• 締切済み

If a king had


  • one-eyed
  • ベストアンサー率38% (19/50)



  • had he not believedについて

    とある小説からの引用です。 He looked at Evans for reassurance.he would have rushed from the studio and signed on with the first freighter he bumped into,had he not believed it his duty to stand by and take the blame. ※had he not believed it his duty to stand by and take the blame.の意訳 その場に踏みとどまり、責任を取ることが自分の責務だと心得ていた なぜ「had he not believed」の意訳が心得るになるのか理解できません。notがあるので意訳とは間逆の「信じていないor思っていない」等の翻訳が適切ではないのでしょうか?

  • People who lived along th

    People who lived along the street would sit in front of their house and watch the parade of cars slowly drive by each night. 和訳をお願い致します。

  • a か the か

    http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/kotaeru.php3?q=1794327 に続いての質問です。 やはり、FREDERICK FORSYTH の THE DECEIVER の一節です。 主人公が秘密警察の仕事から引退をする場面です。 He looked out at the bright blue sky of the summer's day beyond the windows. There was a whole world out there, another world, that he would soon have to join and in which he would have to make his way without the membership of his own small peer group, the intelligence officers among whom he he had lived for most of his adult life. 二つ疑問です。 1.上の文で、There was a whole world out there,のa world を the world に変えることは出来ないでしょうか。つまり、There is 構文でも、the を続けることがあり、メッセージの受け手にとり、実質的に新情報であれば、the でも可能と言われています。 2.without the membership、the intelligence officers の the を取ってしまうことは出来ないでしょうか。または、前者のみをa に変えることはどうでしょうか。前回の質問( http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/kotaeru.php3?q=1794327  )で、いわゆる「無価値化の a 」と言うのが出てきました。ここでも、対象は過去のものになりつつあるものです。なぜ、こちらは、the になっているのでしょうか。

  • 18-2日本語訳

    お願いします。  In about 269 BCE,Ashoka's father,King Bindusara,died.Ashoka was barely 30,but he had already proven himself a brilliant warrior.Ashoka's mother had not been his father's chief wife,so he had to compete with his half brothers for the throne.But by 265 BCE Ashoka had defeated all his rivals and was the unquestioned king of the dntire northern subcontinent.  He may have been king,but many of his people did not wish to be his subjects.They had lived in independent city-states for centuries and,and although a centralized state had its good points,like making the roads better and safer and increasing trade,they did not want to obey a king.Ashoka made royal visits to these regions to persuade his people to stay in the kingdom his father and grandfather had established.When persuasion didn't work,he sent his army.  Ashoka's grandfather,Chandragupta,ham united most of the northern subcontinent.His empire stretched“from the lord of the mountains[Himalayas],cooled by showers of the spray nf the divine steam[Ganga]playing about among its rocks.to the shores of the southern ocean marked by the brilliance of gems flashing with various colors.”Arhoka's father,Bindusara,had continued his father's tradition,earning himself the nickname“Slayer of Enemies.”But neither Chandragupta nor Bindusara had dared attack the territory of Kalinga in eastern India.  Kalinga was a particularly rich and powerful state.Its riches came from its trade with Southeast Asia.Merchants from Kalinga could be found as far away as Borneo,Bali,and Java.Although it had no king,Kalinga protected its riches with a huge and well-organized army,including an army of especially mighty war elephants.

  • 訳があっているか教えてください。

    英語を勉強しているものですが、次のように何とか訳したのですが、ちょっと納得のいかない箇所もあるので、詳しい方できれば教えてください。問題の文は [1]In the woods Jim met Ben Gun an old man the pirates had left on the island years ago. 木々の中で、ジムは昔島に置き去りになった、年老いた海賊のベンガンに出合った。 [2]Ben glad to have someone to talk to. ベンは話相手がもててうれしかった。 [3]He told Jim all about his row boat his cave and the food he ate to survive. かれはにほら穴や漕ぎ舟など全てを教えた。そして 生きるための方法も。 と言う訳になったのですがあっているでしょうか。ちょっと疑問に思ったのは [1]の文なのですが、先ずBen Gun an old man the prratesを先行詞にして関係代名詞にしたほうがいいのではないでしょうか?つまり「Jim met Ben Gun an old man the pirates who had left on the island yars ago?」とする方がいいと思います。それともこの場合関係代名詞「who」は省略できるのでしょうか?教えてください。 [2]の文は直訳すると「talk to(話しかける)」と「have someone(誰かをもつ)」だったので二つをあわせて「話相手」と訳してみたのですが変でしょうか。 [3]の文では「the food he ate to survive」の訳がどうしても上手く出来ませんでした。直訳すると「食べ物は彼は生きるために食べた。」としか訳せず推測して「生きるための方法」と訳してしまったのですが変でしょうか。この文法に詳しい方おしえていただければ幸いです。 以上なのですが、時間に余裕のある方で教えてくださる方がいればうれしいです。お願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳をお願いします。 Long,long ago there lived a king in Greece. He had two little children, a boy and a girl. They were good children and loved each other very much. One day they were playing in the girden. There on the grass was a fine large sheep. This sheep had a fleece of gold, and his horns were gold too. The children wanted to pat thi sheep, but they could not catch him. When they went near, he ran away on the clouds. Every day they played in the garden and every day the sheep came, too. He slowly became tame and let the children pat his golden fleece. The boy helped his sister noto the sheep's back. Then he got on and held onto the horns. The sheep went up.up into the sky, and ran a long way on the clouds. The girl became dizzy and fell down into the sea. The boy felt very bad to lose his sister, but kept on riding. Then he came to the land of Colchis. He killed the sheep and gave fleece to the king. The king was pleased to have it and nailed it to an oak tree. By the tree was a dragon. The dragon never went to sleep. He could not let anyone but the king come close to the tree. The boy then realized, not only had he host his sister, but also he had lots the golden fleece.

  • よろしくお願いします

    Fifteen years ago, when I was 16, I stalked one of my teachers. While I never made any threats against them (I loved them), I did everything I could to be close, including joining clubs they moderated, offering gifts, casually going on walks past their house (we lived in the same neighborhood) and even showing up at the grocery store when I knew they would be shopping. I never made any threats against themのthemのところは単数のhisやherを使いたくなるのですが、複数で受ける決まりがあるのでしょうか?あと、ここでのmoderatedの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 解らない部分の訳をお願いします

    解らないところが有るので訳をおねがいします 水族館内での出来事です She pressed her face up against the glass, squashing her nose. It would have looked funny to the dolphns, had the noticed, which they didn't. None of the fish ever noticed her. 解らないのは「had the noticed, which they didn't.」の部分です よろしくお願いします

  • まえのエっセイの続きなんですけど

    まえのエっセイの続きなんですけど グラマーが正しくできているか みてもらいたいです><おねがいします! When I was young, I always went to purchase something food at a grocery store after school was done because my mother had a hectic time. One day, across the street of my house, an old man sold vegetables out of his dilapidated truck. My mother knew and said to me, “I would want you to buy some fresh vegetables.” I had been tempted by his tomatoes, which looked better than other pink one at the grocery. I had never asked what is it and how much they cost, and I also didn’t say “thank you.”

  • よろしくお願いします

    (気持ちが悪い隣人がいる、という投稿に対して)Q. Re: Creepy Neighbor: I had the same problem many years ago. My downstairs neighbor would play pornos very loudly when my boyfriend was out of town, would always invite me over to his house, and I’d find my underwear missing from the shared washer/dryer. The last straw was when I walked past his window (only way out of my upstairs apartment) and he had his computer screen pushed up against the window with a very graphic pornographic image on display. only way out of my upstairs apartmentとhad his computer screen pushed up against the windowはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします