• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の日本語訳について教えてください)


  • 英文の日本語訳に関する質問
  • 少し難しい文を訳すのが困難
  • 転職はタイミング次第で望ましくない結果になることもある


  • ベストアンサー

>We would like to celebrate her retirement and her contribution to the company. 「我々は(ミュラーさんの)退職と、これまでの社への貢献を祝したいと思います。」 >We would like to take this opportunity to present Ms. Muller with a gift that will remind her of us for quite some time. 「ミュラーさんに今後も長く我々のことを覚えていてもらえるよう、この機会に記念品を贈呈したいと思います。」 >So at some point in time, people are going to hesitate to hire the job hopper as they don't expect that person to stick arounnd for liog. 「それで、やがてある時点で、職を転々とする人がじっと留まってくれそうにないと思い始め、そういう人を雇うことをためらうようになるでしょう。」 >Others choose to change jobs when they receive better offers, when they're forced to do so because they've moved to another location or have been affected by some change in their personal lives. 「そうでない人はもっと有利なオファーを受けたら、別の立場へと移ったり、個々人に根差す人生での何らかの変化に影響されたことがあるので、そちらへの転職を選びます。」 >The thing about changing jobs is that it could backfire if the timing is not right, and you could end up in a less desirable position than the one you were in before. 「転職にまつわる真実は、もし時機を誤ると当てが外れ、以前と比べて期待外れの地位しか得られないということです。」


その他の回答 (1)


ミス・ムラーさんのこれまでの会社に対する功績に感謝し、今回の退職をお祝いしたいと思います。 ミス・ムラーさんには、私たちからささやかな贈り物をお贈りしたいと思います。この贈り物で、ミス・ムラーさんは私たちのことを永く記憶にとどめてくださることでしょう。 人は誰でも、転々と職を変える人を良くは思いません。一緒に長く仕事をやってくれないんじゃないかという不安があるからです。 一方で、よりよい条件を求めて自ら積極的に職を変える人も少なくありません。しかしそうした場合は、離れた勤務地に行かなければならなかったり、人生に何かしらの影響を与えてしまう場合もあります。 職を変えるときに考えておかないといけないのは、もしそのタイミングを間違うと逆の結果を招いたり、前職よりも低いポジションに就くことを余儀なくされる場合もある、ということです。



ありがとうございました! 本当に助かりました! ベストアンサーはランダムで選ばせて頂きました!



  • 英文と日本語訳があります。日本語訳は正しいですか?

    Americans in Japan often complain that they become claustrophobic in the small apartments that their Japanese counterparts live in. One young American, whom we will call Robert, said that after living in a small Japanese apartment for some time, he moved to an apartment with four rooms just so that he could "run through the rooms." 日本語訳 日本にいるアメリカ人は、自分たちと同等の日本人が住んでいる小さなアパートだと閉所恐怖症になるよと頻繁に訴えます。一人の若いアメリカ人、ここではロバートと呼びますが、彼はしばらくの間小さな日本式アパートに住んだのち、まさには「部屋の中を走れるように」ことができる4部屋あるアパートに引っ越しました。

  • 英文を日本語訳に

    In 1999, she made her big screen debut by playing the lead in I Love You. Since she had no training to be an actor, Akiko had a hard time at first. Once, she cried so much during rehearsals thet she could not shed a tear during the actual shooting. Shortly after her debut, some children studying at a school for dear people asked if they , too, could be actors 明日までにこの宿題を提出しなくてなりません。 誰か日本語訳にしてください。 お願いします。 (翻訳サイトを使ってみましたけど、変な日本語になって理解できませんでした。たぶん自分の使っているサイトがダメだったのかな…)

  • 日本語訳を! 5-(7)

    お願いします。 (18) Abydos wasn't the only sacred site. There were many others throughout Egypt. Some temples were mortuary temples for dead kings, and others were built to honor a particular god. Some, like Abydos, were both. Abydos honored Osiris, and because Osiris was the King of the Dead, it also became an important burial ground. (19) For Egyptians, the stories about the gods were comforting and provided guidance in a world that was unpredictable and governed by forces they didn't understand. Horus watched over them in this life. Osiris watched over them in death. When their world was in turmoil, they believed it was Seth fighting with Horus that created the chaos. When all was well, they were sure that Horus had won the battle. They believed that one day Horus would defeat Seth in a smashing final combat. Then Osiris would be able to return to the world of the living and all sorrow would end. Until then, it was a god-eat-god world.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Time travel poses, however, all sorts of problems, logical, social, and technical. The most difficult one is the so-called“grandfather paradox”:what happens if we travel back in time and kill our own grandparents or parents before we are born? This is a logical impossibility because it implies that we would not have been born and thus could not have gone back in time to commit the murder. Difficult as it may sound, there are, however, ways to resolve this paradox. First, perhaps, you simply repeat past history when you go back in time, therefore fulfilling the past. In this case, you have absolutely no free will and are forced to complete the past as you know it. Second, you have free will, so you can change the past but within limits. Your free will is not allowed to create a time paradox. Whenever you try to kill your parents before you are born, a mysterious force prevents you from actually doing this. Third, the universe splits into two universes. On one time line, the people whom you killed look just like your parents, but they are different because you are now in a parallel universe. This latter possibility, which is also explored in the famous Hollywood movie Back to the Future, seems to be consistent with the quantum theory.

  • 日本語訳を! 3-(3)

    お願いします。  There are challenges to living in a country that is mostly desert. By the time the Old Kingdom rolled around, about 2700 BCE, Egyptians were up to meeting those challenges―the most obvious would concern water. Although the derert continually tried to push in on the farmland along the edge of the Nile, the Egyptians had learned how to push back. They coaxed the waters of the Nile inland, filling the buckets of their shadufs and emptying them into channels they had dug through their gardens. Not only were they irrigating their farmlands, they were expanding them. Farmers grew more food than the people could possibly eat. The king's granaries filled. The government organized and financed massive irrigation projects. When you grow more food than you can possibly eat you are left with something to trade with other nations―grain. What Egyptians didn't have they could now get through trade.  A challenge less obvious to those nnt used to surviving in a desert environment is the lack of wood. There are no tall trees in a desert. Actually, there are no trees at all, with the exception of what grew right along the edge of the Nile and in the occasional oasis. Egyptians needed wood―a lot of wood―especially for boats and coffins. They had their eye on the cedar that grew to the northeast, in the land that we now call Lebanon. It was ideal for both boats and coffins because cedar resists rot, and a rotting boat or a rotting coffin can be a problem. And so it began―we've got grain, we need wood, you've got wood, you need grain, let's trade. It was not much different, in principle, from trading baseball cards.

  • 日本語訳を!c10-1

    お願いします! “Like a bronze city,surpassing all other rivers and waters,pure in her course from the mountains to the sea”is how the Saraswati River is described in ancient South Asian scripture called the Rig Veda.And yet 100 years ago,historians didn't know anything about the river.That's because in about 1900 BCE,the Saraswati River was beginning to dry up.What was a farmer to do? During the Late Harappan period,from 1900 to 1,000 BCE,many people,confused and frightened by the change in the land they knew so well and desperate for food and water,packed up what was left of their shriveled farms and moved to the cities on the Indus and Ravi Rivers or new farmlands in the Ganga plain. Soon the countryside was no longer good for farmers because the rivers had dried up.Even more people poured into the cities,which were full to overflowing.Looking for safety and shelter,the new immigrants built shacks anywhere they could find a corner find a corner to call their own.When the cornerr were gone,they started building shacks in the middle of the street.The government could not keep up with the overcrowding,and garbage began to build up in the streets. At about the same time,just after 1900 BCE,merchants stopped traveling to distant places to find precious goods such as turquoise,lapis lazuli,and carnelian to bring to the city to sell.Craftsmen began making glassy faience that looked like turquoise,lapis lazuli,and red carnelian for customers who could no longer find the real thing.These lookalikes were so good that they sometimes fooled even modern archaeologists until the“stones”were examined under a microscope.In time the craftmen learned how to make true glass that could be colored the reddish brown of carnelian and the black and white of agates,the stone that marbles are made from.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (10) Aulus Gellius, a Roman lawyer of the second century CE, writes about Vesta's priestesses. A girl chosen to be a Vestal Virgin must...be no younger than six and no older than ten years old.... As soon as a girl is chosen, she is taken to the House of Vesta and handed over to the priests. She immediately leaves her father's control. (11) The chief duty of the Vestal Virgins was to keep Vesta's flame burning. If the flame went out, it meant that one of the Vestal Virgins had been careless in her sacred duties or had broken her vow of chastity. Either way, the Romans believed that the city was in great danger and could be destroyed. They dressed the offending priestess in funeral clothes and carried her to an underground cell, leaving her to die. (12) The earliest Romans were farmers who saw the gods in all the forces of nature. They believed that gods ruled the sun, the moon, and the planets and that gods lived within the trees, in wind, and in rivers. These early, simple beliefs played a part in Rome's later religion as well. But as Rome became more connected with other peoples through war and trade, its religion became more complex. (13) The Romans were as quick to borrow language and inventions. If they encountered a new god that they thought might be useful, they adopted him or her. For example, when the Romans attacked the Etruscan city of Veii in 396 BCE, they begged Juno, their enemy's goddess, to help them in battle. “To you, Juno Regina, who now lives in Veii, I pray that after our victory you will accompany us to our city─soon to be your city─to be received in a temple worthy of your greatness.” When the Romans conquered Veii, they assumed that Juno had helped them. To thank the goddess, they built a temple in her honor in Rome.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (15) Ptolemy's death left Cleopatra alone on the throne, but only for a little while. She had to marry another brother in order to pacify the priests and government officials of Alexandria. This brother, her second consort, was also named Ptolemy─Ptolemy XIV. (16) Most historians agree that Caesar planned to place Cleopatra on the throne of Egypt. But scholars disagree about why. Was he in love with hir? Or did he just believe that he could control her...that she would be a useful puppet-queen for Rome? No one knows. (17) When Caesar returned to Rome in 46 BCE, Cleopatra followed him. Even though he already had a wife, the dictator kept Cleopatra and their infant son, Caesarion, in another home. There, she lived in great luxury and, one way or another, managed to offend almost everyone in Rome. (18) The assassination of Caesar two years later left Cleopatra in danger. She knew that no one in Rome would defend her, so she sailed back to Alexandria, taking Caesarion with her. Once there, she arranged for her brother, Ptolemy XIV, to be assassinated. She made young Caesarion her new co-ruler. (19) Cleopatra found Egypt in a bad state, weakened by drought and years of poor harvests. The people were hungry, but the royal treasury was nearly empty. Cleopatra knew that she must connect herself to a source of power. And power, in 41 BCE, meant Rome. So when Mark Antony invited her to meet him in Tarsus (an ancient city in what is now Turkey), she accepted. Even though her country was teetering on the edge of financial collapse, she put on an extravagant show to impress and woo him. Plutarch describes how she sailed up the...river in a flat-bottomed boat...with its purple sails outstretched, pulled by silver oars.... She herself reclined under a gold-embroidered awning, dressed like Venus.... Her slaves, dressed as cupids, fanned her on each side.

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。日本語訳は正しいですか?

    Many Westerners, on the other hand, would find it hard to understand why some Japanese spend the equ ivalent of up to one or two years' income on a car that they spend more time polishing than driving. For the same reason, they cannot understand how young women in their twenties spend thousands of dollars on vacations abroad where they buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of clothes, bags, shoes, and accessories "because they are so cheap." They would be even more surprised if they found out that many of these same people live in tiny apartments or in the same house as their parents. It all depends on what people value. 日本語訳 どうして、日本人の中には1年分か2年分もの収入に相当するお金を運転するよりも磨くことに時間を費やす車に使う人がいるのか理解しがたいと感じるだろう。 同じ理由で、二十代の若い女性に、どうして、”とても安いからと言う理由で”、数万ドルの衣類・バッグ・靴・アクセサリーを買う海外でのバケーションに多額のお金を費やすのか、理解できない。 もし同じ彼らの多くが小さなアパートに住み、あるいは彼らの両親と同じ家で暮らしている事を知れば、彼らは一層驚きさえするだろう。それはすべて人々の価値観次第のことである。

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップでバッグを購入予定です。そこはオリジナルバッグを作ってくるお店です。 制作してくれますか?と質問したら返事がきたんですが、どうやら業者専用の内容です。 すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 For Japan distributorship I think it would be best to discuss in person, I have spoken with our Executives and they also agree that we should meet here at the office to discuss further. We would like to hear what you have in plans, a business plan and any additional information will be helpful at the meeting for consideration. We will meet others to consider distributorship for Japan as well but we would prefer to work with companies that we’re currently working with like yourself. The time period for this will be from August 18-28th so if you would like to be considered for Distributorship, please let me know when you will be able to arrange a visit to our office. At which time we will further discuss the promotional bag. Please let me know what you would like to do.

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