• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の英文を日本語にしてください。)

Language Exchange: Fun and Interesting

  • Language exchange is a fun way to learn and improve in different languages. It allows people to connect with interesting individuals from around the world.
  • Discovering a website for language exchange, I had high hopes of meeting fascinating people. However, the reality fell short of my expectations.
  • Curiosity got the best of me, and I wondered why I was chosen among countless others. It was a perplexing experience.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1。 まあ、言葉の教え合いは面白いだろうと思った。  私は何となくあのサイトにはもっと面白い人がいると思っていた。いろんな人がいるのに選りに選って私にとは(笑)  ただ不思議に思うのです。ご免。 2。「少年隊」というグループと昼弁当。これが彼らに紹介された最初だった。 3。直訳:それが如何に彼らに私が最初に紹介された様子だ。



翻訳ありがとうございます。 Well, I thought language exchange would be fun! I don't know, I guess I thought there were more interesting people on that website. I was wondering why me of all people. Lol Just curious, sorry.この文章を翻訳するのって英語の難易度的にはどのくらいですか?また、中学高校レベルで言うとどのレベルですか?よろしくお願いします。



  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    (1)An English passenger kindly drew me into conservation. He was older than I. He asked me what I ate, what I was, where I was going, why I was shy, and so on. He also advised me to dine with him. (2)I think part of the uproar over cloning is that many people simply don`t understand what it is. They seem to have it confused with genetic alteration, another technology that`s creating a stir.

  • 日本は英語に、英文は日本語に訳してください。

    ・どんなにゆっくりのボールでも、行くべきところへ行けば、いいスコアが出る。 ・そのせいで、ボウリングは簡単だと思っている人も多い。 ・これがこのスポーツの醍醐味だと言える。 ・The researchers believed it was people`s emotional response to Rokia`s difficult situation that led them to act. ・The problem is that men are less studied than women about the way they dress. ・Knowing exactly what all the other people in the race will do is less important than thinking about what you might do as an individual.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください!お願いします!

    アメリカ在住の中国人女性と英語でメールのやり取りをしています。私は英語初心者のため彼女からの文章が上手く理解できません。 どなたか日本語に翻訳してください!どうぞよろしくお願い致します!長文で申し訳ありません… (この女性の職業は家庭教師です。マイケルは旦那さんです。 また、私は食材を使用したアートの写真をSNSにアップしています。) My character is active ,like to make friends . Michael remain me don't too closely with people, they will feel uncomfortable. Maybe they think I want to get adventure from them. But I say I want all my friends happy ,enjoy their life and feeling love. When I see all my friends carry lovely smile, I will feel happy too. I like sharing love with all my friends. I always let my students to know this. I give lots of time , thinking and communication with them. They all are teenagers, never listen to their family. Not reply to messages, knock bedroom and s Unlike go out for public society . I show with them to know they are very important to me. And step by step to let them know your family so worried about them. I can see your food art also let people to know that meaning. Honestly, I think what will you make on this week. Because I feel happy to see it. Haha never seen people like me ,right? Too much comments and suggestions, Michael feels headaches all the time but that is me.

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい

    日本語訳を教えて下さい When I decided to send my son to a regular Japanese elementary school, my friends and family in America asked if I was worried about stereotype that bullying is worse in Japan. I bullying, I told them it's a told them my son would be fine. And at first, he was happy and learning well. なんとなくはわかるんですがはっきりとは理解できず、どなたか教えて頂けないでしょうか。

  • 次の英文の添削をお願いします

    2つですが、おかしいところがあれば訂正してほしいです 1.定価で考えれば、これまでで一番高い買い物です。 Thought by value properly, that is highest value. 2.18から一人暮らししていますが、初めてソファーを買いました I have been live alone since 18 age, that is first time for buying sofa.

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。日本語訳は正しいですか?

    To them the crowding is so unbearable because their personal space is not only invaded but pushed be yond the limits of intimacy by other human beings. Having people step on their feet or poke them, even unintentionally, without apology, makes things worse. I often tell them that Japanese people do not apologize because they probably do not feel that the other people in the train are really "people" in the sense that there is no personal relationship with them. "You don't apologize to a table when you bump into it, do you?" I often ask. 日本語訳 彼らにとっては、自分のパーソナルスペースが侵されるばかりでなく、他の人間によって親密さの限界を超えるので、混雑はとても耐えがたいのです。たとえ故意でなくとも、足を踏んだり、小突いたりする人がいることは、事を悪化させます。私は、日本の人たちが謝らないのは、たぶん列車の中の他の人たちが明らかに彼らと個人的つながりがないという意味での「人々」だと感じていないためだからと、頻繁に話します。「テーブルにぶつかった時、あなた、テーブルに向かって謝らないでしょ?」よくこう聞きます。

  • 次の英文を日本語にしてください。

    I did not take pictures due to my Camera being replaced この文章と I'm more of the universal type um my most music I listen to is metal but then rock takes second place from there country uh rnb/rap uh love japanese music lol especially ones with either the soft melodies or the upbeat music I watch anime and it's in japanese so the songs are as well so I pretty much enjoy listening to just about all musicこの文章を翻訳お願いします。

  • 英文を直してください!

    下の英文は上の日本語訳のように訳したつもりなんですが、文法的におかしい所を直してくださいm(__)m 私はこの映画にとても感動しました。 まず、この話が実話であるということにとても驚きました。 たとえ人々に無謀だと言われても諦めなかったジャックはとてもかっこいいと思いました。 夢を叶えるのはとても難しい事です。 しかし、昔から叶えたい夢があるのはとても素晴らしい事です。 また、私は多くの人々の協力とサポートにもとても感動しました。 彼の一生懸命な姿勢が人々の心を動かしたのだろうと思います。 私たちは彼を見習うべきです。 I was very impressed with this movie. At first I was really suprised in this movie was made based on a true story. Even if it was told many people to be reckless, I thought that Jack who never gave it up was very cool. Fulfilling your dreams is very difficult. But it is a very splendid thing that there is the dream that he want to grant from old days. Also, I was very impressed by cooperation and the support of many people. I think that his desperate attitude would move the emotions of people. We should learn from him. 宜しくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 次の日本文は英語で何て言えばいいですか?(受動態)

    『彼がそれをしているところを彼らに見られる必要性が本当にあるのかどうか私は疑問に思っている。』 I was wondering whether there is the necessity of being looked at them. 『彼がそれをしているところを』と『本当にあるのかどうか』という表現をうまくするにはどう言えば良いでしょうか? 教えてください よろしくお願いします_(._.)_

  • 次の英文を和訳してください

    The organization was paying for computer projects at universities all over the USA. But Bob Taylor was not happy with the results. He went to see his boss, Charlie Herzfeld. Charlie, we have a problem, he said. What is that? Herzfeld asked. We are throwing money away, said Taylor. We are paying different people all over the USA to do exactly the same study. What is wrong with them ? shouted Herzfeld, who had a strong Austrian accent and scared many of the people who woreked for him. Dont not they go to meetings? We pay for them to go to meetings. Why do not they just tell each other what they are doing? No, Charlie, that is not the problems, explained Taylor. Of course our people talk to each other. The trouble is that their computers do not. Their computers do not talk? What do you mean? asked Herzfeld. Well, look at my office. I have got connections there to all of our biggest computers. But if I want to communicate with the people at Santa Monica, I have to sit down at one machine. And if I want to talk to the computer at Berkeley, I have to get up from that machine, go over and sit at another one, and use a completely diffrent computer language.

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