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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語論文の添削)


  • IBLプレーヤーを過去のスポーツ労働移民の研究の先駆者として捉えることができる。
  • プロの経験を持つ選手たちは他のリーグから解雇されたため、雇用条件が悪い状況でこのリーグに参加した。
  • アマチュア経験しかない選手は、シーズン中に2ヶ月間のトレーニングキャンプ生活を過ごし、大会終了後すぐに母国に戻るため、「傭兵」と見なすことができる。


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こんにちは。IBLは最初に略さず、正式名称を書いて、続いて(IBL)として、その後、IBLと表記します。 Applying the [IBLの正式名称] (IBL) players to flame works of the past sports labor migration studies, all of them can be considered as “Pioneers” because of contribution for diffusion of baseball to Israel as baseball barren (Maguire: 1996). However, the players who had professional experiences joined this league should be regarded as “up-ward transaction players” because they were fired from another league, then hired from the IBL that paid less to them (Chiba and Ebihara, 1999). The majority players who only had amateur experiences can be categorized as “up-ward transaction players” (Chiba and Ebihara, 1999) or “Mercenaries” (Maguire: 1996) because all the players spent two months training camp life in principle during the season and went back to their home countries soon after the tournament. Based on these past studies, this paper classifies the IBL players into four types; “prospect”, a type as object for development of players, “baseball labor”, a type as a necessary worker for that players in development countries from developing countries, “vacation” type and “ego-seeking” type of players who participated for self-actualization from developed countries. Then this article illustrates that transformation about flame work of sports labor migration was found in the IBL by verifying several examples. →someは避けて、他の言い方にする。




