
  • 日本の外務省は、世界中での外交使節団を増やす計画を立てています。
  • 計画には、大使館や総領事館を増設することが含まれており、積極的な外交を展開するための体制拡充が急務であると述べています。
  • 具体的には、9つの国に大使館を開設し、セントラルアジアのタジキスタンやトルクメニスタン、西アフリカのリベリアなどには総領事館を設置する予定です。さらに、フィリピンのセブ市など、6つの場所にも総領事館を設ける予定です。
  • ベストアンサー

consulate generalの複数形がcon

NHKからの抜粋です。 The ministry also plans to set up consulates general in 6 more places, including the Philippine city of Cebu. このconsulates generalが辞書に無かったのですが、consulate generalはありました。 consulate general総領事の職、総領事館 だそうです。 どうしてconsulate generalsでは無いのでしょうか。また、複合名詞の時、最初の名詞が複数形になる別の複合名詞は多いのでしょうか。普通、二番目の方だと思うのですが。 全文は以下です: Japan's Foreign Ministry is planning to increase its diplomatic missions worldwide. A Ministry panel last week compiled a proposal on measures to significantly strengthen Japan's diplomatic presence. The proposal calls for setting up more embassies and consulates general. It says it is urgent that Japan expand its system to strategically develop what it calls aggressive diplomacy. Japan currently has embassies in 136 of the 194 nations it recognizes as states. The United States has 168 embassies. China has 164. China has embassies in 36 countries where Japan does not. The country is spreading its influence by providing a huge amount of economic assistance. The Foreign Ministry considers additional diplomatic missions necessary to boost its capability to disseminate information and promote Japanese businesses overseas. The ministry hopes to open embassies in 9 countries, including Liberia in West Africa, as well as Tajikistan and Turkmenistan in Central Asia. The ministry also plans to set up consulates general in 6 more places, including the Philippine city of Cebu. The Foreign Ministry will seek funding for these plans in the fiscal 2015 budget.

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

問題はconsulateにあるのではなく、generalという形容詞にあります。 あなたは複合名詞としてとらえているようですが、この場合のgeneralは形容詞です。このgeneralという形容詞はくせもので、 a general chairmanのようなときは、普通に名詞の前に置いているのに、 the Secretary General of the United Nations(国連総務長)のような場合には後置なのです。ですから、secretaryが仮に複数あれば、secretaries generalということになります(この場合そうはなりませんが)。 a consulate generalが単数名詞+形容詞 consulates generalが複数名詞+形容詞 ということになります。 ★どうしてconsulate generalsでは無いのでしょうか。 →generalは形容詞ですから、sをつけて複数形というわけにはいきません。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。



返信ありがとうございます よくわかりました 今後もおねがいします


  • 冠詞a のあとに複数名詞?

    あるリスニングのスクリプトの冒頭部分からで、第一段落を書いています。 Britain has defended its arms sales policy to Africa. The issue has arisen as Prime Minister Tony Blair prepares to leave on a tour of western Africa. Officials say Prime Minister Blair is putting the final touches on his plans to lead a diplomatic mission to western Africa this week. His itinerary has been kept secret, but media reports say Mr. Blair will visit Nigeria , Ghana, Senegal and possibly Sierra Leone. (3)Mr. Blair has made Africa a foreign affairs priority of his second term. Britain is pushing the other seven leading industrial powers to come up with an action plan for African development by June. (3)の箇所で has made の部分を質問したいのですが、make OCであっていますか?OがAfrica で、a foreign affairs priority が Cというように? 冠詞a は priority にかかっていっていると思います( a priority)、そして、 affairs (複数形名詞)もまた、priorityにかかっていると思います( affairs priority), そしてforeignは 形容詞でaffairs priorityにかかっていると思います。質問ですが、冠詞a があるのに、なぜ affairsと複数形の名詞が priorityの前にあるのでしょうか? (3)を日本語訳などしていただかなくても大丈夫です。ですが、(3)の文法が少し曖昧で、どう理解したらいいのか教えていただけたらと思います。考えたことは以上です。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    どなたか下記英文の和訳をお願いできませんでしょうか? 具体的に何を言わんとしているのかよくわかりませんで…。 The Government of the Ukraine has activated coordination mechanisms to respond to the rapidly evolving situation, including the harmonization of response plans across all administrative levels.

  • TOEIC対策の文章の和訳 

    TOEIC対策としてアメリカ人から頂いた文章で意味がわからないところがあります。 以下の文章の最後の一文なのですが意味がわかりません。 わかるところは the company’s decision to cut its workforce 「その会社が人員削減を決定したこと」 it has over 70,000 workers throughout the country. 「国内に7万人以上従業員がいること」 です。 these plans won't effectのところと even thoughの論理が不明です。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 XYZ Co., is expected to close many of their factories and eliminate thousands of jobs in order to cope with their recent losses. XYZ also plans to improve their current line of products and is in merger talks with its rival, AbcCorp. But these plans will not effect the company’s decision to cut its workforce, even though it has over 70,000 workers throughout the country.

  • フランス大使館ビザ進捗状況

    ビザを申請しています。 番号を入力すると下記のような文章が・・・! The decision concerning your application has been reached. If it has not yet been communicated to you, you may as of now visit the Visa Section of the French CONSULATE in TOKYO(*) OKともダメとも書いていないのですが、これって、だめだということなのでしょうか! どなたか教えてください!!!

  • 会社名にtheが付く?

    NHKからの抜粋です Later, the Sony Pictures reversed its decision amid growing criticism that the firm gave in to intimidation and undermined the freedom of expression. "Sony Pictures"は会社名のようです。 ここでは"the"が付いていますが、少なくともこの数日の関連する記事では、全て冠詞が無いです。 全文です China's foreign ministry is urging the United States and North Korea to respond calmly to US movie "The Interview". It is a comedy about the fictional assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. A spokesperson for the foreign ministry, Hua Chunying, said at a news conference on Friday that the movie has created controversy. She said the United States and North Korea should solve their problems in a calm and appropriate manner. The movie has drawn international attention after Sony Pictures Entertainment had cancelled the release due to terror threats against theaters. The film studio suffered cyberattacks from an unknown group. North Korea reacted sharply to a conclusion by the US government that the North was behind the attack. Later, the Sony Pictures reversed its decision amid growing criticism that the firm gave in to intimidation and undermined the freedom of expression.

  • 英文の邦訳の添削;It general

    It general, one needs to tune the value of γ. 上記の英文の下記の拙訳中,特にIt general,を如何訳せばよいか,お教え下さい。 「一般的に,γ値の調整を必要とする。」 以上宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳してもらえませんか。

    英字のニュースでわからないところがありました。 もしおわかりでしたら、和訳していただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 In the past, the Foreign Ministry has helped dozens of Japanese spouses and former Korean residents of Japan who fled to China from North Korea return to Japan secretly with cooperation from Beijing.

  • 翻訳をお願いします!!

    翻訳をお願いします!! ヴィザを申請したのですが、進歩状況を確認したら英文でした。 英訳の自信がないのでお願いします。 The decision concerning your application has been reached. If it has not yet been communicated to you,you may as now visit the Visa section- of the French CONSULATE in Tokyo*. * When you submitted your visa application,if you said you intended to collect your visa from another diplomatic or consular representation,you should also contact that representation before going there. 以上です。 フランス大使館のビザセクションは、電話で問い合わせができないので 困ってます・・・。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    He retained his post in Émile Loubet's ministry (February–November 1892), and on its defeat he became president of the council, retaining the direction of foreign affairs. The government resigned in March 1893 over the refusal of the chamber to accept the Senate's amendments to the budget. On the election of Félix Faure as president of the Republic in January 1895, Ribot again became premier and minister of finance. On 10 June he was able to make the first official announcement of a definite alliance with Russia. On 30 October the government was defeated on the question of the Chemin de fer du Sud, and resigned office. The real reason of its fall was the mismanagement of the Madagascar expedition, the cost of which in men and money exceeded all expectations, and the alarming social conditions at home, as indicated by the strike at Carmaux. After the fall of Jules Méline's ministry in 1898 M. Ribot tried in vain to form a cabinet of "conciliation."

  • 【和訳】和訳をお願いできませんでしょうか。

    国連の世界貿易レポートを読んでいるのですが、イマイチ理解できません。 大変長い文章ですが、和訳していただけませんでしょうか。 どうかよろしくお願いします。 Thus, while developing countries (25 per cent) have a lower share of foreign value added than the world average (28 per cent), their foreign value added share is significantly higher than in the United States and Japan – or than in the EU, if only external trade is taken into account. Among developing economies, the highest shares of foreign value added in trade are found in East and South-East Asia and in Central America (including Mexico), where processing industries account for a significant part of exports. Foreign value added in exports is much lower in Africa, West Asia, South America and in the transition economies, where natural resources and commodities exports with little foreign inputs tend to play an important role. The lowest share of foreign value added in exports is found in South Asia, mainly due to the weight of services exports, which also use relatively fewer foreign inputs. The average foreign value added share of exports and the degree of double counting in global exports of an industry provide a rough indication of the extent to which industries rely on internationally integrated production networks, as it proxies the extent to which intermediate goods and services cross borders until final consumption of the industry’s output. Clearly, GVCs do not equate with industries. A value chain for a given product may incorporate value added produced by many different industries (e.g. manufactured products incorporate value added from services industries). The global average shares by industry of foreign value added ignore the fact that each industry may be part of and contribute to many different value chains. The value and share of developing-country exports that depend on GVCs, because of either upstream links (foreign value added in exports) or downstream links (exports that are incorporated in other products and re-exported) is quite significant (figure IV.8). East and South-East Asia remains the region with the highest level of GVC participation, reflecting its primacy as the most important region for exportoriented manufacturing and processing activities. Central America (including Mexico) also has a high participation rate, but whereas it ranked equal with South-East Asia in terms of foreign value added in exports, it has a lower downstream participation rate, reflecting the fact that it exports relatively more to the United States domestic market rather than for onward exports.