• ベストアンサー



  • sknuuu
  • ベストアンサー率43% (408/934)

直訳「・・・ただし、その時点までに、指名(任命)による役職(もしくは地位等)が確定している人に対して」 全従業員が昇給するのでしょうが、4/1までに確定した次のポスト等に応じての支払いをするのであって、4/1以降に確定したものについては、来年の昇給になるはずです



役職が確定している、という意味になるのですね。confirmの意味は場合により変わるので難しいですね。 ありがとうございました!


  • 英文の邦訳

    An employee benefit plan as defined in Section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 1001et seq. (“ERISA”) that is subject to the provisions of ERISA, or any such plan that is not subject to ERISA that is maintained primarily for the benefit of the employees of a state or local government or instrumentality, or an endowment fund; 上記英文で,特に, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 1001et seq. (“ERISA”) 前後の文脈が判然としません。 英訳を宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文中の as の意味

    Last April, Jettizon management determined that it was necessary to migrate to a new e-mail system.The Jettizon team completed the transition yesterday.There may, however, be minor delays in response times as our employees become familiar with the new system. 上記の as はどういう意味なのでしょうか。「新しいメールシステムに移行したがレスポンスにちょっと遅れが生じるかもしれない。従業員が慣れる「まで」」 といった感じになるのでしょうか? お手数ですがご教示いただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    どうしてもLAのサイトのナイキシューズが欲しくて色々見ていたんですが注意書き見たいのところに下記のような文章がありました。これって業者用でしょうか?すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I just want to show you what we have available in LA NOW. You can order your qty from this and we can ship to you fast from LA. By doing so, you can continue to carry NIKE until you receive the new 2017 collection. One of our distributors could not take because he is having issues with importation process. Please review and let me know.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    仕事の取引先から会社に連絡がありました。どうやら本社に来てください!ってメールなんですがちょっと大事なメールですので正確な意味が知りたいです。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 We’re having our 2nd Annual AAA Distributor’s Conference next month. Since you showed interest, we’re extending this invite to you, so if you’re still interested in becoming a distributor for Japan this will be a good time to discuss all matters. This meeting will take place here at our corporate office in Los Angeles, you will need plan for two days for the week of October 6~10th but preferably October 7th, if possible. All AAA distributors will be coming in this week to discuss the current/future of AAA and address all questions that you may have with our CEO and upper management. For this conference we will be extending your accommodations for 2 night stay at a hotel nearby our corporate office so please let me know if you’re interested and I will arrange the details with you. Thanks and look forward to hear from you.

  • 英語のemailが届いたのですが(ネットショップより)英文の意味がよく分かりません

    はじめまして。 ネットで買い物をしました。 商品が未だ届かず、このメールが届いたのですが文章の意味がよく分かりません。 「受注はしたけど、発送はまだです」という意味だと思い、そのままにしていましたが、このメールに発送方法の返信をしなければならなかったのか、また何について返事をしなければならないのか、教えて頂けましたら本当に感謝です。申し訳ありませんが宜しくお願い致します・・・ Your order information appears below. This email confirms that we have received your order; however, it does not confirm shipment. You will receive an additional email upon shipment of your order, which is subject to availability. If you need to get in touch with us concerning your order, send an e-mail message or call us. To assist us in providing the best customer service to you, please include your order number and billing address on all correspondence.

  • ショップよりemailが届いたのですが英文がよく分かりません

    はじめまして。 ネットでショッピングをしました。 商品が未だ届かず、このメールが届いたのですが文章の意味がよく分かりません。 「受注はしたけど、発送はまだです」という意味だと思い、そのままにしていましたが、このメールに発送方法の返信をしなければならなかったのか、何か問題があるのか、教えて頂けましたら本当に感謝です。申し訳ありませんが宜しくお願い致します。 Your order information appears below. This email confirms that we have received your order; however, it does not confirm shipment. You will receive an additional email upon shipment of your order, which is subject to availability. If you need to get in touch with us concerning your order, send an e-mail message or call us. To assist us in providing the best customer service to you, please include your order number and billing address on all correspondence.

  • 証券英語(General Mandateなどの意味)

    海外の証券市場での上場に関してのルールからの抜粋です。もし、わかる人がいれば教えてください。辞書で調べてものっていなかったので質問させてください。 単語の意味だけでいいです。 1.General Mandate 2.a very substantial acquisition 1は株主総会の決議事項 2は友好的買収 と思いますが、2はなんでa veryがくっついているんだろう。 General mandate (1) Subject to Rule 803, approval by an issuer's shareholders under Rule 805(1) is not required if shareholders had, by resolution in a general meeting, given a general mandate to the directors of the issuer, either unconditionally or on such conditions to issue: very substantial acquisition A full sponsor, in preparing a listing applicant for admission or advising an issuer in a very substantial acquisition or reverse takeover, must be satisfied that, having made reasonable due diligence enquiries and having considered all relevant matters,

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I am 14 years old and facing a dilemma. My father isn't particularly religious, but my mother is a strict Catholic, and my older sister and brother have been confirmed. I have another six months before I am expected to go through the process of confirmation. I do not want to do this. But as the time approaches, my mother has become increasingly forceful on the subject. I do not share my mother's beliefs, although I do believe in God. My father supports my choice, and I've tried to explain it to my mother, but she won't have any of it. she won't have any of it.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • ebayで購入後の英文について.....

    ebayでの支払い後にこんな英文が送られてきました この内容で送りますよと、言う確認のメールなのかなと思い、放置しておりましたが もう一度同じ内容のメールが送られてきたので 質問させてください どの様な意味なのでしょうか... ? Dear 名前 Thanks for your purchase of HTC Titan Mango Phone We have received your payment via Paypal today. Thanks for your kindly and prompt assistance. We need you to provide us your detailed shipping information. In order to make you receive this product sooner and without any delivery problem. We will arrange the shipment of this product after we receive your confirmed shipping information. Following is your shipping address, please confirm. Address: 私の住所 EMS Post office will require your contact number in case you are not available, they can still reach you. Please provide us your telephone number and we will provide this information on shipping document. Looking forward to hearing from you soon Thank you very much. Best Regards. Eason Customer Service Department. Yupitek International Ltd. Tel: +886-988-087-740 Skype : goolai QQ : 2558322318 eBay Store : http://stores.ebay.com/ - 相手のid

  • The performance review cycle

    宜しく御願いします。 表題のThe performance review cycleとは、どのような物なのでしょうか? また、以下の文のThe performance review cycleは同じ意味なのでようか。 The performance review cycle begins in January, when employees decide on their performance targets for the year. What is the time period for performance review? The Performance Review cycle is on a calendar year, January 1 through December 31. The annual reviews are conducted between January and March for work performed in the previous calendar year.