• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:構造がよく分からない英文)



  • ベストアンサー

>1.The battle that he fought at Megiddo against local rebellious Canaanite chiefs during the campaign is the first battle that we know of whose details were written down and made accesible for the edification of those who were not present. 「彼の一連の戦いにおいて、反抗的なカナンの長らに抗したメギドでの戦いは、、我々が知る、その場にいなかった人を啓発するために詳細が記録された、最初の戦いである。」 >that we...... whose details.... down の部分 >  made accesible....... not present の部分です。  thatはthe first battleを先行詞とする関係代名詞で、その後のwhoseも同じです。that以降を先行詞を書き加えて、独立した一文にすると、以下のようになります。 We know of the first battle whose details were written down and made accesible for the edification of those who were not present.  SVOCで整理してみます。 S(We) V(know of) O(S(We) V(know of) O(the first battle whose details were written down and made accesible for the edification of those who were not present).  見やすいよう、know ofを他動詞のように扱って見ました。関係詞節をいくつも含む、非常に長い目的語になっています。were writtenとand madeに注目して、二つに分けてみます。 1.the first battle whose details were written down 2.the first battle whose details were made accesible for the edification of {those ←(who were not present)}  the first battleを二つのwhose関係詞節が修飾しているわけですね。なお、2の関係代名詞節who were not presentは直前のthose(を先行詞としていますpeopleと同じ意味になるthoseの用法、themなどでは関係詞節で修飾できないため使う)。 >2. The textual evidence has added to the details already known from excavations and has allowed archaeologists to reconstruct the world of Bronze Age Greece, just as their colleagues working at sites in Egypt and the Near East have been able to do in those countries, as a consequence of translating texts written in Egyptian, Hittite, and Ahhadian. 「原文(聖書原典?)によるエビデンスが、発掘調査により既に知られていた詳細に加わって、(原文により)考古学者がギリシア青銅時代を再現することができるようになった。それは、くエジプトや近東の遺跡で調査している考古学者チームが現地で今までやれてきたこととまさに同じで、そのエビデンスは古代エジプト語やヒッタイト語やアッカド語(AhhadianはAkkadianの誤記?)で書かれた文書の翻訳の成果となったのである。」 > just as thier colleagues...., as a consequence ... Ahhadian. の部分で > as...., as がどのような構造になっているのでしょう。  as ~ asの構文ではなく、二つが別々に用いられているようです。一つ目は接続詞の「~のように」のasと思われます。justは強調でしょう。 1.just as their colleagues working at sites in Egypt and the Near East have been able to do in those countries  doは主節のadd to the detailsを指しています。発掘調査結果が今までの知見に加わったように、原文のエビデンスも今までの知見に加わった、大意です。  二つ目のasは、前置詞の「~としての」のasでしょう。 2.as a consequence of translating texts written in Egyptian, Hittite, and Ahhadian  このasは主節の主語のThe textual evidenceを受けています。古代語文書の翻訳(成果)としての原文のエビデンス、ということです。



文の構成をスッキリ解説して頂き有難うございました。 ミススペルでした仰る通り、Akkadianでした。 補語を修飾するのに、重なった関係代名詞が出てくるととても苦労します。 また、ASが幾つか出てくると、熟語に思いが行き、接続詞、前置詞のように 独立してうまく考えられませんでした。文脈から適切に判断するべきでしょうが、 何か理解に特効薬はないのでしょうか?長い間、英語を勉強していますが、 この辺の壁がなかなか越えられません。 でもまずは、的確な解説を有難うございました。


  • 英文の構造を教えてください。

    以下の1文なのですが、主語と述語、どの部分がどの部分を修飾しているかなど、 文の構造を教えてください。 The Purchasers to the intent that this covenant shall bind so far as may be property hereby assured into whosesoever hands the same may add to the intent likewise that this covenant may ensure for the benefit of and be annexed immediately after execution of this Deed may remain vested in the Vendor and the Company or either of them and to each and every part of such land taken separately HEREBY COVENANT jointly and severally with the Vendor and as a separate covenant with the company that the Purchasers and their successors in title will at all times hereafter observe and perform the covenants and conditions on the part of the Purchasers contained and set forth in the Second Schedule hereunder written.

  • 英文の書き換え

    the other class of machine consists of those whose function it is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings. タイトルの英文ですが下記のように書き換えられますか? the other class of machine consists of function which is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings.(1) the other class of machine consists of that those function is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings.(2) 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の構造について

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含んでいる箇所はありますか? 誤りは1箇所だけですが、全くない場合もあります。 (1)(1) Blocks and /(2) simple things like dishes and empty boxes/(3) can be/(4) not just/(5) cheaper and /(6) more fun/(7) for youngchildren/(8) to play,/(9)but /(10) more educational. (2)(1)The history of animal species/(2) shows that/(3) the most successful/(4) in the struggle/(5) for survival/(6) has been/(7) those which/(8) were most adaptable/(9) to changes/(10) in their world.

  • 英文の構造と邦訳

    37E xchange Act Rule 1 7A d-8 defines a "securities position listing" as a list of those participants in the clearing agency on whose behalf the clearing agency holds the issuer's securities and of the participant's respective positions in such securities as of a specified date. 上記英文のラストの句,of the participant's respective positions in such securities as of a specified dateが何処に繋がるのかを含めて,ご指導,お訳しをお願い致します。

  • 英文の意味

    It was a matter of amazement to him that a Pope could have so little regard for the friendship of the King of England as to treat him with such a lack of respect, as a man whose desires were of so little consequence. ローマ法王はイギリス王に対して敬意を持って接していないということでしょうか。また、 so little regard … as to treat him の so … as to は She was so kind as to tell me the way. で使われている用法と同じでしょうか。 お手数かけますが、ご教示をよろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The First Transjordan attack on Amman (known to the British as the First Attack on Amman) and to their enemy as the First Battle of the Jordan took place between 21 March and 2 April 1918, as a consequence of the successful Battle of Tell 'Asur which occurred after the Capture of Jericho in February and the Occupation of the Jordan Valley began, during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. During the First Transjordan attack large incursions into Ottoman territory occurred. Firstly the Passage of the Jordan River, was successfully captured between 21 and 23 March, followed by the first occupation of Es Salt in the hills of Moab between 24 and 25 March. The First Battle of Amman took place between 27 and 31 March when the Anzac Mounted Division and the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade (fighting dismounted as infantry) were reinforced by two battalions of 181st Brigade followed by a second two battalions from the 180th Brigade (60th London Division) and artillery. The Fourth Army headquarters located in Amman was strongly garrisoned and during the battle received reinforcements on the Hejaz railway, the strength of which eventually forced the attacking force to retire back to the Jordan Valley between 31 March and 2 April. The Jordan Valley would continue to be occupied by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) through the summer until the middle of September 1918 when the Battle of Megiddo began. During the winter of 1917/1918, the considerable territorial gains by the EEF as a consequence of victories at the Battle of Mughar Ridge in November and the Battle of Jerusalem in December, from the Gaza–Beersheba line to the Jaffa–Jerusalem line, were consolidated. The front line was adjusted in February 1918 when the right flank of the Jaffa–Jerusalem line was secured by the capture of land to the east of Jerusalem and down into the Jordan Valley to Jericho and the Dead Sea. The Capture of Jericho was also a necessary precursor, along with the Action of Tell 'Asur, and advances by Allenby's force across the Jordan River and into the hills of Moab towards Es Salt and Amman.

  • 英文の構造を教えてください

    Your own thought in regard to anything that(このthatはthe thought) you have to do , is thus often better than that of the companion whose advice you seek. is thus often better than that of the companion whose advice you seek のところの訳が、あなたが忠告を求める友人の考えよりもすぐれていることが多いいのである。 で、構造を自分的に解釈すると、that (このthat はthe thought )of the companion その仲間の考え whose (先行詞はcompanion ) advice you seek  あなたが求めている仲間の忠告  となり、あわせると変な日本語になってしまいます。 どう解釈したら、訳のような日本語になるのでしょうか?

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    以下の文章です。 It is, of course, true that the emancipation of Asia and Africa and the development of the European crisis went hand in hand. Among the factors which facilitated the rise of independence movements in Asia and Africa, we must include the weakening of the grip of the European powers, Iargely as a consequence of their own discords and rivalries and of the wastage of resources in which their wars resulted. From the time of the First World War the incipient nationalist movements in the non-European world profited and the sudden collapse of the European empires after 1947 was to a large extent a consequence of external pressures and of the impact of world politics. In Asia neither the British nor the French nor the Dutch ever recovered from the blows inflicted by japan between 1941 and 1945; while in Africa and the Middle East they were checked and forced into retreat by pressures from the United States-acting directly and through the United Nations-which had a strong anti-colonial tradition of its own and was unwilling to stand aside while colonialism drove the peoples of Asia and Africa over to the side of the Soviet Union. Nationalism came to Asia a century later than it came to Europe and to black Africa fifty years later than to Asia. Two external events in the early years of the twentieth century were a powerful stimulus in its rise. The first was the victory of Japan over Russia in the war of 1904-5ー a victory hailed by dependent peoples everywhere as a blow to European ascendancy and proof that European arms were not invincible. Its impact was redoubled when, ten years later,the Japanese defeated the Germans in Shantung; and the successful campaigns of Kemal Ataturk against France in 1920 and Greece in 1922 were greeted in the same way as Asian victories over western military power. The second event was the Russian revolution of 1905ーa revolution which produced scarcely an echo in Europe but which, seen as a struggle for liberation from despotism, had an electrifying effect throughout Asia. The wave of unrest extended as far as Vietnam, and its impact, in sparking off the Persian revolution of 1906, the Turkish revolution of 1908 and the Chinese revolution of 1911, and in the new impetus it gave to the Indian Congress movement in 1907, was such that its consequences in Asia have been compared with those of the French revolution of 1789 in Europe.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The captured ground was hard to move over and difficult to defend, as much of it was of the shell-torn wilderness left by the 1916 Battle of the Somme. Elsewhere the transport infrastructure had been demolished and wells poisoned during the German retreat to the Hindenburg Line in March 1917. The initial German jubilation at the successful opening of the offensive soon turned to disappointment as it became clear that the attack had not been decisive. Marix Evans wrote in 2002, that the magnitude of the Allied defeat was not decisive, because reinforcements were arriving in large numbers, that by 6 April the BEF would have received 1,915 new guns, British machine-gun production was 10,000 per month and tank output 100 per month. The appointment of Foch as Generalissimo at the Doullens Conference had created formal unity of command in the Allied forces. In the British Official History (1935) Davies, Edmonds and Maxwell-Hyslop wrote that the Allies lost c. 255,000 men of which the British suffered 177,739 killed, wounded and missing, 90,882 of them in the Fifth Army and 78,860 in the Third Army, of whom c. 15,000 died, many with no known grave. The greatest losses were to 36th (Ulster) Division, with 7,310 casualties, the 16th (Irish) Division, with 7,149 casualties and 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division, 7,023 casualties. All three formations were destroyed and had to be taken out of the order of battle to be rebuilt. Six divisions lost more than 5,000 men. German losses were 250,000 men, many of them irreplaceable élite troops. German casualties, from 21 March – 30 April, which includes the Battle of the Lys, are given as 348,300. A comparable Allied figure over this longer period, is French: 92,004 and British: 236,300, a total of c. 328,000. In 1978 Middlebrook wrote that casualties in the 31 German divisions engaged on 21 March were c. 39,929 men and that British casualties were c. 38,512. Middlebrook also recorded c. 160,000 British casualties up to 5 April, 22,000 killed, 75,000 prisoners and 65,000 wounded; French casualties were c. 80,000 and German casualties were c. 250,000 men. In 2002, Marix Evans recorded 239,000 men, many of whom were irreplaceable Stoßtruppen; 177,739 British casualties of whom 77,000 had been taken prisoner, 77 American casualties and 77,000 French losses, 17,000 of whom were captured. The Allies also lost 1,300 guns, 2,000 machine-guns and 200 tanks. In 2004, Zabecki gave 239,800 German, 177,739 British and 77,000 French casualties. R. C. Sherriff's play Journey's End (first produced 1928) is set in an officers' dugout in the British trenches facing Saint-Quentin from 18 to 21 March, before Operation Michael. There are frequent references to the anticipated "big German attack" and the play concludes with the launch of the German bombardment, in which one of the central characters is killed.

  • 英文構造について

    下記の英文中のwereについてお教えください。 How strange it was that the creative instinct should seize upon this dull stockbroker, to his own ruin, perhaps; and to the misfortune of such (※) were dependent on him, and yet no stranger than the way in which the spirit of God has seized men, powerful and rich, pursuing them with stubborn vigilance till at last, conquered, they have abandoned the joy of the world and the love of women for the painful austerities of the cloister. ※彼の扶養家族を指しています。 突然すべてをなげうって画家になった、中年の株式仲買人(this dull stockbroker)を主題にする小説の一節です。ここでは、この世俗的な男が神に目覚めて突然修道院に入るのと比べてどちらが不思議かと問うています。 英文の前半部にto the misfortune of such were dependent on himとありますが、このwereの役割を教えてください。wereがなければdependent以下がsuchを修飾する形になるのかなと理解できるのですが、wereがあるため当該部分の英文構造がよくわからなくなってしまいました。 お手数かけますが、ご教授いただければありがたいです。なにとぞ宜しくお願いいたします。