• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1459/3803)

Sometimes I wonder if things would have been different had I did what he wanted. 時々、私は、私が彼が望んだ事と違ったことをしてきたのではないか 不安(心配)になります。 本当に彼が望んでいたことと自分が彼にやったことが一致していたのかな~ といった不安になっている状況と思います、





  • 仮定法について

    If he had been a little more careful,the accident could have been avoided. He did what he had been told;otherwise he would have been scolded. の二文で後半のhaveの後にbeenが入ってるのって何でですか? 仮定法過去完了の場合、助動詞の過去+have p.p.ですよね? could have avoidedとwould have scoldedでは何でダメなんですか?

  • 和訳の添削をおねがいします。

    Neither would have become the success he did had he not been willing to learn from his failures and keep trying when things went against him. で、 失敗から学ぶことや、物事が彼の考えに合わないときでも挑戦し続けることを嫌がっていては成功はない と訳したのですがどうでしょうか? Neither would have become the success he did had he not の部分がよくわかりません。 もしよければ解答を作っていただけるとうれしいです。

  • 【和訳】おねがいします【翻訳】

    こんにちは。 英語に詳しい方…ぜひ 以下の英文を翻訳して頂きたいのですが、 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 What's wrong with this place? Why did this happen to us? No answers anywhere I look Am I crazy? These things I see at night... I don't know what to think. Ever since "Charlie" disappeared and "Diane" left- I must have hit a breaking point. I still keep looking, I still hear him sometimes,that cute little laugh. But he's been gone 9 years. Why does every day have to hurt so much? -Charles

  • 翻訳

    For had the idiocy of ploughing the land for the sake of ploughing been revealed to the sons, it would have been fatal to their morale. この文章の翻訳のことなんすけど、カンマのあとがwould have beenだから、彼らの士気に致命的だっただろう~になるとはずなんだけど、カンマの前に否定が入ってないんです。 それにhadが前に出てきてて構造が把握できてないんで、どなたか教えてください。

  • 間違っているところは?

    こんばんは What had been bothering him was not the fact that his child had been coming home late but he never would tell him what time he would reterning home. という文で間違っているところがわかりません 最後のwould returning→would have returned のように考えてみたのですが良くわかりません お願いします

  • have been と had been

    (怪我をしていなければ)良い選手になれたかもしれない He could have been a good player. → 現役の選手(成績イマイチ) He could had been a good player. → 既に引退している (私が誠実だったら)あなたをもっと愛せたかもしれない I could have loved you more. → 現在も付き合っている I could had loved you more. → 既に別れている・亡くなっている という解釈で合っていますか? could/would have been は現在形に近く、 could/would had been は一種の過去形と考えていいのでしょうか?

  • 並び替え&空所補充お願いします!

    試験のようなものがなければいいんだが。 (no,wish,as,I,exams,things,there,such)不足する1語を補う。 彼がそこにいたら、私たちを援助してくれただろう。(would,he,been,he,there,helped,us,have)不足する1語を補う。 君が僕の立場だったらどうしたか、考えてほしい。 I would like you to think what you ( 3語 ) in my place. お願いします(>_<)

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    We just wanted to move on in a productive, caring, productive… — and did I say 'productive?' — environment, and when the time came for us to do that, I think we shocked a lot of people. So with that said, we really, really wish Scott the very, very best. I hope he one day finds the light. But as far us, we wanted to, like I said, move forward, and not try to recreate our catalog, because I think that's impossible to do; we had a lineup change, we have a different man in the band now, we have a different human being, a different energy.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    申し訳ありませんが、お願いします。 There are soms things that I would not have done , and some things that I have failed to do that I would do. One of the things that I would have done if I had known the importance of it would have been to go to college.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    翻訳していただける方、 よろしくお願いします There seems to be an old wall, like the wall of an ancient city, and a missing stone, or loose stone where you used leave notes, and things for each other. You held the same beliefs but may have been on different sides of divided city, or like being on different sides in war, or an apartide state, if you see what I mean, not allowed to fraternize, or risking dire consequences if you did. But risking it anyway, both because of the love you had, the passion, the lust, and also because of the karmic task, the things you believed in that also went against the grain of the prevailing time. I cannot tell where this was or put a date on it, b jut it may have been a theme or pattern that has repeated through several life time.