• 締切済み


I feel happiest when I am with my friends. People are at their best when they are under pressure. この二つの様な短文なんですが、そういう状態が反復する、みたいな解釈で良いのでしょうか。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 #1です。補足です。 >>なんというか、死期じゃないから僕の現在の状態じゃないじゃん!っていう風に考えてしまいます。  僕が初めのご質問を誤解していたかも知れません。  I feel happiest when I am with my friends. ですと友だちとn回居れば、n回幸福になる、これだけなら「反復」です。  しかし友だちと1回しかいない場合でも(=「反復」しない場合でも)幸福になる、わけですから、1回しか無い例文をあげただけです。  People are at their best when they are under pressure.もプレッシャーを一回だけ受けた場合でも最善を付くす訳ですから「反復」は無い、と言うのが僕の言いたい点です。



I feel no pain when I am dead.  では、こういうのは、確定的な未来を表す現在形とでも考えたら良いのでしょうか。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

I feel no pain when I am dead. 死んだら、痛みを感じない   People are at their best when they are terminally ill. 人は死期が最善の時だ と同様  I feel happiest when I am with my friends.  People are at their best when they are under pressure.  も別に「反復」しなくてもいいのではないでしょうか。



ありがとうございます。 なんというか、死期じゃないから僕の現在の状態じゃないじゃん!っていう風に考えてしまいます。


  • 英作文 添削お願いします

    外国に住んでみると、「人間、みな同じ」との感想を持つ。イギリス人と付き合ってみても確かにそう思えてくる。彼らが悲しみや喜びに反応する様や相手の立場を考える点はいかにも日本人に似ている。恥ずかしがりやで、すぐには友人になれないが、いったん友人になれば驚くほど互いに心の琴線に触れ合うことができる。 After living abroad,you can feel that all human beings are the same.I actually feel so when I make friends with Britain friend.How they respond to sadness and joy and how they consider the opponent's position are quite similar to those of Japanese people.Since they are shy,you can not make friends with them soon.But once you become their friend,you and they can deeply understand each other surprisingly. 添削お願いします。

  • 【英語】添削お願いします テーマ:暇なとき

    When I'm free, I usually read books or comics. It's because when I read them, I can feel as if I were in the world of them. For example, when characters fight against enemy in a story, I fight, too. When they feel sad, I feel so. Books and comics take me to various world and they are always exciting and surprising. Also, books and comics tell me many things. When I find that people who have opinions or thoughts which are utterly different from me, they often change my mind. For these reasons, I like reading very much, and it will continue to being the friend of my life. 文法、単語の使い方、文章構成などについて指導お願いします。

  • I feel happy when のあと

    現行の中学教科書NEW CROWN 3の 87ページ下の、 When do you feel happy? の問いに対し、 I feel happy when I'm talking with my friends. と書いてあるのですが、 I feel happy when I talk with my friends. ではダメですか?良いですか? 個人的には良いと思うんですけど。 また、この2文は同じなのですか? 教えてください。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください!お願いします!

    アメリカ在住の中国人女性と英語でメールのやり取りをしています。私は英語初心者のため彼女からの文章が上手く理解できません。 どなたか日本語に翻訳してください!どうぞよろしくお願い致します!長文で申し訳ありません… (この女性の職業は家庭教師です。マイケルは旦那さんです。 また、私は食材を使用したアートの写真をSNSにアップしています。) My character is active ,like to make friends . Michael remain me don't too closely with people, they will feel uncomfortable. Maybe they think I want to get adventure from them. But I say I want all my friends happy ,enjoy their life and feeling love. When I see all my friends carry lovely smile, I will feel happy too. I like sharing love with all my friends. I always let my students to know this. I give lots of time , thinking and communication with them. They all are teenagers, never listen to their family. Not reply to messages, knock bedroom and s Unlike go out for public society . I show with them to know they are very important to me. And step by step to let them know your family so worried about them. I can see your food art also let people to know that meaning. Honestly, I think what will you make on this week. Because I feel happy to see it. Haha never seen people like me ,right? Too much comments and suggestions, Michael feels headaches all the time but that is me.

  • 英語の文法ミス教えてください

    All people including all sex and age feel stressed about a variety of life living. We cannot avoid feeling stressed. For instance, a bay feels a lot of pressure when he/she was born, which is a first time to feel it. There are two types of ways how people feel stressed. Type A people feel more stressed because they are more competitive and aggressive. What’s more, they have more risky to get a heart attack. On the other hand, Type B people are more easygoing. They do not usually feel stressed a lot. The time passes more slowly. They enjoy their life more than Type A.

  • 当てはまる語句を入れてください。

    選択肢 get , team,under, deal, holidays, risk 1 People are more motivated when they () a good salary. 2 People work better () a lot of pressure. 3 It's important that employees get long (). 4 People who () their lives at work should get more money. 5 It's more enjoyable to work in a () than alone. 6 These days, people usually () with their own IT problems.

  • 添削お願いします。

    ネイティブに以下の表現は自然かどうか尋ねたところ訂正されました。 My happiest moment is being alone. (私の一番幸せな瞬間は一人でいることです。) 訂正後 My happiest moments, are when I am alone. ここで質問です。 (1)なぜmomentsが複数なのか。myという限定詞が付き、一番幸せな瞬間は一つしかないと思うのですが・・。 (2)なぜ非制限用法が使用されるのか。 (3)なぜis being alone. が不可のか。一時的な状態を表す「He is being nice」のような用法があります。

  • 大学受験対策の自由英作文なのですが、添削よろしくお願いします。

    大学受験対策の自由英作文なのですが、添削よろしくお願いします。 テーマは「あなたの故郷」についてです。 I was born and grew up in Fukui. There are beautiful natural surroundings and not many people,shops and buildings. However,I do love Fukui because there are my precious memories that for instance I played with my friend and talked with my family members in. They have encouraged me to do new things or consoled me all the time. When I call Fukui up ,I feel happy. よろしくお願いします。

  • 自由英作文を添削してください!

    慶応義塾大学の自由英作です、この大学の問題は解いたことがないので分かりません。 何について書くかというと まず状況から言うと、地元の高齢者ハウスを応援するために、二人の高校生がポスター何枚か学校に掲示します。 でも、少人数しか集まらなくてはじめられない。 指示が、どのようにしたら人数を集めることができるかということです。  ポスターの内容  ・場所がかいてあり  ・日時が毎週日曜・9時から   ・人数25人  ・活動内容は、話し相手、食事の補助、散歩の付き合いなど です  条件があって    ・生徒たちはなぜ少ししか応じてくれなかったのか。    ・どういう行動をとるべきか。    ・なぜその行動がうまくいくとかんがえるのか。 指定語数は100語です。 僕は136字書きました。 よろしくおねがいします。 Recently there has been a few young people who are interested in volunteers for caring elderly people. This is why, only a few students responded. I think that there are many things which they can in order to gather people. I think that they should interest people who are indifferent to the volunteer activity.For example , they talks eagerly over it with their friends in person. Then , I would like to mention poster. First, I think they change a.m.9:00 to a.m.10:00.This is because young people are poor at getting up early.when they are used to doing it, they should return to a.m.9:00 . I also think they should draw pictures and make it colorful in order to attract people. It is the most important thing is to convey their passion.

  • 和訳などをお願いします!

    次の和訳をお願いします。()に注意して I feel no older than my youngest friends.I am sure that I am no more exhausted at the end of a busy day than many who are half my age. When you know that there is much to be done, you are always looking forward (instead of) backward. This is one of the secrets of strength. 次の各文を受動態に直してください! My sister has made three dolls now. They are building a new bridge. We should take care of the child. よろしくお願いしますm(。≧Д≦。)m