• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳)


  • バッテリーの出荷が遅延しており、現在の在庫にはもう1週間入荷しない見込みです。
  • 現在、他の2種類のバッテリーが利用可能です。 52.8AHのバッテリーは現在の注文よりも大きく、26Ahのバッテリーはそれよりも小さいです。
  • これらの2つのバッテリーに切り替えるか、現在のバッテリーを待つか選択してください。お待ちいただけない場合は、返金も可能です。


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

申し訳ございませんが、つい先ほど私どものサプライヤーから連絡があり、商品の納入が遅れるとのことです。このバッテリーにつきましては在庫切れの状態があと1週間続くことになります。現在私どもの方で用意できるバッテリーですと、52.8AH と 26Ah のいずれかになります。現在お客様からご注文頂いている品に比べ、52.8Ah は大きく、26Ah は小さくなります。このままあと1週間、ご注文の商品をお待ちになりますか?それともご用意可能な代替品どちらか一方にご変更なさいますか?ご変更なさるのであれば(差額を)返金することも可能です。 以上、ご参考まで。





その他の回答 (1)

  • houtarou
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/1)

すみませんが、只今納品時間が遅くなるの知らせを受けました。あと一週間待つことになりました。現在、私たちは二つ別規格の電池を持っております、ひとつは52.8AHもう一つは26Ah。52.8AHの方はご注文の大きくて、26 AHの方はご注文の小さくです。お客様はその二つ別規格の電池に交換するか、それともご注文の製品の納品を待つでしょうか?お金を返すことも可能です。






  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    And I was trying to tell you why it is a reason for things to happen in a certain way if we can show that that way has more ways of happening than some other way.

  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    We cannot, we must not, refuse to protect the right of every American to vote in every election that he may desire to participate in.And we ought not, and we cannot, and we must not wait another eight months before we get a bill. We have already waited 100 years and more and the time for waiting is gone. So I ask you to join me in working long hours and nights and weekends, if necessary, to pass this bill. And I don't make that request lightly, for, from the window where I sit, with the problems of our country, I recognize that from outside this chamber is the outraged conscience of a nation, the grave concern of many nations and the harsh judgment of history on our acts.

  • 和訳教えてください

    和訳教えてください If you've got into the way of thinking that poetry is stupid stuff, or useless, or beneath your dignity, thhen you certainly won't get much not of learning it by heart. But remember that it is a good thing to train your memory, and learning a poem is at least a much pleasanter way of training it than learning , say, twenty lines out of the telephone directory. What is more important, to learn poetry is to learn a repect for words;and without this respect for words, you will never be able to think clearly or express yourself properly. よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳サイトなどを使ってみたのですがいまいち分からなかったのでお願いします。 Thank you for contacting GameStop! I’ll be more than happy to assist you with your concerns. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you had with this order. We have carefully reviewed the information on this order, and found out that the processing is going fine, it has been accepted by the financial institution so at this point we just need to wait for the processing to be finished and the order to be shipped out. For now unfortunately we are not able to provide you with a definitive timeframe, but you will be notified with tracking information when this item is shipped. Thank you for contacting GameStop Customer Care, and I hope you have a wonderful day. If you have any further questions please feel free to reply to this email or call us Monday through sunday at 800-883--8895

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    What do our customers pay us for? Why do they buy from us? In a competitive, non-monopolistic market, and that is what the world has become, there is absolutely no reason why a customer should buy from you rather than from your competitor. None. He pays you because you give him something that is of value to him. What is it that we get paid for? You may think this is a simple question. It is not. I have now been working with some of the world’s biggest manufacturers, producers, even in Slovenia. I have been asking that question now for a year. We have two kinds of customers: one, of course, is the retailer and, if that soap or that detergent or that mayonnaise is not on the retailer’s shelves, the housewife won’t buy it.

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    That's ok ... I'm just happy that I can see you again. I can come to the exit of the JR station. If you take central exit, I'll wait for you there. And I will be in my hotel room before that so you can just use normal email. My room number is Can't wait to see you ...

  • 和訳をお願い致します(哲学関係)

    いつも楽しく拝見させて頂いています。 英語の哲学関係の本を読んでいるのですが、どうしてもぴんとこない部分があるので、英訳をお願いできたらと思います。 Now we call that which is in itself worthy of pursuit more final than that which is worthy of pursuit for the sake of something else, and which is never desireble for the sake of something else more final than the things that are desirable both in themselves and for the sake of that other thing, and therefore we call final without qualification that which is always desirable in itself and never for the sake of something else. 内容にずれがなければ、意訳でも結構です。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • この英文を和訳してください。

    アメリカの友人からメールが届きました。 すみませんが、和訳をお願いします。 ah my friend. a time that is bitter / sweet. bitter for your country / sweet for you to be passing from one time in your life to another. I pray that your time of celebration goes well and that you are able to enjoy yourself. I chear you on for your desire to help in relief work by volunteering. I will pray for your safety and that you might be a big help and comfort to many of the people. Please keep me up to date on your activities.

  • 英文の長文、和訳お願いします

    Does the Earth have the natural resources to support this many people? Unfortunately, the answer to this question depends on information we don't have. For example, we don't know how people will choose to live in the future. We don't know what their standard of living will be. We also don't know what new technologies will be available in the future. We do know that the Earth's natural resources are limited. Fresh water, for example, is crucial for health and food production. However, more than 97% of the water on Earth is salt water, which is poisonous to both people and crops. Only 3% of the water on Earth is fresh water, and three quarters of that fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. Today, the demands for fresh water is greater than the supply in roughly eighty countries around the world. By 2025, scientists predict that forty-eight countries will have chronic shortages of water. At present, disalinization, or the removal of salt from salt water, is not a solution to the shortage of fresh water. It takes a lot of energy to remove the salt from ocean water, and that makes the disalinization process very expensive.

  • of

    A: Not yet. We wait for the opportune moment. B: When is that? When it's of greatest profit to you? Bの言った、it's of greatest profit to youのofの意味を教えてください。

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  • EP-883ABのトリミング方法についてご紹介します。高精度なトリミング機能を備えており、画像や文章をきれいに整えることができます。