
  • 人々のパーソナルスペースが侵され、親密さの限界を超えることへの苦悩
  • 謝罪の欠如による不快感の増加
  • 日本の文化における個人的関係の欠如への理解
  • ベストアンサー


To them the crowding is so unbearable because their personal space is not only invaded but pushed be yond the limits of intimacy by other human beings. Having people step on their feet or poke them, even unintentionally, without apology, makes things worse. I often tell them that Japanese people do not apologize because they probably do not feel that the other people in the train are really "people" in the sense that there is no personal relationship with them. "You don't apologize to a table when you bump into it, do you?" I often ask. 日本語訳 彼らにとっては、自分のパーソナルスペースが侵されるばかりでなく、他の人間によって親密さの限界を超えるので、混雑はとても耐えがたいのです。たとえ故意でなくとも、足を踏んだり、小突いたりする人がいることは、事を悪化させます。私は、日本の人たちが謝らないのは、たぶん列車の中の他の人たちが明らかに彼らと個人的つながりがないという意味での「人々」だと感じていないためだからと、頻繁に話します。「テーブルにぶつかった時、あなた、テーブルに向かって謝らないでしょ?」よくこう聞きます。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

素晴らしい訳文とお見受けしました。 大差はありませんが、例によって、★を幾つか申しあげます。 >To them the crowding is so unbearable because their personal space is not only invaded but pushed be yond the limits of intimacy by other human beings. Having people step on their feet or poke them, even unintentionally, without apology, makes things worse. I often tell them that Japanese people do not apologize because they probably do not feel that the other people in the train are really "people" in the sense that there is no personal relationship with them. "You don't apologize to a table when you bump into it, do you?" I often ask. >彼らにとっては、自分のパーソナルスペースが侵されるばかりでなく、他の人間によって親密さの限界を超えるので、混雑はとても耐えがたいのです。たとえ故意でなくとも、足を踏んだり、小突いたりする人がいることは、事を悪化させます。私は、日本の人たちが謝らないのは、たぶん列車の中の他の人たちが明らかに彼らと個人的つながりがないという意味での「人々」だと感じていないためだからと、頻繁に話します。「テーブルにぶつかった時、あなた、テーブルに向かって謝らないでしょ?」よくこう聞きます。 ★(is) pushed beyond the limits of intimacy by other human beings:《他の人間によって親密さの限界が押し破られる(ので)》。pushed beyond the limits of~は、「~の限界を超えて押し入る」の意でしょう。 ★Having people step on their feet or poke them:《足を踏んだり小突いたりしてしまったことが》。Having以下は形式上主語ですが、「それなのに」という気持ちが込められているような感じですね。 ★without apology, makes things worse:《謝罪しないことで(しないから、)事を悪化させる》。withoutは、「~しないので、~しないから」と理由・原因を表す意味合いがあると思います。 ★the other people in the train are really "people":《その他人が、事実上「人間」だと感じていないからだ》。reallyは、「事実上、実際に、現実的に」といったニュアンスでしょう。 ⇒彼らにとっては、自分の個人的空間が侵されるばかりでなく、他の人間によって親密さの限界が押し破られるので、混雑はとても耐えがたいのです。たとえ故意でなくとも、足を踏んだり小突いたりしてしまっても謝罪しないことで事を悪化させます。私はしばしば、日本人が謝らないのは、たぶん列車の中の他人が彼らと個人的つながりがないという意味で、事実上「人間」だと感じていないからだ、と彼らに話します。そして、しばしばこう聞きます。「あなたも、テーブルにぶつかったからといって、それに向かって謝ることはないでしょう?」と。





  • 英文と日本語訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    The problem with personal distance is that most people are unaware that they have such a bubble arou nd them, or that people from other cultures or subcultures may have a different-size bubble. The imterpretation of space is emotioally laden. Those who sense that their personal space has been invaded feel that the other person is "pushy" or "aggressive," while those who prefer a closer conversational distance feel that the other person is "cold" or "aloof." 日本語訳 パーソナルスペースの問題は、ほとんどの人が自身の周りにそうした個体空間を持っていること、もしくは、他の文化やサブカルチャーをもつ人たちが違う大きさの個体空間を持っていることに気づいていないことです。 空間の解釈は感情的な積み重ねです。自分のパーソナススペースが侵されたと感知する人は、他の人を「厚かましい」とか「攻撃的」と感じる一方、より近い会話の距離を好む人は、他の人を「冷たい」とか「よそよそしい」と感じるのです。

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    この英文の訳を教えて下さい。 Responders who reject small offers show that even when dealing with a complete stranger, they would rather punish unfairness than gain money. Why would people act in ways that seem contrary to their own interest? The most reasonable answer is that moral intuitions like fairness developed because they improved the reproductive fitness of those who had them and the groups to which they belonged. Among social animals, those who form cooperative relationships tend to do much better than those who do not. By making a fair offer, you signal that you are the kind of person who would make a good partner for cooperating. On the other hand, by rejecting an unfair offer, you show that you are not going to put up with being treated unfairly, and thus you discourage others from trying to take advantage of you. There are also social advantages to such intuitions. A society in which most people act fairly will generally do better than one in which everyone is always seeking to take unfair advantage, because people will be better able to trust each other and form cooperative relationships.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    As seen by members of other nations, this emphasis on questioning and searching is bad for young people's "manners." Foreigners often feel a great lack of respect in our youth. It is true that many do become rude. Foreign visitors are often startled and frequently annoyed to find junior staff members daring to challenge older executives or argue points with them; they do not always like it when these young men or women make detailed but often revolutionary suggestions. One's own blueprints, reports, or analyses may be scrutinized in detail perhaps even challenged by a young person. This is not to be considered an insult or loss of face; nor is it an indication of "no confidence." Our whole approach to research is different. We try not to emphasize the personal. Your ideas are being looked at, not you yourself. To us the two are quite separate. This is the way our minds work. We are seeking facts; we are not challenging you as a person.

  • 訳をお願いします

    He or she might take off the glasses and put them away to indicate that a meeting is finished. Sometimes people look over their glasses and raise their eyebrows to indicate that they do not believe what someone is saying. In these and other ways, glasses can affect cmmmunication. よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本は英語に、英文は日本語に訳してください。

    ・どんなにゆっくりのボールでも、行くべきところへ行けば、いいスコアが出る。 ・そのせいで、ボウリングは簡単だと思っている人も多い。 ・これがこのスポーツの醍醐味だと言える。 ・The researchers believed it was people`s emotional response to Rokia`s difficult situation that led them to act. ・The problem is that men are less studied than women about the way they dress. ・Knowing exactly what all the other people in the race will do is less important than thinking about what you might do as an individual.

  • 18-5日本語訳

    お願いします。 Many people benefit from Q&A sites such as OKWave, as they help solve their problems. This is quite understantable. In fact, this is probably the raison d'etre of such Q&A sites; to provide a space where community members can both seek and offer knowledge to help eachother. Putting it another way, people "take advantage" of Q&A sites for their own benefit, be it for their personal enlightenment, professional gains, or for their academic ends. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. However, when "taking advantage" escalates to sheer "exploitation", I begin to wonder. Though a minority, there are those who through in a long passage/text of Japanese or English, hoping that someone will translate it for them. In Japanese, this act is known as "Marunage". It is astonishing that there are even people who do this Marunage repeatedly and continuously. I am in no position to criticize such people who routinely do Marunage, and in deed, there is always a generous, saintly person who responds to the requests. The truth is, however, that those throwing in Marunage questions are academic losers and those answering them, are the winners.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    1 Because they could create a good public image for themselves. 2 Because the design of seatbelts is not very important for selling cars. 3 Because it does not have any rhythm. 4 You may answer, “No, that one doesn’t, but the one next to it does.” 5 We do this because although the tooth is physically close to us, it is psychologically closer to the dentist when he is examining it.

  • 英文の日本語訳について教えてください

    今、とある長文を訳しているのですが、少しずつ訳すことの出来ない場所があるので、訳していただけるとありがたいです。 文が全然繋がっていないので訳しにくいとは思いますが、よろしくお願いします。 We would like to celebrate her retirement and her contribution to the company. We would like to take this opportunity to present Ms. Muller with a gift that will remind her of us for quite some time. So at some point in time, people are going to hesitate to hire the job hopper as they don't expect that person to stick arounnd for liog. Others choose to change jobs when they receive better offers, when they're forced to do so because they've moved to another location or have been affected by some change in their personal lives. The thing about changing jobs is that it could backfire if the timing is not right, and you could end up in a less desirable position than the one you were in before. よろしくお願い致します。

  • 日本語訳お願いします

    アメリカの方と英語でメールのやり取りをしるんですが、どうしても意味が分からない文章があったので、日本語訳お願いします!! "but I do not want them to feel that is the only reason we are friends for I enjoy their company. So this is hard for me.... " 上の文です。よろしくお願いします!

  • 少し難しいかもですが、日本語への訳をお願いします

    If the person is able to drink liquids, have them drink cool water or other cool beverages that do not contain alcohol or caffeine. Monitor body temperature with a thermometer and continue cooling efforts until the body temperature drops to 101 to 102 F (38.3 to 38.8 C). Always notify emergency services (911) immediately. If their arrival is delayed, they can give you further instructions for treatment of the victim. 長い文であり、医療用語も含まれていると思いますが、日本語への訳をよろしくお願いします(^_^;)