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Experts warn of stress and loneliness-induced elephant rampages



いい質問ですね。私も正直動物を sheで指すか、heで指すか、itで指すかの具体的かつ学術的判断基準はわかりませんので、本カテの他の優秀な回答者のお答えを楽しみしたいと思います。 個人的には 特に個人的に思い入れがなく、単なる動物の場合で性別がわかっていない場合=it 親しみがあり、まま擬人化する事もある身近な存在である場合= he or she としている様な気がします。最終的にはhim でも it でも差し支えないと思いますが記事の場合では it と無機質な言い方でも構わないではないかと思います。


  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours. This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, it is quite normal. For some people, though, loneliness can last for yeas. Psychologists are studying this complex phenomenon in an attempt to better understand long-term loneliness. These researchers have already identified three different types of loneliness. The first kind of loneliness is temporary. This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a particular situation-for example, a divorce, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year. Situational loneliness is easy to understand and to predict.

  • involvesの意味

    以下の文章でのinvolvesはどのような意味で使われているのでしょうか? A.D.D. Experts say the cause of A.D.D involves chemicals in the brain. A.D.Dとは病名のことです。 訳は「A.D.Dは脳の中に化学物質を生じさせる」であっていますでしょうか?

  • 構文がとれません

    The tenshons of unresolved stress frequently cause insomnia,generally keeping the stressed person awake or causing awakening in the middle of the night or early morning. Or causing awaking ~でなぜcauseが~ingになるかわかりません。 教えてくださいm(_ _)m

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Hindenburg Line (Siegfriedstellung or Siegfried Position) was a German defensive position of World War I, built during the winter of 1916–1917 on the Western Front, from Arras to Laffaux, near Soissons on the Aisne. In 1916, the German offensive at the Battle of Verdun had been a costly failure. The Anglo-French offensive at the Battle of the Somme had forced a defensive battle on the Germans, leaving the western armies (Westheer) exhausted. On the Eastern Front, the Brusilov Offensive had inflicted huge losses on the Austro-Hungarian armies in Russia and forced the Germans to take over more of the front. The declaration of war by Romania had placed additional strain on the German army and war economy. Construction of the Hindenburg Line in France was begun by the Germans in September 1916, to make a retirement from the Somme front possible, to counter an anticipated increase in the power of Anglo-French attacks in 1917.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 25 May, three German columns attacked a salient north-west of Bray-en-Laonnois and gained a footing in the French first trench, before being forced out by a counter-attack. On 26 May German attacks on salients east and west of Cerny were repulsed and from 26–27 May, German attacks between Vauxaillon and Laffaux Mill broke down. Two attacks on 28 May at Hurtebise were defeated by French artillery-fire and on the night of 31 May – 1 June, attacks by the Germans west of Cerny also failed. On the morning of 1 June after a heavy bombardment, German troops took some trenches north of Laffaux Mill and were then pushed out in the afternoon. On 2 June a bigger German attack began, after an intensive bombardment of the French front, from the north of Laffaux to the east of Berry-au-Bac. On the night of 2/3 June, two German divisions made five attacks on the east, west and central parts of the Californie Plateau and the west end of the Vauclerc Plateau. The Germans attacked in waves, at certain points advancing shoulder-to-shoulder, supported by flame-thrower detachments and gained some ground on the Vauclerc Plateau, until French counter-attacks recovered the ground. Despite the French holding improvised defences and the huge volumes of German artillery-fire used to prepare attacks, the German organised counter-attacks (Gegenangriffe) met with little success and at Chevreux north-east of Craonne, the French had even pushed further into the Laon Plain.

  • 訳をお願いいたします!

    確認をしたいのでよろしくお願いいたします! In the middle of the war on terrorism, the federal government needs a more secure system to protect the hoeland , one that doesn't depend on the chance rate of 60%. Unfortunately, most of the devices now available, like the polygraph, detect not the lie but anxiety about the lie. The polygraph measures physiological responses to stress, like increases in blood pressure and rate of breathing , and so on. So it can miss the most dangerous liars: the ones who don't care that they're lying, or have been been trained to lie. It can also miss the true believers willing to die for the cause.

  • わからない構文があります

    "We're not going anywhere," my driver Nelson Okello, said to me very quietly, the two of us sitting in the front seat of a jeep just after dawn in Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda. We'd stopped to observe what appeared to be a lone bull elephant in some tall grass off to our left. We'd stopped to observe what appeared to be a lone bull elephant in some tall grass off to our left. この英文のwhat以下がわかりません どなたか教えてくれないでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The bad weather conditions however soon forced him to change the starting date several times until it was determined that the British main attack should commence on 24 of April and the rest on 30 of April. In accordance the British began the 2nd Battle of Doiran according to schedule but were soon forced to call off their attacks as it became clear that the rest of the Allies were not able to deliver their attacks on time. The dates for the attacks were finally set for the 5 of May in the Crna Bend and 8 of May in the Serbian and British sectors. In the Crna Bend sector the planned attack was assigned to the left right of the French Army of the East - the so-called First Group of Divisions(under the command of General Georges Lebouc) and to the Italian Expeditionary Force. Its primary task was to penetrate all Bulgarian and German lines in the direction of the town of Prilep and thus threaten the rear of the Bulgarian forces around the Vardar and Monastir. General Sarrail had surveyed the area and determined that the Italians and French should deliver a frontal assault against almost the entire length of the defensive line which caused serious doubt about the final success of the operation among the Italian and French commanders. In order to strengthen the Allies Sarrail also attached a Russian infantry brigade to the Crna sector forces a few days before the attack. The Bulgarians and Germans were well aware of the impending Allied offensive and decided to rely on the strength of their well prepared fortifications, strong artillery and machine gun fire while also placing as many troops as possible in the first lines and preparing sufficient reserves in case the Allies achieved a breakthrough and the need for strong counter-attacks arose.

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Loneliness The feeling of loneliness pervades old age, even for old persons still living with their spouses. It is especially prevalent among women and among women especially among widows (Lopata, 1975). In fact, loneliness is the major difficulty faced by widows (treas, 1975). Among the other consequences of loneliness is reduced appetite, which could result in malnutrition (Weg, 1975); but the one inevitable consequence of loneliness is reduced satisfaction with life. The quality of life cannot be satisfactory if one is ridden with loneliness, social isolation, and bitterness. お願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします!

    On the east side of the Continental Divide high in the Canadian Rockies,lies one of Alberta's natural jewels,Banff National Park.Canada's first national park,Banff is also the most popular.It adjoins Jasper,kootenay,and Yoho National Parks,the four together forming the largest mountain park land in the world.Three different ecosystems within the the parks range from arctic to forest to prairieーand all support a rich population of animals. Amid the towering crags of the Canadian Rockies,the Banff Spring Hotel stands in all its glorious splendor.Its turrets and towers add a note of grand romance to the magnificence of the mountains. Chateau Lake Louise in Banff National Park is another example of the luxurious Canadian chateau styke.In the summer,the waters of Lake Louise shimmer emeraldーgreen.Mountain trails wind upward to alpine meadows where deer graze silently on wildflowers.In the winter,wellーgroomed slopes provide superior skiing.Lake Louise has 44 designated runs to offer with 44,000 skiable acres of terrain.