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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:TIME誌 October 19, 2015)

Iran Could Be a Surprising American Ally as Chaos Grows in Syria


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>the President is probably right that Putin, the desperate presider over a collapsing economy, is wading into “a quagmire” there, この文は、前の文節と対になっていると思います。そう考えると多少文法無視ですが、"right"と"that"の間に、(by, with, in) "saying" が隠されていると考えるのが良いと思います。全くついではないものの、前に出てきた決まりきったフレーズの省略ととらえました。 Republicans (they) vs. the president they are wrong vs. the president is right that Vladimir Putin is... vs. that Putin, .... でこの、前のthat節には sayが付いています。対応するとsaysですが、構文的には無理で、sayingかそれに前置詞がついたような形が自然ですが、既にふれられているので暗黙に省略可と思います。



ご回答有難うございました。どうやらin sayingを省略しているみたいです。勉強になりました。>^_^<


  • TIME October 7, 2013

    半年ほど前のTIMEの大学教育についての記事です。長い文章で恐縮ですが、 ・・・Rising tuition costs, an underprepared workforce, an inhospitable climate for the humanities: each of these issues, among others, shapes arguments over higher education.  True, polls suggest that most students are happy with their college experiences (if not their debt loads), elite institutions are thriving, U.S. research universities are the envy of the world, and a college degree remains the nation’s central cultural and economic credential.  Yet it’s also undeniable that hand-­wringing about higher education is so common that it almost forms an academic discipline unto itself or should at least count as a varsity sport.       And so wring the hands of many parents, employers, academics and alumni in the fall of 2013 as the undergraduate class of 2017 begins its freshman year—and as parents of the class of 2025 contemplate the costs and benefits of college down the road. “Higher education is facing a real crisis of effectiveness,” says Michael Poliakoff, vice president of policy at the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, a group that supports traditional core curriculums and postgraduate assessment tests.   At the TIME Summit on Higher Education on Sept. 20, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan called for more accountability in higher education through the development of a university ratings system—one that could include the earning power of an institution’s graduates as a factor.   高等教育をめぐって議論があるが、調査によると、大学での経験にたいていの学生は満足しているし、大学出は信用されている。   しかし・・・Yet以下の文章の意味がよく分かりません。varsity sportとは何のことでしょう?英辞郎 on the wab によると「代表チーム対抗戦のあるスポーツ」とありますが、しっくりきません。しばらく先を読むと a university ratings systemとあるので、the earning powerによる大学の序列化で競わせる事を言っているのかとも思いますが皆さんはどう思われますか? it’s also undeniable that で it = that以下、so~that構文、it almost forms ・・・の it =higher education でいいでしょうか?   またその直後、And so wring以下も分かりません。「2013年の秋は、2017年秋の学部卒業生が1年生になり、2025年秋に卒業を迎える子供たちの親が大学卒業までかかる費用と利益を考える時期だ。」このような内容なのでしょうが、And so wring the hands of・・・を逐語的に訳すとどうなりますか?倒置なんでしょうか?お知恵をお貸しください。

  • TIMEの和訳

    どなたか以下の文章を訳していただけませんか? 自分は2文目の初めのitはthat以下をさすと思うのですがどうでしょうか? Because its regime is one of the most loathsome in the world,there is a temptation to see every political development in North Korea as a precursor to the sort of instability that might one day lead to real change. So it has been with the announcement that Kim Jong Un,thought to be 27,a son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il,had been promoted to general -a sign that he is likely to inherit his father's,and his grandfather's,mantle.

  • 英語

    Well,with the economy as it is right now, it might be a good way for government to raise money. 「経済の現状を考えると、政府が税収を確保するのにいい方法かもしれない。」 with the economy as it is right now の部分について with A B の形の分詞構文の場合 Bには現在分詞や過去分詞がくるとおもうのですが この文の場合 as it is right now という文が来ています。 どういうことなんでしょうか?

  • knowledge based sociatyの意味

    次の例文に示すような、knowledge based economyという語句は、通常、日本でどう訳されているのでしょうか? 教えてください。 One thing is certain in Singapore’s courses of action and that is to move up the value chain, and to push ahead towards achieving a Knowledge Based Economy.

  • Now is the time to make that New ye

    Now is the time to make that New year's resolution to improve your English, and we are right here with you to help you out.の文法的解釈、特になぜthatが必要なのか分かりません。説明を宜しくお願いいたします。

  • シリア問題に関して英字新聞のタイムの記事を読んでお

    英字新聞のタイムの記事を読んでおり、知りたいことがあります。 ”Annan's proposal”の内容を簡潔に教えて下さい。 Reuters has reported that Russia supports Annan's proposal to form a national unity government in Syria,but Annan's plan doesn't explicitly exclude Assad, which means Russia could still insist he stay in power.Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that Russia would not permit "a replication of the Libyan scenatio in Syria,"dismissing as "unrealistic" the Western demand that Assad stand down.Still,US officials insist that the Geneva meeting set clear guidelines for Assad stepping down as part of a political transition. "If Kofi Annan can get the proposed participants to agree on such a plan for political transition then there will be a meeting," a State Department official told reporters on Tuesday."But that's what we need to find out before we go to any meeting.There is no point in going just for the sake of it."

  • TIME誌の一部です。

    長いのですが、どなたか訳して頂けませんか。抄訳または趣旨で結構です。 This is where I object. Douthat's argument that we must not lose sight of the supposedly flawed liberal policies that fueled Breivik's rage meshes with a broader Western impulse to cast terrorism by the xenophobic far right as somehow more excusable than the terrorism of jihadists. After 9/11, few Western commentators would have dared dwell on Washington's foreign policy in the Middle East. Yet the argument can be made that this was as much a spur for al-Qaeda as Europe's problems with Muslim integration were for Breivik's killing spree.

  • givenについて

    このコーナーでは大変お世話になっております。 以下の文についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 It's a move that is widely seen as a gamble by the world's No.3 economy, given its soaring public debt. (1)givenは分詞構文と理解しました。  givenの前は、As it is が省略されていると理解しましたがあっていますでしょうか? (2)thatは関係代名詞で先行詞はa moveであっていますでしょうか? ご指導の程何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • According to a new report

    According to a new report that paints the main immigrant group as a boost to an economy that has come to rely increasingly on skilled workers. 一行目、二行目のthatのかかっている場所(用法)が分からないです。 あと、asの訳し方もわかりません。 文全体の言いたいことはなんとなくわかるのですが、ちゃんと構文が取れません。 よろしくお願いします>_<

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 お願いしたいのは(4)の文です。 前後の文脈が合ったほうがいいかと思うので、 載せておきます。 (1)What are rights? (2)If you ask ordinary people what exactly a right is, they'll probably be at a loss, and won't be able to give a clear answer. (3)They may know what it is to violate someone's rights. (4)They may also know what it is to have their own right to this or that denied or ignored by others. (5)But what exactly is it that is being violated or wrongly denied? (6)Is it something you acquire or something you inherit at birth? よろしくお願いします。