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英語版Wikipedia の Charles Stewart Parnell という記事の冒頭に、「... was an Irish landlord, nationalist political leader, land reform agitator, and ...」とありますが、文中のnationalist political leader の日本語訳は何でしょうか。


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    「アイルランド国民党」の政治指導者、でいいと思います。過去に活躍した党ですから、、、     http://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%82%A2%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E5%9B%BD%E6%B0%91%E5%85%9A



  • 和訳

    英語の赤本をやっているのですが、長文で意味が取れない箇所があるので訳してもらえませんか。 (1)He was nearly fifty at the time, and had no ambitions less an adequate income and a good home for his family―Brompton was a pleasant place to live in after the City. (2)Then in 1861, when Charles Digby was twenty, his father handed over control on the understanding that it was not an inheritance but a business deal to be paid for.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願い致します。

    A cornerstone of a broad tax reform was a cut in marginal tax rates on the income of households. The top rate which was as high as 65 percent in 1984-85 was reduced to 56 percent, but also the standard rate was cut from 35 percent to 32 percent. These cuts were accompanied by an increase in standard allowances. The Irish tax system is quite progressive, therefore these tax cuts reached very low in the income ladder. The corporate income tax was also reduced from 47 to 43 percent. ※a broad tax reform =広範囲に渡る税制改革 The Irish tax system =アイルランドの税制システム

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いできますでしょうか。。。 「With a book in her lap Hattie became a different person, thousands of miles away, in the middle of the action. Her mother worried that books at such an early age would ruin the girl, but Mr.Abbott didn'd agree. He admired the theories of John Stuart Mill on the education of women and he was proud of his precocious child.」 Hattie,Mr.Abbott, John Stuart Mill は人名ですのでよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Ottoman Empire maintained a presence in Azerbaijan until the end of the war in November 1918. Jabal Shammar Jabal Shammar was an Arab state in the Middle East that was closely associated with the Ottoman Empire. Other movements supported the efforts of the Central Powers for their own reasons, such as the Irish Nationalists who launched the Easter Rising in Dublin in April 1916; they referred to their "gallant allies in Europe". In 1914, Józef Piłsudski was permitted by Germany and Austria-Hungary to form independent Polish legions. Piłsudski wanted his legions to help the Central Powers defeat Russia and then side with France and the UK and win the war with them. Kaocen Revolt Zaian War Irish Republican Brotherhood Hindu–German Conspiracy Mexican Revolution Niedermayer-Hentig Expedition Senussi Campaign Polish Legions Volta-Bani War BMORK

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The secret pact, the Treaty of London or London Pact (Italian: Patto di Londra), was signed between the Triple Entente (the United Kingdom, France, and the Russian Empire) and the Kingdom of Italy. According to the pact, Italy was to leave the Triple Alliance and join the Triple Entente. Italy was to declare war against Germany and Austria-Hungary within a month in return for territorial concessions at the end of the war. While Giolitti supported neutrality, Salandra and Sonnino, supported intervention on the side of the Allies, and secured Italy's entrance into the war despite the opposition of the majority in parliament. On 3 May 1915, Italy officially revoked the Triple Alliance. In the following days Giolitti and the neutralist majority of the Parliament opposed declaring war, while nationalist crowds demonstrated in public areas for entering the war. On 13 May 1915, Salandra offered his resignation, but Giolitti, fearful of nationalist disorder that might break into open rebellion, declined to succeed him as prime minister and Salandra's resignation was not accepted. On 23 May 1915, Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary. Salandra had expected that Italy's entrance on the allied side would bring the war to a quick solution, but in fact it changed little, and Italy's first year in the war was marked by only very limited success. Following the success of an Austrian offensive from the Trentino in the spring of 1916, Salandra was forced to resign. After World War I, Salandra moved further to the right, and supported Mussolini's accession to power in 1922. Nine years later he died in Rome.

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    The Belgian Force Publique of 12,417 men formed three groups, each with 7,000–8,000 porters, yet expected to live off the land. The 1915 harvest had been exhausted and the 1916 harvest had not matured; Belgian requisitions alienated the local civilians. On 5 April, the Belgians offered an armistice to the Germans and then on 12 April commenced hostilities. The Force Publique advanced between Kigali and Nyanza under the command of General Charles Tombeur, Colonel Molitor and Colonel Olsen and captured Kigali on 6 May. The Germans in Burundi were forced back and by 17 June the Belgians had occupied Burundi and Rwanda. The Force Publique and the British Lake Force then advanced towards Tabora, an administrative centre of central German East Africa. The Allies moved in three columns and took Biharamulo, Mwanza, Karema, Kigoma and Ujiji. Tabora was captured unopposed on 19 September. To forestall Belgian claims on the German colony, Smuts ordered Belgian forces back to Congo, leaving them as occupiers only in Rwanda and Burundi. The British were obliged to recall Belgian troops in 1917 and after this the Allies coordinated campaign plans.

  • 和訳してください

    [ ]に入る適切な語を選んで和訳していただけませんか? In the 1980s, when the Soviet Union’s last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, came into power, The Soviet Union was faced with two serious problems. First, their economic planning failed to [meet/ reflect/ find] the needs of the State, which was caught up in a vicious arms race with the US. This led to a gradual economic decline that called for economic reform. Second, the Government had underestimated the growing demand of the non-Russian ethnic groups for independence from the Soviet Union. In order to address these problems, Gorbachev introduced a two-tiered reform policy: glasnost (freedom of speech) and perestroika (economic reform). However, perestroika did not work and only encouraged people to exercise their newly given freedom of speech to [praise /criticize/ explain] the Government for its unsuccessful economic reform.

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    At the outbreak of World War I, the Belgian army was in the middle of a reorganisation. Historically, Belgium had a reputation for neglecting its military. During the 19th century, military reform had been a major political issue as successive governments remained unsure of whether the signatory nations of the 1839 Treaty of London would intervene to guarantee Belgian neutrality if the country were invaded. Belgian politicians were also aware of the rapid expansion of French and German armies during the period. From the 1880s onwards, the Belgian government embarked on an ambitious series of fortress construction but failed to expand or reform the military itself. In 1902, the regular army stood at just 42,800 men with a potential post-mobilisation strength of 180,000. Aware of the country's precarious geopolitical situation, a new military bill was signed by King Leopold II in 1909, initiating major military reforms. These put an end to the system of remplacement, in which wealthy conscripts could pay a replacement to take their place in the army, and introduced a more egalitarian form of military conscription based on age group.Beyond the acquisition of a few new Krupp artillery pieces, there was little attempt to modernise the army's equipment. Further reforms were launched after the Agadir Crisis in 1911 under the leadership of the Charles de Broqueville government. After several years of discussion, a major military reform bill was ratified by the parliament in 1913 by which the total possible strength of the army would be gradually increased from 180,000 to 350,000 men. Military spending also rose. This reform had only been partially implemented by the outbreak of war and Belgium's army was still considered to be weak by the German military leadership.

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    The term crusade is derived from a Middle Latin cruxata, cruciata. The adjective cruciatus had been used in the sense of "marked with a cross" from the 12th century; cruciatus (also cruxatus, croxatus, crucesignatus) was used of crusaders by the mid 13th century, from their practice of attaching a cloth cross symbol to their clothing. Use of cruxata (cruciata) for "crusade, military expedition against enemies of the church" is in use by the 1280s. The French form croisade and Spanish cruzada are recorded by the 16th century. The French form of the word first appears in its historiographical sense in the 17th century[3] and it was adopted into English and German in the 18th century. The Crusades in the Holy Land are traditionally counted as nine distinct campaigns, numbered from the First Crusade of 1095–99 to the Ninth Crusade of 1271/2. This convention is used by Charles Mills in his History of the Crusades for the Recovery and Possession of the Holy Land (1820), and is often retained for convenience, even though it is somewhat arbitrary: The Fifth and Sixth Crusades led by Frederick II may be considered a single campaign, as can the Eight Crusade and Ninth Crusade led by Louis IX.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The term crusade is derived from a Middle Latin cruxata, cruciata. The adjective cruciatus had been used in the sense of "marked with a cross" from the 12th century; cruciatus (also cruxatus, croxatus, crucesignatus) was used of crusaders by the mid 13th century, from their practice of attaching a cloth cross symbol to their clothing. Use of cruxata (cruciata) for "crusade, military expedition against enemies of the church" is in use by the 1280s. The French form croisade and Spanish cruzada are recorded by the 16th century. The French form of the word first appears in its historiographical sense in the 17th century[3] and it was adopted into English and German in the 18th century. The Crusades in the Holy Land are traditionally counted as nine distinct campaigns, numbered from the First Crusade of 1095–99 to the Ninth Crusade of 1271/2. This convention is used by Charles Mills in his History of the Crusades for the Recovery and Possession of the Holy Land (1820), and is often retained for convenience, even though it is somewhat arbitrary: The Fifth and Sixth Crusades led by Frederick II may be considered a single campaign, as can the Eight Crusade and Ninth Crusade led by Louis IX.

  • 最近、浴槽循環装置の浴槽水(湯)温度センサーのサーミスタが設定温度より高くなる問題が発生しました。サーミスタを交換した結果、温度表示がさらに上昇しました。適切な浴槽水温度センサーのサーミスタを選定する方法について教えてください。
  • 浴槽循環装置の浴槽水(湯)温度センサーに使用されるサーミスタの種類には違いがあります。サーミスタの種類を適切に選ぶことが重要です。設定温度より高い温度表示が問題となっている場合、サーミスタの種類を見直す必要があります。適切なサーミスタの選定方法について教えてください。
  • 浴槽循環装置の浴槽水(湯)温度センサーのサーミスタを交換した結果、温度表示が予想よりも高くなってしまった場合、適切なサーミスタを選定する必要があります。正確な温度計測を行うためには、適切なサーミスタの特性を考慮しなければなりません。サーミスタ選定のポイントについて教えてください。