Garua. The first engagement between British and German troops in the campaign took place at the Battle of Tepe, eventually resulting in German withdrawal. ⇒ナイジェリアの英国軍は、1914年8月25日までにカメルーンへ、遠く北部のマーラへ、中央部のガルアへ、そして、南部のンサナカンへと移動した。大佐マクリアの指揮下、ガルアに接近していた英国軍は、ガルア近くのテペでドイツの境界線駐屯地に突撃するよう命じられた。英国軍とドイツ軍の間の野戦における最初の会戦は、「テペの戦い」で始まり、結局、ドイツの撤退を結果した。 >In the far north British forces attempted to take the German fort at Mora but failed and began a siege which lasted until the end of the campaign. British forces in the south attacked Nsanakang and were defeated and almost completely destroyed by German counter-attacks at the Battle of Nsanakong. MacLear then pushed his forces further inland towards the German stronghold of Garua, but was repulsed in the First Battle of Garua on 31 August. ⇒遠い北で英国軍は、モーラのドイツ軍砦の奪取を試みたが失敗し、会戦の終局まで続くことになる包囲攻撃を開始した。南の英国軍はンサナカンを攻撃し、「ンサナカンの戦い」でドイツ軍の反撃によって敗北し、ほとんど完全に破壊された。その時マクリアは、ガルアのドイツ軍要塞に向けてより遠くの内陸に自軍を突き進めたが、8月31日の第1回「ガルアの戦い」で追い返された。




