• 締切済み



  • kichikuma
  • ベストアンサー率18% (202/1080)



  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Continental Europe provides a nearby pool of potential employees with the qualifications needed to work in Britain, added Andrea Laws, the company’s director of international recruitment.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    As a member of the GSMA, TS intend to actively contribute to GSMA programmes that offer the biometrics authentication capability for mobile applications and services provided by the telephone operators. We aim to actively involved in GSMA working groups that defines communication protocols and implementations that drive highly secure and convenient user verification in mobile devices initiatives. We are proud to be an integral part of these initiatives which establish and secure the international mobile operating infrastructure.

  • 和訳してください(>_<)5

    In2002, John said on TV that he always finds it difficult to create a new piece of music. While speaking about "Attack of the Clones," he said, "The fifth time is like the first time. We always have to make a new start when we try to create something. We sit down with a white piece of paper and we hope that we're going to have the inspiration and the good luck that we've had in the past. So I think every time is the same challenge all over again." Tall and sandy-haired, John Williams is familiar to many as he has often appeared on TV at the annual Academy Award ceremonies. Behind his smile, however, he always has a strong will to challenge himself while composing, or playing jazz, or indeed doing anything musical. What we can learn from John's life is, "Challenge yourself and will find the road to success."

  • 英語 等位接続詞

    We had been complaining to the director. And one of my colleagues said, “ Don't talk back to him. That'll make it all the worse.” ピリオドの後にAndがあるのは何故でしょうか?

  • 次の英文の和訳お願いします。

    1,U.S. exports to china grew 20.5 percent from 2004 to2005 and are continuing to grow rapidly,with an increace of 36.5 percent during the first five months of this year,comrared to 2005. 2,the plane was making a right turn over Los Angels when it suddenly plunged nose-down from a height of 500 feet. 3,we are pleased to announce that we are taking part in the 36th hong kong international film festival running March 21 through April5. 4,the instructor said," a participant who is continuously chatting with his or her neighbor can be extremely disruptive tovthe entire group."

  • 和訳お願いします

    Noda announced last month that Japan will enter the TPP talks but has faced strong opposition from farmers worried about foreign competition and threats of strong resistance by LDP lawmakers who consider the farm industry as a key political base. Ishihara said discussions on the TPP are "at the starting line" and the government must do all it can to address public concerns and ensure food security. "We would like to understand what the US. wants to get out of the TPP. If it's an effective tool to establish a free-trade zone for the Pacific that benefits both the US. and Japan, that would be reason to pursue it," he said. "But if we can't identify enough merit for Japan and the US., then maybe we should pursue another way to establish a free-trade zone."

  • 科学英語の和訳をお願いします

    Fukuda et al. [34] showed that the pigmentation of glass eels of the Japanese eel in captivity developed progressively with the duration of rearing in a temperature range of 10~30 °C. This observation suggests that the glass eels at early pigmentation stages found in our study had arrived at the Sagami River estuary not so long before they were collected. Thus. our data clearly show that a quite unusual glass eel recruitment pattern occurred, with the peak in early summer (May and June). at least in the 2009 and 20I0 seasons at the Sagami River estuary. Due to current fishing regulations and the lack of monitoring of glass eel recruitment, it is not known whether a seasonal change in glass eel recruitment has occurred throughout Japan or over a much wider region of their species range in East Asia. Even if this unusual recruitment of glass eels just occurs locally at the Sagami River estuary, it provides information that can be used in determining locally administrated fishing regulations and designing conservation programs for yellow eel stocks (growth phase) fragmentally inhabiting freshwater systems.The monitoring of glass eel recruitment by the Eel River Project is expected to expand to the entire species range of this species. ちなみに、recruitmentは接岸、glass eelはシラスウナギです

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Publishers note the tendency of some teachers to consider prestige of a title avobe the needs of their particular of technical books tells of this incident. 'At our main editorial meeting I was describing a new and important project at Caltech for which I wanted to offer a contract,and stated that the title of the book was to be Elementary Particle Theory. Hearing this,the Vice President in charge of our International Division,ever mindful of the foreign demand for high level books,then told me that if Icould suggest that the authors remove the word 'Elementary'from the title,he would be able to sell another thousand copies in the international market.'

  • 和訳お願いします!

    Very little of what is said is important for the information expressed in the words. It is crucially important, as a way of showing that we are involved with each other, and how we feel about being involved. お願いします(>_<)

  • 和訳してください(+_+)

    So the two friends picked up their pace, hurried through the revolving doors and scurried across the lobby to the elevators that would take them up to the Rainbow Room. As the elevator doors opened, they could hear the man and the dog entering the lobby. "( )" one of the women said to the other. But as the doors began to shut, two strong hands reached in and opened them. The man and the dog got on the elevator. He pushed the button for the top floor. There was no place for the ladies to go. They backed into a corner of the elevator, clutching their handbags and looking nervously at the big dog that sniffed at their feet. Suddenly the man said, "Sit, Lady!" Both women plopped down on the floor. At that moment, the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened onto the lobby of the Rainbow Room. The man with the dog called to the hostess, "Could you help these ladies to their feet and escort them to their table?" "We were so frightened," one of the ladies said to thehostess. "He shouted, 'Sit, lady!' and we did just what he said." "Oh, ma'am. The gentleman wasn't talking to ( )," the hostess replied. "He was just giving a command to ( ). Its name is Lady." "But how do you know all this?" We see him and his dog all the time. Didn't you recognize him? That was Michael Jordan."