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  • ベストアンサー

こんにちは。こういう専門的内容は英語の理解もさることながら、専門的内容がわかるかどうかが意味が取れるかどうかに決定的に影響するので、質問先として英語カテゴリよりその分野(生物学?化学?)で聞かれたほうが自信を持って答えていただけると思いますよ。 さて、かくいう私も内容についてまったくわかりませんし、この文章の分野の専門用語の訳語もさっぱりわかりませんが、せっかくですのでトライしてみます。 Our understanding of the genetic coding and of the sesquiterpene synthase involved in the Mg-dependent conversion of farnesyl diphosphate to germacradienol was further advanced by two recent independent studies. ファルネシル2リン酸からゲルマクラディエノールへのマグネシウム依存性の変換に関与している、遺伝暗号化とセスキテルペン合成酵素についての私たちの理解は、近年互いに独立に行われたふたつの研究によっていっそう促進された。 てな感じでしょうか。 「germacradienol の読み」ですが、 カタカナ書きの仕方は、「ゲルマクラディエノール」で検索するといくつか出てくるので、そういう表記がされることがあるのでしょう。 この単語の英語としての発音を記したページは、ネットでちょこっと検索しても出てきませんが、ぱっと見た感じだけで言えば「ジャーマクラダイエノール」とかなんとか読みそうですね。 以上お役に立つかどうかわかりませんが。





  • 和訳してください

    Using our eyes to explore and make sense of data isn't entirely new but it(*2) had limited application until two conditons(*3) came together in recent history to make modern information visualization possible : graphics-capable computers and lots of readily accessible data. 1) 和訳してください 2) (*2)it = using our eyes でしょうか? 3) (*3)two conditons = graphics-capable computer and lots of readily accessible data でしょうか?

  • 和訳おねがいします。

    和訳をお願いします。 for whom the bell tolls Understanding the global marketplace is only one reason why people study economics. Somepeople study economics becauce they hope to make money. Others worry that they will be illiterate if they cannot understand the laws of suppy and demand. People are also concerned to learn about how we can improve our environment or why countries like Russia and China are moving from a planned to a market economy よろしくおねがいします。

  • 和訳をお願いします(ーωー)

    Police might soon be able to tell the eye colour of criminals from DNA recovered from crime scenes, thanks to a new genetic study. A team of scientists led by Manfred Kayser, of Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam, has developed a method that predicts eye colour with unprecedented accuracy. The method could also be used on ancient DNA to profile early modern humans or even Neanderthals. And as eye colour is determined by many genes, the work also raises hopes for predictive genetic tests for diseases that are influenced by numerous genes, such as heart disease. Kayser's team looked at DNA from more than 6,000, Dutch Europeans from Rotterdam. About 68% of these people had blue eyes, whereas around 23% had brown eyes. The researchers focused on eight genes known to be associated with eye colour. These genes code for proteins involved in the production or distribution of the iris, skin, and the hair pigments eumelanin and pheomelanin. The strongest effect on eye colour is determined by two adjacent genes, OCA2 and HERC2, on chromosome 15, but these don't paint the full picture. Kayser's team zeroed in on 37 sites of genetic variation in the eight genes. These sites — called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) — are points where one of the four letters in the DNA code of chemical bases is substituted for another. よろしくお願いしますorz

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The following morning, the Germans were subjected to an additional 45 minutes of heavy artillery bombardment, before the assaulting troops advanced behind a generated smoke screen. The Germans are believed to have been taken largely by surprise as they offered little resistance and the Canadians were able to take approximately 200 prisoners. With the exception of the trenches at Hooge, the Germans fell back to their original lines and in a little over an hour the assault was over. On 14 June, the Germans launched two counterattacks which were repulsed, after which they advanced their trench to within 150 metres (490 ft) of the Canadians but made no further assaults.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    As scientists slowly but surely unlock the mysteries of the brain, they are helping us find solutions for many of our most serious behavioral and social problems. Here are a few recent examples of neuroscience in action. It happens to all of us. As we perform a monotonous task, our brains seem to slow down and we become increasingly prone to making mistakes. Well, it turns out that such tasks actually do numb the brain and make it easier for us to slip up. A recent Norwegian brain-imaging study has found that while we are doing dull, repetitive chores, blood flows into the part of the brain that is more active during states of rest, including sleep. The researchers also found that this usually happens about 30 seconds before we make a mistake. This raises the possibility that workers could somehow be alerted before they make a mistake, thereby improving workplace performance and safety. Another interesting brain-scan study using MRI technology was conducted at Baylor University in Texas. The results show that a baby`s smile actually activates the part of a mother`s brain associated with emotional reward and well-being.

  • 和訳添削願い

    和訳してみたものの上手く訳すことができず、日本語として理解し難い訳になってしましました。和訳を添削していただけると助かります。よろしくお願いします。 We believe that this is partly due to the research tradition of empirical studies that does not treat the attribute-variable like gender as a causal variable. 私たちは、因果変数としてのジェンダーのような属性変数は部分的には、伝統的な実証研究では扱われていないと信じている。 Most empirical tests generally control the gender factor statically, and have not gone further to identify the differences when testing mass media effects. おおよその実証研究は、一般的にジェンダー変数を統計的にコントロール(統制)しており、マスメディア効果を検証するときに、差異を明らかにするためには使われていない。 We agree that there is a limitation on putting a gender variable into the simple causal model. ジェンダー変数を単純な因果モデルに入れるのは制限があることは同意する。 Yet, in this study, our premise is that the process of identifying mass media effects needs to determine the role of the variable “gender”, and if this variable indeed produces any difference in our independent, mediate and dependent variables. しかし、この研究において、私たちの前提は、マスメディア効果を特定する過程はジェンダー変数の役割を測定する必要があり、独立、媒介、従属変数において、この変数が差異を生み出すかどうかも測定する必要がある。 That is, if gender is somehow related to the core variables of communication effects gap hypothesis, such as education, media use, political knowledge and participation, we need to clarify the additional intervening role of gender before generalizing the media effects. つまり、もしジェンダーギャップが、教育、メディア利用、政治知識や参加などのコミュニケーション効果ギャップ仮説の主要な変数といくらか関係しているのなら、メディア効果を一般化する前に、私たちは ジェンダーの新たな干渉的な役割を明確にする必要がある。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    “Unlike previous investigations, we were able to assess association of consumption of caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages, and we identify caffeine as the most likely candidate of any putative protective effect of coffee,” said lead researcher Michel Lucas, research fellow in the Department of Nutrition at HSPH. The authors reviewed data from three large U.S. studies and found that the risk of suicide for adults who drank two to four cups of caffeinated coffee per day was about half that of those who drank decaffeinated coffee or very little or no coffee. Caffeine not only stimulates the central nervous system but may act as a mild antidepressant by boosting production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. This could explain the lower risk of depression among coffee drinkers that had been found in past epidemiological studies, the researchers reported. In the new study, researchers examined data on 43,599 men enrolled in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS) (1988–2008), 73,820 women in the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) (1992–2008), and 91,005 women in the Nurses’ Health Study II (NHSII) (1993–2007). Caffeine, coffee, and decaffeinated coffee intake was assessed every four years by questionnaires. Caffeine consumption was calculated from coffee and other sources, including tea, caffeinated soft drinks, and chocolate. However, coffee was the major caffeine source — 80 percent for NHS, 71 percent for NHS II, and 79 percent for HPFS. Among the participants in the three studies, there were 277 deaths from suicide. In spite of the findings, the authors do not recommend that depressed adults increase caffeine consumption, because most individuals adjust their caffeine intake to an optimal level for them and an increase could result in unpleasant side effects. “Overall, our results suggest that there is little further benefit for consumption above two to three cups/day or 400 mg of caffeine/day,” the authors wrote. The researchers did not observe any major difference in risk between those who drank two to three cups of coffee per day and those who had four or more cups a day, most likely due to the small number of suicide cases in these categories. However, in a previous HSPH coffee-depression study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the investigators observed a maximal effect among those who drank four or more cups per day. One large Finnish study showed a higher risk of suicide among people drinking eight or nine cups per day. Few participants in the two HSPH studies drank such large amounts of coffee, so the studies did not address the impact of six or more cups of coffee per day.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) It's been said that man stands alone because he alone stands. To put it another way, the first great step for mankind was the first bipedal step taken by our remote ( 1 ). The moment we started walking on our hind legs we freed our front legs to become our grasping, manipulative hands. And with tool-making hands we conquered the world. So we owe a great debt to our feet and should cherish them as one of the most important parts of our anatomy. But what a pity, we ( 2 ) do this. Instead we abuse them horribly. We sentence them to spend two-thirds of their life inside leather cells. We force them to walk on hard, tiring surfaces. And we completely ignore their health and well-being until they are in serious trouble and send out pain signals we can ( 3 ) ignore. The reason for this is we look down on them literally. They are too far away from our specialized sense organs. If we could examine them as ( 4 ) as we study our hands, we would take more care of them. But they are at the far end of the body, and most of the time they hardly rate a passing thought.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    This study was designed to discern whether reluctance to waste, perceived progress, or both explanations jointly are responsible for observed endowed progress effects. Method Subjects. Participants were 146 undergraduate business students at a major West Coast university who participated in this along with several other studies for course credit. Stimuli and Design. The design was a 2 (progress: onethird or one-sixth complete)#2 (endowment value: $12.50 or $30.00) between-subjects, full-factorial design with a separate control condition. To disentangle the competing explanations of wasted investment versus perceived progress, our design specifies a dollar value for the endowed progress. Participants in this study completed a scenario-based, paper-and-pencil study. The study explained that a popular restaurant on campus was considering instituting a frequent buyer program. This study captures the essential decision making that likely occurs when consumers are confronted with enrolling in a frequency program, whether it requires signing up or just keeping the loyalty card in one’s wallet. In the control surveys, customers had to purchases 10 lunches in order to earn a free lunch of identical value. Customers had not yet made any purchases, such that there was no progress toward their goal, real or perceived. There were four such scenarios that differed only in the required cost of each purchase ($2.50, $6.00, $6.25, or $15.00). These studies provided a baseline measure. In the four scenarios that comprised the test conditions or cells, the amount of purchases required, the size of the endowment, and the cost of each purchase were each varied in order to manipulate perceived progress and endowment value simultaneously. In two scenarios, participants were told that because they were first-time patrons they would receive two of 12 credits toward the reward (each credit worth the equivalent of one purchase in dollars), and, in the other two scenarios, they were told they would receive five of 15 credits, such that they were endowed with progress of one-sixth or one-third, respectively. These endowments manipulate the fraction of the task yet to complete; in the former, five-sixths must still be completed, and in the latter, only four-sixths remain. The dollar amount of a purchase varied and was crossed such that the total dollar value of the endowment was either $12.50 or $30.00 (5#$2.50 p 2#$6.25 p $12.50, 5#$6.00 p 2#$15.00 p $30.00). See table 1 for a detailed summary of the design. Respondents were then asked how likely they would be to register for the program, how attractive they thought the program would be to diners, and how likely they would be to earn the reward on a nine-point scale. These measures served as the dependent variable.

  • thatの働き

    こんばんは。thatの働きに関する質問です。 The picture might be worth a thousand words when describing a particular tree or species of tree,but it is worth little in terms of understanding that there is a category of things in nature called "trees"―a category that exists in our minds independent of any particular real tree or species of trees. …understanding that there…のthatはどういう働きをしているのでしょうか。