• ベストアンサー


アルジャジーラのホームページの記事の一部なのですが、以下の部分の意味がつかめませんでした。 http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/A0F0E02C-C025-4936-8C9A-59856079DAB4.htm "That distinction is as offensive and sad as saying that the (US) Drug Enforcement Administration certifies other countries for their cooperation against trafficking, when we are really talking about the number-one producer (of drugs) in the world," he said. その違いは、我々が世界で一番の麻薬王について論じ合うときに、アメリカの麻薬取締局が他の国に対して不法取引に対する協力を示すのと同じぐらい下品で、悲しいことだ。 と訳してみたのですが、どうも、 Administration certifies other countries for their cooperation against trafficking, の部分がしっくりときません。 どのように解釈するのがいいでしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Tatsu616
  • ベストアンサー率36% (111/302)

私なりの解釈を。 「その区別というのは、我々が、世界最大の麻薬産出国について、正に議論しているときに、米国の麻薬取締局が、他の国々が不法取引に対する,取締協力を行っていると、 証明しているではないかと論ずるのと同じくらい、 不快で、あきれたものだ。」 産出国がハリウッドという事でしょうか。 ハリウッドの一部ではないとの主張ですね。


その他の回答 (1)

  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

「そういう言われ方をするのは、ぼくらが本当は世界一の(麻薬)生産国の話をしているのに(米国)麻薬取締局が他の国々を密輸取締協力者として認定するようなもので、侮辱的で悲しいことです。」 certifiesは、「貴国の多大なるご協力を認め、ここに感謝の意を表します」という認定証(感謝状)を出すというようなイメージだと思います。



  • 英語の質問

    英語 1 How the two countries came to the same conclusion about the preservation of their natural resources, however, was different. 「だが、両国が天然資源の保護に関して同じ結論に達した経緯は異なる。」 このHowは「How S V」で「SがVする方法」として、名詞節を導いているということでいいのでしょうか? 2 Part of the Tokugawa solution for the problem of resource depletion in Japan was to conserve Japanese resources by causing resource depletion elsewhere, just as part of the solution of Japan and other developed countries to their resource depletion today is to cause resource depletion elsewhere. 「Part of the Tokugawa solution for the problem of resource depletion in Japan was to conserve Japanese resources by causing resource depletion elsewhere」 を A 「part of the solution of Japan and other developed countries to their resource depletion today is to cause resource depletion elsewhere.」 を B とすると、 A,just as B という形で、この訳が「Aだ。Bと同じである。」 という感じなんですが この「just as」をさがしても 「途端に」、「同時であるさま」としか出てきません。 「同じ」という意味はどこから出てきたんでしょうか? 説明お願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    We don't know for sure when a series of weights and measures based on accurate units appeared instead of the rough measurements of the earlies times.We know that the ancient Egyptians had such a system and that similar system were used in other ancient countries.Unfortunately, different regions adopted different measures.When the Romans established their empire, they decided to set up a series of units that would be the same all over the empire.As a result, many features of customary systems in use in modern times reflect the Roman system.For example, 'lb.' is short for the Latin libra or pound.

  • 訳を教えてください!

    Social critics condemn fast-food chains for introducing unhealthy foods to other countries and for underpaying their workers. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳!

    英文の訳をお願いします! A similar movement can be seen in other countries,too.In Australia, the native Aborigines are trying to preserve their languages and cultures. They have been discriminated against in society for a long time and the speakers of their native tongues are rapidly decreasing in numaer. A group of Aborigines have established a small publishing company. The reason is that they want to maintain their native tongue. This is also the case with the Ainu in Japan. Once the Ainu were not allowed to speak their native tongue or live in their traditional way. As a result, their language and culture were dying out. In order to preserve them, the Ainu have begun to teach their native tongue to their children and have built some museums of Ainu folk art. They have also started an Ainu speech contest and a conversation program in the Ainu language on the radio. よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語 和訳

    和訳お願いします (1)When people travel to other countries, they find that many things are different from the things in their own country. (2)It can be very hot in summer and very cold and snowy in winter. (3)People who come from hot countries often find that it is too cold for them in December, January, ane February. (4)It is sometimes difficult to talk to them on the street because they are always very busy and don't have much time.

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい

    Sometimes it is suggested that the problem of the underdeveloped countries is simply their technological and economic backwardness.the problem is,of course, much more complex than that,for it involves all of their major social institutions-polity,economy,family,religion,and education-as well as the attitudes and values of their people. In short, the problem involves every area for which industrialization has major consequences. よろしくお願いします

  • 英語論文の添削

    以下の文が適切な文か添削してください。  Applying the IBL players to flame works of the past sport labor migration studies, all of them can be considered as “Pioneers” because of contribution for diffusion of baseball to Israel as baseball barren (Maguire: 1996). On the other hand, the players who had professional experience participated in this league with a bad hiring condition because they were fired from another league. Considering about this situation, they should be regarded as “up-ward transaction players” (Chiba and Ebihara, 1999). Oppositely, the majority players who only had amateur experience can be seen as “up-ward transaction players” (Chiba and Ebihara, 1999). And they can be seem as “Mercenaries” (Maguire: 1996) because all the players spent two months training camp life in principle during the season and went back to their home countries soon after the tournament. After basing these past studies, this paper classifies the IBL players into four types; “prospect” type as object for development of players and “baseball labor” type as necessary worker for that players development from developing countries, “vacation” type and “ego-seeking” type who participated for self-actualization from developed countries. Then this article illustrates that transformation about flame work of sport labor migration was found in the IBL by verifying some examples.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    We have been working as prostitutes here in our state and in several nearby ones. We know we need help, but we are afraid to ask for it. Hotlines and trafficking programs have called the police on friends of ours who reached out for help. How can we get help without being forced to testify against my boyfriend and our other friends? Hotlines and trafficking programs have called the police on friends of ours who reached out for help. の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英語の得意な方、和訳お願いします!

    Like most Japanese junior high school students,you come to school every day and go home after school. These are activities that are natural for you. But many children in other countries cannot go to school. They cannot spend time at their homes. These children may live in countries at war,and they suffer. They are treated unfairly,and they suffer. Because and homes behind. These children are refugees.

  • 英語の問題です。

    ”Fourteen,”his father said. "Always a sad day for men of our family."という文に対して以下の問題です。私はCが答えだっと思ったのですが合ってますか? "Fourteen," his father said and continued, saying that...... a. the fourteenth was always an unhappy day for their family. b.the fourteen sad days for the men of their family had arrived. c.fourteen was a bad age for the men of their family. d.fourteen was always a sad number for the men of their family.

  • 何度ノズルをクリーニングしても、シアンのつまりが改善されません。修理代金もかかるでしょうから買い替えしかないかと思いますが、いくらかインクを持っています。
  • LC3111 4パックの残りの色が複数あります。MFC-J4440Nがスペック的に堅牢かと思って購入を考えていますが、amazon本体発売の商品にLC3111とセット販売がされています。(それを買おうと思っているのではないですが・・。)LC3111の対象機種を調べるとMFC-J4440Nは対象になっていないように思うのですが、これは無理やり使えるからこのようなセット販売がされているのでしょうか?
  • お答えにくい質問かとは思いますが、よろしくお願いいたします。