• 締切済み


次の英文を自然な英語に訳したいです。 それが正しいかどうかは、観察や直観によって判断できない。そんな時たとえば数学以外の自然科学では自然現象を説明するために、まず仮説的なモデルを作る。そしてそのモデルが興味ある範囲の自然現象を的確に記述することをもって理論の価値が測られ、これをもって正しさの基準になる。 We can't judge if that is right through our observation or intuition. At that time , for example , in sphere of natural science besides math, we made hypathetical model so that we can explain the natural phenominan accurately. whether the model could work or not decides its value and accuracy. ここをもっとこうしたほうが良いなどというアドバイスや、ここがおかしい、不自然な英語だという訂正をお願いします!

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

補足 数学以外の自然科学の訳が何故 the field of natural science other than mathematicsになりますか? 数学以外の自然科学という日本語は、数学を自然科学の一分野としているという意味だとおもいますので、 natural science しかし数学でない other than mathematicsとしたわけです。 なお、the field of は補いで、自然科学の領域ではという内容をわかりやすく訳そうとしたわけです。以上は、あくまで日本語の訳に徹したというわけで、その真偽を判断することはしていません。私の勘違いがあったかもしれませんが、説明としては以上のようになります。

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

We can't judge if that is true through our observation or intuition. In a case like that, in the field of natural science other than mathematics, what you can do is to make a hypothetical model to accurately explain such a natural phenomenon as that. You can use the model as your judging criteria to see if the model works accurately in accordance with your theory and if your theory is supported by using the model. 最後の日本語の文の意味がどうにも理解しにくいのですが、このように訳すと意味は近いと思います。いかがでしょうか?



数学以外の自然科学の訳が何故 the field of natural science other than mathematicsになりますか?


  • 英文解釈

    次の分の和訳ですが、 [The reason for setting up a formal language is that we wish to use the sentences to say things about the models. This is accomplished by giving a basic truth definition,which specifies for each pair consisting of a sentence and a model one of the truth values true or false.] ちょっと長くてすいません、、、ですが疑問のある文は「This is accomplished by giving a basic truth definition,which specifies for each pair consisting of a sentence and a model one of the truth values true or false.」で、後半の[model one]のところが「model, one~」となっていなく、自分としてはこの文をどう捉えていいのかわかりません。 よろしくおねがいします!

  • 文章解釈

    以下の文章に関する質問です。 “Epictetus says we must discover the missing art of assent and pay special attention to the sphere of our impulses—that they are subject to reservation, to the common good, and that they are in proportion to actual worth.” 著者が何をここで言おうとしているのか全く分からないです。 「エピクテトスは、我々が同意するという行為において見当たらない技巧を発見し、我々の衝動の範囲に特別な注意を払わなければいけない。要するに、それらは、疑念?(or 制限?)、公共の利益に影響を受けており、実際の価値に比例するものであるのだ。」 1. missing art of assent とは何を意味するのでしょうか? 2. they are subject to reservation, to the common good, and that they are in proportion to actual worth. 3. Epictetus says we must discover ….and pay special attention to the sphere of our impulses—that they are subject to … 上記の部分は理解できますが、… で省略されている部分に関しては意味がまったくわからないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • that isを使った英文の意味を教えて下さい

    現在、フィリピン人のオンライン英会話レッスンを受講中の英語初心者です。 そこで「, that is,」という表現を習ったのですが、その意味がよく分かりませんでした。 <講師の説明> We use the words "that is " when we want to correct something we have just said , or when we want to add more information 辞書で調べると、「すなわち」「つまり」という意味らしいので、講師の説明と合致しているように思います。しかし、講師が挙げてくれた例文の意味がよく分からず、逆に混乱してしまいました・・ <講師の例文> 1.Everybody loves that film , that is I have spoken. 2.She likes whale sashimi , that is , she said earlier 10分程度、that isとこの例文の意味についてあれやこれやと説明を受けたのですが、結局腑に落ちず、もやもやした感じで終わってしまいました。。 (1は、Everybodyといっても私が言ってる人に限ってだけどね、、という言及的なニュアンスだと説明を受けたのですが・・・) どなたか、この例文の意味を教えて頂けませんでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の解釈をお願いいたします。

    It’s not going to be the same without you know. 「事情がわかれば、違ってくるだろうから。」 これはある英語学習サイトの英文です。かなりの意訳のようですが、なぜこのような日本語訳になるのか理解できません。特に"without you know"の部分が不可解です。ご教示頂ければ幸いです。 (下に前後のコンテクストを掲げておきます。) Tanya: Was that Jimmy? Sadie: Yeah. Tanya: Well, what did he want? Sadie: Same thing as you, pretty much. He asked how I was doing and wanted to know if I was serious about quitting. Tanya: What’d you say? Sadie: Well, you heard, didn’t you, Tanya? I said yes. Tanya: I was just making sure…It’s not going to be the same without you know. I mean, you me, Dave and Jimmy, we’ve been working together for over four years now. Sadie: You knew this day would come sooner or later, Tanya. I mean I wasn’t planning on working there forever. (セイディはジミーとの電話を終える。ターニャはその会話をそばで聞いている) Tanya: ジミーだったの? Sadie: うん。. Tanya: そう、何だって? Sadie: あなたと同じようなこと。調子はどうかってことと、本気で辞めるのか知りたがってた。 Tanya: 何て言ったの? Sadie: え、あなた聞いたでしょ、ターニャ?イエスって言ったわ。 Tanya: ちょっと確かめただけよ。事情がわかれば、違ってくるだろうから。だって、あなたと私とデイブとジミー、この4年間ずっと一緒に働いてきたでしょ。 Sadie: 遅かれ早かれこの日が来るってことはわかってたでしょ、ターニャ。私、永遠にあそこで働き続けるつもりはなかったんだから。 http://eigoden.co.jp/social/6145/

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

      Before a detailed description of our numerical procedures, we comment on above simplifications. As seen in an example of e=1.0 and i=0.5, n-recurrent (n≧3) collision orbits contribute by only 1% or less to the collision rate. On the one hand, from calculations with other e and i, the degree of contribution by n-recurrent (n≧3) collision orbits is found to be largest in the case e≒1. Hence, the error in <P(e, i)> introduced by simplification (i) is of the order of 1% or less. As for the applicability of the two-body approximation, we have confirmed in PaperII that the orbit are well described by the two-body formula inside the two-body sphere, whose radius is given by Eq. (13). No appreciable error in <P(e, i)> comes from simplification (ii). Simplification (iii) follows the discussion in the last section. Using above simplifications, we have developed numerical procedures for obtaining <P(e, i)> efficiently; their flow chart is illustrated in Fig. 10. Choosing initial values of orbital elements (e, i, b, τ_s, ω_s), we start to compute numerically Hill’s equations (6) by an ordinary fourth-order Runge-Kutta method from a starting point given by Eqs. (21) and (22). The distance r is checked at every time step of the numerical integration. If the particle flies off to a sufficient distance from the protoplanet after approaching it, i.e., if |y|>y_0+2e,                     (26) then, the orbital computation is stopped. If a particle approaches the protoplanet and crosses the two-body sphere surface, i.e., if r≦r_cr, the two-body formula is employed to predict whether or not a collision occurs. When no collision occurs at the first encounter, the numerical integration of Hill’s equations is continued. Since a particle which enters the two-body sphere inevitably escapes from the sphere (see Paper II), the particle follows alternatives: one is that it departs to such a distance that Eq. (26) is satisfied, and the other is that it crosses the two-body sphere surface again. In the former case, we stop the computation, considering that the orbit is non-collisional. In the latter case, the occurrence of collision is checked in the same way as earlier by means of the two-body formula, and the orbital calculation is terminated. Using the numerical procedures developed in this way, we obtain <P(e, i)> in many sets of (e, i); the results are presented in the preceeding sections. Fig. 10. Flow chart of orbital calculation for finding collision orbits. Fig. 10. 拡大画像↓ http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=2113240192.jpg 長文になりますが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    In order to obtain the total collisional rate <Γ(e_1, i_1)>, we have to find <P(e,i)> numerically by computing orbits of relative motion between the protoplanet and the planetesimal. Since <P(e,i)> should be provided for wide ranges of e and i with a sufficient accuracy, we are obliged to compute a very large number of orbits. In practice, it is an important problem to find an efficient method for numerical computation. In the second paper (Nakazawa et al., 1989b, referred to as Paper II), we have studied the validity of the two-body approximation and found that within the sphere of the two-body approximation (hereafter referred to as the two-body sphere), the relative motion can be well described by a solution to the two-body problem: the sphere radius has been found to be r_cr=0.03(a_0*/1AU)^(-1/4)(ε/0.01)^(1/2). ・・・・・(13) Within the sphere, the nearest distance can be predicted with an accuracy εby the well-known formula of the two-body encounter. We can expect the above result to be useful to reduce computation time for obtaining <P(e,i)> numerically. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文について

    Students study English in my country. However, most students can't speak English. They have to study English at junior high school. So they learn English for three years. Why many people can't speak English? If they had study foreign a language as soon as start at the school, they could know how enjoy studying. (もし彼らが学校が始まるとすぐに外国語を学びだしたら、彼らは勉強することを楽しむ方法を知れた) Children enjoy play anything. (子供たちは何でも楽しんで遊ぶ) So I suppose that same English.(英語も同じだと思う) I think that we should know enjoy study a foreign language when children. (わたしたちは子供のときに楽しく外国語を学ぶことを知るべきだ) We can become speak English. (そうすれば、わたしたちは英語が話せるようになる) I suppose that children have hart what adults don't have. (子供たちは大人は持っていない心を持っていると思う) It is to be interesting things or enjoy play anything. (それは興味をもつことや、なんでも楽しく遊ぶことだ) おかしな箇所があれば教えてください。 ()は日本語訳です よろしくお願いします。

  • 分かりにくい英文の意味を教えて下さい

    以下はTHE PLEASURES OF IGNORANCEの冒頭の部分です。 下記のうち、 1. many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings, or the colour of the cuckoo. この部分の構文と意味。 2.whether Chapman drew on his fancy or his knowledge of nature in the lines: この文章の意味。 3.最後の詩の意味もよく分かりません。 宜しくお願いします。 It is impossible to take a walk in the country with an average townsman—especially, perhaps, in April or May—without being amazed at the vast continent of his ignorance. It is impossible to take a walk in the country oneself without being amazed at the vast continent of one's own ignorance. Thousands of men and women live and die without knowing the difference between a beech and an elm, between the song of a thrush and the song of a blackbird. Probably in a modern city the man who can distinguish between a thrush's and a blackbird's song is the exception. It is not that we have not seen the birds. It is simply that we have not noticed them. We have been surrounded by birds all our lives, yet so feeble is our observation that many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings, or the colour of the cuckoo. We argue like small boys as to whether the cuckoo always sings as he flies or sometimes in the branches of a tree—whether Chapman drew on his fancy or his knowledge of nature in the lines: When in the oak's green arms the cuckoo sings, And first delights men in the lovely springs.

  • 英文要約について

     「次の英語を要約せよ」とあったのですが、英文要約は初めてで、どこが重要なのか分からなく、要約できなくて困っています。  次の文章の要約、もしくはそのヒントとなることを教えていただけると幸いです。 (次の文章は、過去のどこかの国公立大学の二次試験だったそうです。)  次の英文の内容を130~150字程度の日本語に要約せよ。ただし、句読点文字数に含める。 Those who have studied the human brain have long known that it has two hemispheres, and that each performance specific functions. The right side of the brain is thought to govern the motor functions of the left side of the body. It is also the side that performance "nonrational" mental functions, such as intuition, pattern recognition, nonverbal communication, playfulness, abstraction, and the like. The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the "rational" functions of logic, calculation, verbal articulation, structured observation, analysis, and so forth. Recent evidence that expands our knowledge of these differences has become from work with brain-impaired patients. In sum, the evidence suggests that people who have had damage to the left side of the brain suffer losses of speech, writing ability, and the ability to performance logical calculation. They continue, however, to function normally in therms of "nonrational" activities. The opposite is also found to be true: damage to the right side of the brain results in loss of the spatial sense, of nonverbal skills, of such qualities as humor, color sensitivity, and intuition. This evidence has led to speculation that differences in hemisphere dominance produce differences in thinking and in the approach to problems. Although they are still highly speculative, these notions do provide support for the existence of preferences in styles of thinking. If it were found that the anatomy and physiology of the brain does indeed govern the styles of thinking that people have developed, would that mean that nothing could be done to alter them? It is of course a possibility, one that would explain the persistence of particular styles of thinking throughout life. But we doubt that the governance of the physical brain is at all absolute. There is entirely too much evidence in favor of the flexibility of the human mind. We suspect that the brain is capable of altering its own capabilities. There are too many people we have seen who have learned to think out of the "other side" of their brains.  文字数の関係で、訳まで入れることができませんでした。  どうか、英文要約の第一歩の手助けを宜しくお願いします

  • 協力的に働く直観(1)

    NATUREの記事20,Sep.,2012を読みました。 人間は熟慮してアクションを起こすよりも直観的に動いた方の結果が対人に対して協力的、協調的な結果を生むという結果が示されたことに対するNews&Viwsです。 直観だとか思慮だとかメンタル的な用語が多くどういうふうに的確に訳せばいいのかわからなくて今回はいつもより質問が多めです。ご迷惑おかけいたしますがお付き合いください。 (1)Intuitions can sometimes lead us astray, such as when it comes to processing statistical information, but our 'gut feelings' also serve us well in many common situations. 直観は統計的な情報が生じたときに時として迷いを生じさせる。しかしその直観は多くの場面において重要な役割を果たす。 カンマ文節が自信がありません。 (2)One interesting question to ask is how intuition influences social desisions that pit self-interest against collective benefit. 一つの興味深い問題は集合的な利益に対して私欲となる社会的判断に直観がいかに影響するかである。 pit の的確な訳が知りたいです。また社会的判断なのに私欲という言葉が修飾されいてこの社会的判断がどういうものなのかまったくわからなくなりました。 (3)Does intuition support cooperation, or do people need time to reflect before deciding to pull their weight? 直観は協調性を支援するものか?また人は決定的判断を決める前にそれを判断する時間が必要か? カンマ以降の文章が訳に非常に困っていますここでのreflect はどういうものなのでしょうか。 (4)If evolution favours self-interest, then people should be equipped with intuitions that help them figure out how to maximize their individual gain. もしも進化において私欲を望む傾向にあるならば、人は個人的な利益を最大化することを理解しようとする手助けをする直観を備えさせていなければならない。 でいいのでしょうか。意味的には 強欲さを欲するなら直観がそうさせる機能を持つはずであると解釈しました。 (5)Furthermore, psychological studies have suggested that moral judgements are often made intuitively, and because many people view 'freeloading' on other people's contributions as morally blameworthy, it is plausible that moral intuitions support cooperation. 更に、心理学のいくつかの研究では道徳的な判断が頻繁に直観的な判断を形成させ、その原因は多くの人がほかの人のコントリビューションが道徳的非難されるべきものとする居候生活のようなものであるとみなしてしまうためであることが示唆された。これは道徳的直観が協力性を支援している可能性の一つである。 この後頻繁にコントリビューションが出てくるのですがこの直観は協力的に働くという人の行動学的な意味合いでのcontributionsはどういうふうに訳すのがふさわしいのでしょうか? とりあえずまずはここまでが分かりません。