• 締切済み



  • lisa6708
  • ベストアンサー率30% (100/330)

少し単語のスペルミスがあります。 Do you have a jewelry story,design, trend,or other industry news to share with our readers 我々の読者にお知らせする、宝石の物語、デザイン、トレンド、或いはその他製造に関するニュースなどありますか?


  • 次の英語を日本語に翻訳して下さい。

    Although I want to be with you in Japan, I am scared about it. You said that the police would arrest you quickly and that worries me. If you get arrested and I live in Japan with you, what can I do? Where do I go? The thought that I may have to be alone and have no where to go scares me. Your parents do not like me, so I can't get help from them. This scares me very much. If we had children and the police arrested you, I would be alone with no one to help me. I am so scared by that thought. Also, during our whole relationship your anger has scared me. You are not a bad man, I know why you have become angry. But I am someone that cannot deal with anger well. I have bad panic attacks when you do become angry and become unable to talk with you. I am not calling you a bad person, you are a wonderful man. I just think our personalities do not react well. I know there is a woman out there that will compliment your personality better, a woman who does not panic when a problem happens. I just don't think our personalities go well together. I cause you to become angry easily and we both become hurt. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I am not blaming you or calling you a bad person. We both have our problems equally. When you become angry, I get very scared and stressed. Both of our personalities do not work well together. You deserve a woman that will not make you angry. I'm unsure what to say, do, or think. I just do not know anymore. I really hope you find a woman that works better with you. You deserve it. I think this is for the best. I am sorry I have been quiet lately, I have been thinking about this a lot.

  • 英語の翻訳で分からない所があります

    宿題で出た英文の "To sweep under the rug what we don't like, what does not serve our tactical purpose, is a sing of weakness." "It has been a privilege to have served with you, to have learned from you, to have had fun with you." この英文が日本語で略せません 一文に関しては本当にちんぷんかんぷんです どなたか回答よろしくお願いします

  • 会話文、英語

    英語の会話文で適切な英語の表現を考える問題なのですが、迷っています。 A: Hi, do you have anything specific to do tomorrow? B: Not really. ( ) A: Year, I wonder if you would like to go to see a film or something. Why?系統のもので答えればいいかなぁと思っていたのですが、 解答例はDo you?となっていました。 Year で答えられているので、do you? やdo you have any plan?等で返す方がいいのでしょうか。 特に単語数などの指定もなく困っています。 ご意見をお聞かせください。

  • この英語のメッセージを日本語に訳してもらえますか?

    Not to be rude or a Asshole. but if you have a boyfriend or are sleep with other men out there please get tested before coming? I want to be safe and feel comfortable with you! ニュアンスはわかるのですが、相手の言ってることをちゃんと理解したいのです。 また急にこのメッセージが来たので相手の真意もわかりません。

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    Nice to hear from you! Thank you for your tips for the hostels. I have a (strange) question for you. Is it possible to sleep with you for one or two nights? Tomorrow we are leaving Kyoto by bike and I don't know which hostel to choose. Maybe you're open to keep us one or two nights in our house so we can have some time to search for a good hostel? If you don't feel comfortable with you, just say that and we can find a hostel today.

  • 英語が分からないので教えてください。

    問題文は次の通りです。 Match each statement with an expression that has a similar meaning. 1.Is this a good time to call? 2.Sorry about that. 3.I didn't catch that. 4.Have you got a couple of minutes? 5.I'm beginning to have second thoughts. 6.Your new European team is on top of things. 7.I want to see exactly where we stand. A.Do you have a moment? B.I want to know what our situation is. C.I didn't hear what you said. D.Is it convenient for you to speak now? E.They have everything under control. F.I do apologize. G.I'm starting to have doubts.

  • 英語が得意な方お願いします

    英語学習を始めたばかりのものです。次の( )に当てはまるものを教えて下さい。 1.新商品について  I am writing to let you know that you can now inspect our ne products at our display room at 5450 N. Durance St. If you are unable to visito our display room , you can request a copy of our new (1.brochure /2.illustration/3.production/4.recording) by telephone xxxxxx or email us xxxxx . 2.採用について  Thank you for offering me the position of engineer for DKK Corporation starting on March 10,2005. Unfortunately , on February 25 , I was offeed (1.other positions/2.one onother status/3.other jobs/4.another position) , which I have already accepted. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity you presented me with.

  • 【英語】○○はありますか?

    【英語】○○はありますか? Do you have ○○? ○○の前にaやtheは要らないの? Aという本はありますか? Do you have A book? Do you have a A book? Do you have the A book? 正解はどれですか?

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    翻訳をしていただけたらと思っています。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 In your future life together with this Soul Mate he will be quieter more reserved than you. You will often be the one to starts the conversation, or bring up topics for discussion more than him. But his opinion and advice will be very important to you, and you’ll seek it out. He will be the better educated and more bookish, or intellectual. He will have more know how and will seem to know more than you, or be able to find out more and to supply you with information when you need it for various things. You and he will hardly ever quarrel or be nasty and unpleasant with each other. But there may be many disagreements with those around you. You will always be tactful diplomatic careful and polite and loving with each other. You will have a similar mentality and communication will be one of the great strengths of this relationship.

  • 英語に翻訳お願いします

    Do you want to share house with ◯◯. if no just let me know as other people are getting in touch to ask.Okay. 今現在オーストラリアでシェアハウス探しをしていて、 先日、見学に行った後に送られて来たメールです。 まだ英語になれないため、ちゃんと理解できません。 大事な事なので、しっかり理解して返事したいので、 翻訳よろしくお願いします。