• 締切済み



  • shingo5k
  • ベストアンサー率33% (123/366)

Jane's riding got better. "She's starting to feel like a girl,"I told Carol. "Not a snack of carrots." "Is that because she's better rider?" asked Carol. "Or because she's giving you treats?" Carol knows me very well. >>二行目のgirlの意味がまずよく分かりません。 >>女の子が自信をつけてきた…みたいな感じなのでしょうか? 馬が「乗り手のJane が女の子だと感じ始めた」の意味です。 始めは手荒に扱ったので、この乗り手は「本当に女の子なのか」 と馬が思った事を暗示しています。 >>not a sack of carrotsのnotも何にかかっているのか分かりません…。 >>ジェーンを乗り手ではなくえさ係か何かだと思っているから >>sack of carrotsとジェーンの事を言っているのでしょうか? That's not for a sack of carrots. の意味です 「褒美のニンジンを貰ったから言うのじゃないよ」 の意味です >>次の行のis that because~のthatもどの文をさしているのか >>よく分かりません…。 馬が猫に言った言葉"She's starting to feel like a girl,"を指します


  • この文章の意味はなんでしょうか。。。

    I would feel sorry for any girl who was attracted to a man in a bra. I hope you don't like guys in bras! これはなんと日本語訳しますか?

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My nephew is recently engaged, and he and his fiancée are starting to discuss wedding plans. The bride and her family have no money for a reception. My brother and sister-in-law would like to help, but they feel like they should have a say in the planning, if they are underwriting the party. underwriting the partyとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語

    日本語を英語にして ください 宿題の残り3問が わかりません。。。 1、 彼女がそんなに 遅れたのは残念です。 (that/too bad/so late/ it/was/she/is/.) 2、 彼は多くの少女たちが 好きな歌手です。 (is/the singer/ many girls/like/he/.) 3、 私は夏目漱石によって 書かれた本が好きだ。 (by/were/like/which/ the books/written/ I/Natsume Soseki/.) かっこのなかのを 並びかえるやつです お願いします m(_ _)m

  • 意味を教えてください

    My boyfriend loves me, is unfailingly kind, self-identifies as a feminist, and is always interested in and supportive of my academic work. Here’s the weird part: He says “good girl” to me, usually when I’ve done something to take care of myself, like put my glasses on when my eyes are tired, or get to sleep and wake up at a reasonable hour. We live together and I adore him, and honestly, I like the “good girl” thing, at least to some extent. I am an approval-craving person, by nature and even though I don’t need it, I love to be validated. I wouldn’t want him to say it in front of anyone, but I do feel guilty, because liking it makes me feel like I’m some kind of sick, weird throwback or that he is. liking it makes me feel like I’m some kind of sick, weird throwback or that he is. の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 文章の意味がわからない

    「Staggering students has been used in many countries to reduce overcrowding, including Japan and Australia.」 日本でも行われてるって、どうゆう意味なんでしょうか? NYTの記事から In Ghana, Free High School Brings Opportunity and Grumbling https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/15/world/africa/ghana-free-senior-high-school-brings-chaos.html At dawn on a recent Tuesday, 18-year-old Jane Newornu pulled on her blue gingham school uniform, stuffed her books into her knapsack and grabbed a banana as she ran off to school. Her twin sister, Jennifer, still in her pajamas, watched with a pang of envy. Instead of going to class, Jennifer was staying home from school on a two-month hiatus mandated by the government. The twins, like all high school students in Ghana, now must take turns. The problem is the result of the tumultuous rollout of a new government program, intended to expand access to free secondary education. When President Nana Akufo-Addo took office in 2017, he made good on one of his chief campaign promises: tuition-free high school for all. It was part of a broader effort to make Ghana internationally competitive in educational standards, agriculture, tourism and more. But the program has proved so popular — 430,000 students are enrolled this school year, up from 308,000 in 2016, according to the education ministry — that demand has overwhelmed capacity. “We want parents to see education as what can transform this nation,” said Yaw Osei Adutwum, deputy minister for education. “And therefore, even if they have to make some sacrifices, it’s worth it.” ここから注目 Staggering students has been used in many countries to reduce overcrowding, including Japan and Australia. Ghana’s idea was inspired by California, according to Dr. Adutwum, who ran a network of charter schools before being appointed deputy education minister in 2017. Starting in the 1970s, some school districts in California adopted a multitrack system after a boom in the student population.

  • 困っています。。。you're different

    知り合いの外国人からこのようなメールをもらいました。 I like you very much ○○(名前). you're not like other girl. you're different and I can feel it. that's why you are so special gto me ○○♪ これはあなたはほかの子tp違う といっているのですよね? このほかにも色々たわいもない話の内容などはありました。私はこれにたいして、どう違うのか、なにがほかの子とちがうのかを相手に聞き返したいのですが、それを英語で表現することが難しくてできません。 what is different othere girl and me?でしようか?教えてください

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I have a longtime friend who opened up her own family therapy practice a few years ago. She is a great person and a credit to her profession, but more and more often she is unable to “shut off” her advice-giving. She’ll give her “professional opinion” and suggest techniques for others to try, without being asked, in private conversations, in group settings, at parties, at church, and on social media. You might think, “This is great! Free professional advice!” as I did at first, but instead of feeling heard as a friend, I feel like my whole life is up for comment or criticism. my whole life is up for comment or criticismとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • She is waiting.

    She is waiting.は第一文型です。 しかし、以下の考え方から第二文型とも考えられるのではないか、と思いました。 他者様の質問ですが、こちらも合わせて御覧ください。 http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/kotaeru.php3?q=1392159 SVCはS=Cですから、S:人物=C:人物でないといけませんよね。 なので、 She is kind. -- She(人物)≠kind(∵親切な≠人物)ではなく、She(人物)=a kind women/girl(人物)と考える。冠詞やgirlなんかはあまりにも自明なので省略されてるんだ~というもの。 -- と同じように、 She(人物)≠waiting(∵待っている≠人物)ではなく、She(人物)=a waiting women/girl(人物)と考える。 She is kind.が第二文型なら、She is waiting.もそうじゃないか...ということです。 kindは人の性質をあらわす語ですが、waitingは上の文の場合、動作をあらわします。従ってこのwaitingは動詞、第一文型なのだ。 ということでしょうか? She is waiting.は第一文型だという理由をShe is kind.との相違点から文法的にお教えください。現在のできれば高校範囲ぐらいの文法知識でお願いします。 後記:英語において、SVCのS=Cは自明のルールです。私はずっと以前、Se is kind.(人物≠非人物)が、なぜS=Cの第二文型なんだ~と疑問に思って教師に聞きました。その回答が上の--~--部分です。

  • 和訳をお願いします。Still pretty hard but,

    Still pretty hard but, counting down days now, so, starting to get a bit easier. Just waiting to like to see if they're all right and that when I get letters off them. Never thought a letter could make you feel so good, and it's just amazing, that's why I'm waiting to get them today, cos I just want to feel like that again because it was great. 長文ですいません… 話し手は軍人で、訓練のため家族と離れ離れになっている状態みたいです。この日に手紙が届くってことのようですが、この部分の意味が良く分からないんです。 宜しくお願いしますm(..)m

  • 補語かそれとも形容詞相当語句?

    Allen dropped his anchors at the sight of a five or six-year-old girl walking across the street 50 yards ahead.(アレンは5、6歳の少女が50ヤードほど先の通りを横切っているのを見つけると、急にブレイキをかけて車を止めた。 Q1:この文の 「walking across the street 50 yards ahead」は 「a five or six-year-old girl」を修飾する形容詞相当語句のようにも考えられ又補語のようにも思えるのですが、その時はどの語の補語になるか教えてください。 Q2:この文は次のように書き換えても文法上問題ないでしょうか。 Allen dropped his anchors when she saw a five or six-year-old girl walking across the street 50 yards ahead.以上お願いします。