• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • 0603104
  • ベストアンサー率30% (3/10)

sell on で 売る ですので sell on to で ~に売る sell it on to manufactures は製造業者にそれらを売る 全訳としては 彼は会社の廃棄物をリサイクルし、それらを製造業者にうることでお金を稼いでいる


  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします One day my father came home from work and called me downstairs from my room. He bent down to my size and hugged me,and asked me if I would try on my new coat and hat and model them for him. Upstairs I ran,two steps at a time,( 1 )to put on a fashion show for my father. I threw on the coat,but I couldn't find the hat. I nervously looked under my bed and it the closet,but it was nowhere. Maybe he wouldn't notice that I wasn't wearing it.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I have been married for five years and have totally separate finances—bank accounts, credit cards, nothing is shared. He makes significantly more money than I do and pays all of the bills with the exception of the mortgage, which I pay. He “gives” me money weekly for groceries and incidentals. Regardless, I am pretty much broke all of the time. We don’t have a joint credit card or bank account and I get really resentful when he spends lots of money on something and I am relegated to the local discount store, a place he wouldn’t consider gracing. I am relegated to the local discount store, a place he wouldn’t consider gracing.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    Malaria is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes. A parasite which causes the disease is carried by some mosquitoes. It can enter the body threads a mosquito bite and infected blood cells. Symptom of malaria includ fever,headache and vomiwing. It is possible to die from malaria if one dose not receive proper treatment. Everyone year there are more than I million deaths from malaria around the world. This serious problem makes many world. Most or them are children in Africa who have no resistance to the disease. orld. This serious problem makes many Africa countries spend a lot of money on prevention and treatment. That weaken their economies.

  • 和訳お願いします

    I have given all these details in order to show what privileges and protection an inventor enjoys when,like Edison,he conducts organized research for a strong company.He has everything at his disposal and can devote himself,without worry, his work.If he is successful,he gets his liberal share and has no expence.Edison had stuck to the stocks received from the Edison companies for his work he would, no doubt,have been the largest sharer in electric lighting interests in the country. But Edison wasn't after money solely.No! He considered it a means of exchange and in that spirit turned it into new activities,new endeavors and new lines of experiment.It was important that he should do so:otherwise history might have had a different course.He didn't wait in leisurely luxury until his electric light shares should grow fat with returns,but from the start took all the money he could raise to his place his great achievements upon a solid commercial foundation under his personal supervision.That was necessary considering the epoch.With him it was push,push,and push again,and with the help of loyal servants the gigantic results of his Menlo Park labors were soon safely set on a manufacturing foundation;in a few years they were fortitled to an impregnable strength.Then the time arrived for others to carry his work of expansion further-this,however,only after a decennium,In 1892 the General Electric Company took up his program of expansion and has been developing it ever since.

  • ざっと和訳をお願いします。

    I did not read the auction closely and just realized the blade has a crack in it. Because it was my fault, I have no problem paying for the razor, but would prefer not to waste the money to have it shipped to me. Can you send a new invoice without shipping and then dispose of the razor?

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    下記の文法が良くわかりません。 なんでremember to で終われるのでしょうか? それとも単純に、turn it off を省略してるのでしょうか It stops cooling or heating an empty apartment so you don't have to remember to, and it makes sure you're comfortable when you're home. Remember, they don't save you money on their own—they just automate what you could do with a bit more discipline.

  • 和訳。早めに回答いただけると助かります。

    Masdar is a very special project because it will be the first 100 percent sustainable city in the world. It will get power from solar energy and from other renewable energy sources such as wind power. It will reuse 80 percent of it water and use the rest for growing crops. It will also attempt to recycle all of it waste. Biological waste will become fertilizer, and industrial waste such as plastics and metals will be recycled for other purposes. Even the wood used in the building materials comes from sustainable sources. ※Masdar = マスダール(都市名)

  • 和訳をお願い致します

    His North node was in yours second house, this mean both of you, can draw on karmic resources and skills from other life's and put them to use to earn money in this life. In the past life he developed various skills or talent but did not profit from them because of a fear that if he worked for himself, or struck out in those skills in a different kind of work place. you and he would loose the security you had. He found it difficult to anchor himself in the material and practical world, he felt too much emotionally, dreamed too much. He had the potential to be self supporting, and support you, but you may have somehow made him feel he did not Afraid of financial insecurity. In the present incarnation you must encourage him and also your self towards being self supporting in a mutual interest or talent and regaining the success you can enjoyed. In then present life the karma is to correct this mistake. He needs in this life to be independent in the kind of work and money life you will have together. He needs to earn the money but need to use his talents to do so. Your role is to help him, rather than discourage him, to make it easier and help him belief in himself.

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    多くて申し訳ないんですが、次の英文を日本語に訳してください!! ・It sucks you had to waste your time off at cram school. ・Its long like that so when your new to it, it makes it easier to stand and turn. But remember long borad were the first borad ever made. ・ You are just a easy going girl that likes to take her time lol. ・Plus duct tape does wonders when you tape someone to a wall with it. It always holds lol ・You must listen to one song from a band called Offspring off youtube or something and tell me what it was and why you liked it meow lol. あと、What color would you like your hair to be?は 髪何色にしたい?という訳でいいんですかね?? 多くてすみません!!よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    Many patients felt Patch's love and humor, and their will to recover became stronger. After he graduated from the medical college, Patch opened the Gesundheit! Institute, a new kind of medical center, in West Virginia. Since then he has treated more than 15,000 people for free. It is not easy for him to run his hospital. He depends on donations and volunteer work. His dream is to build a big,free hospital open to everyone. He plans to make the new hospital a place full of fun and humor. In the Institute, Patch always spends several hours talking with each new patient. He says, "Many sick people suffer from loneliness and fear. Doctors cannot cure them only with medicine. I want my patients to laugh and to see their problems from a different perspective through laughing. Doctors should treat people and not just diseases." In 1998, Hollywood made a moviecalled "Patch Adams." It was based on his life story. Those who saw the film laughed and cried.