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一般の海図の目標から距離を置いて運ぶことにより、位置は移動されるべきです。 transferは移動するの意味だと思います。


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下は航路に関する文章です。drawingの意味が分かりません。よろしく This approach should be used by vessels drawing more than 5 m when approaching from W; approach :進入路 approaching :進入する W:西

  • 海外コンペの和訳をお願いします。

    < Common Area Space Plan> - Library entrance and main lobby space plan The reception and checkout/return should be integrally managed at the main entrance so that efficiently operate employee of each reading space. And common area should be minimized whereas effective area are maximized. At the entrance design, a ramp and automatic door should be installed for the elderly including wheelchair dependents and visual handicapped. The space is for various posts, guidance, personal storage, new material display, list card search, etc. The entrance should be located at one place for entering from both street and parking lot, and if two sides of land are adjoining to street, entrance should be installed at both sides to separate user access from employee or material access. In main entrance hall, touch screen library guidance system and district office information kiosk should be installed, and also terminals should be installed for users to search books right away. An umbrella stand should be installed around the wind shield room and near the entrance newspaper rack should be installed for easy access and posting, display area is arranged to lead visitors to open reading room. At the entrance, a return box should be installed to be able to return books after closing hour. - Stockroom It should be arranged either near the main entrance or near the reading room for user convenience. 2.8 Exterior Space, Access and Parking - Block planning should focus on creating pleasant environments by accommodating surroundings with symbiotic relations as valuing physical and humanistic characters in local area. - Buildings should be optimized by bearing, topography, climate and shape. - For natural water circulation in land, drainage should be good and in order to prevent congestion by ground sand, land shape and topography should be well utilized. - Land should be measured to maximize natural energy such as solar heat, geothermal heat, etc. - It should provide sidewalk and facility for user convenience by public transportation and bicycle and should be planned by considering outdoor rest area, convenient facility, landscaping, parking space, etc. - As connecting greenbelt in competition land to greenbelt in the land, suggestion related to competition design by participant's intention can be accepted. Preparation Room It should be located behind the check out desk with bookshelves for 1,000 ~ 2,000 books at the wall, and employee are flexibly arranged at the place where they can see the open shelf reading room through the glass door or partition. - Dressing Room It should provide wide space since the entire staffs except the director and special librarians leave their belongings in dressing room. - Preservation Room The preservation room should have fireproof and moistureproof facility. 15℃ temperature and below 63% moisture are suitable in the room. Size of mobile rack with 1 row 6 level double is 1075 × 676 × 2260(cm) and stack capacity is about 240 books. - Library entrance and main lobby space plan The reception and checkout/return should be integrally managed at the main entrance so that efficiently operate employee of each reading space. And common area should be minimized whereas effective area are maximized. At the entrance design, a ramp and automatic door should be installed for the elderly including wheelchair dependents and visual handicapped. The space is for various posts, guidance, personal storage, new material display, list card search, etc. The entrance should be located at one place for entering from both street and parking lot, and if two sides of land are adjoining to street, entrance should be installed at both sides to separate user access from employee or material access.

  • これの和訳をお願いします。

    It should be noticed that b~ means the distance of the gyrocenter of a particle from the circular orbit of the planet and, hence, is regarded as an impact parameter on the analogy of the scattering problem in a free space. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳みてください

    Next PC you buy should be a 〇 not a △ 次、パソ買う時は、△ではなく、〇を買った方がいいよ。 shouldは、アドバイスですよね? ”買うべきだ”という、やや強制の意味にならないですよね? お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします!!!

     Somewhat later, the child's attention is attracted by stimuli having characteristics of stable, meaningful cues, and also by objects associated with acute emotional experiences. havingの意味が訳し方がわかりません。

  • 和訳を見て下さい

    これは大学のコース履修に必要な本を並べた文章です。下のように訳しましたが、「入手可能なソースからの効果的な記事の事例」がすでに意味をなしていないような気がします。訳を見ていただけるでしょうか。 例1, 例2, 例3, 例4, and 例5. You also should be reading regional and national newspapers and professional publications such as 例6, 例7, 例8, 例9, 例10, and 例11. And you should look for and collect examples of effective writing from any available source. 例1, 例2, 例3, 例4, and 例5。また地方紙や全国紙と例6, 例7, 例8, 例9, 例10や例11のような専門誌を購読していなくてはいけません。そして入手可能なソースからの効果的な記事の事例を捜し収集しなくてはいけません。

  • 和訳して下さい…。

    英語がわからないので、訳してくださると助かります>< We have sent the message for many days, but the buyer didn't reply us for confirmation, so we have to send the same style but not the same design from the picture showed on the page, all the size is same as the original one. we promise that we did send good curtains to the customers which include curtain, tulle(panel of curtain) and also hooks.As you can see from the attached picture, it indicates the total weight up to 1.965. In fact, the weight of curtain at one meter should be 0.95 which include curtain, panel of curtain and hooks. so we make 2 meters for the customer, and the total weight should be 1.9. This data can be well proved by the post company and curtain maker. あと、「片方しかないカーテンを貴方に返すことはできますが、送料はあなたが負担するべきです。」という文章は英語でどう書けば良いのか教えていただけると助かります。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    If you know what I mean by real friends, I prefer my man to be my friend, and his friends to be mine. この文章の意味がいまいち正確にわからないので和訳をお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The tunnel entrances were invisible to air observation and a French advance across the top of Mont Cornillet could be attacked from behind from them. Every move by the French, was under observation from the German positions but the ridge from Mont Cornillet to Le Téton and the woods to the west and east, hid German movements from ground observation and could only be detected by French aviators, who were frequently grounded by bad weather in the winter and spring of 1916–1917. By the beginning of April, the German Higher Command expected a French offensive from the Ailette to Reims but the quiescence of the French artillery east of Reims, led to no serious operation against Nogent l'Abbesse or Moronvilliers being anticipated. During Easter, General Chales de Beaulieu, the XIV Corps commander and the general commanding the 214th Division at Moronvilliers, briefed his subordinates that only artillery demonstrations were likely, between Reims and Aubérive. General von Gersdorf, the 58th Division commander, disagreed with the corps commander, which led to his resignation. The German defences were held by the 30th, 58th, 214th and 29th divisions from east to west. The 29th and 58th divisions were considered to be of high quality but the 214th Division was new division and its troops had had little opportunity for training; the 30th Division was considered to have one good and two indifferent regiments.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The new supreme command (OHL) ordered an end to attacks at Verdun and the dispatch of troops from there to Romania and the Somme front. On 5 September proposals for a new shorter defensive position to be built in France were requested from the commanders of the western armies, who met Hindenburg and Ludendorff at Cambrai on 8 September. The western front commanders were told that no reserves were available for offensive operations, except those planned for Romania. Lieutenant-General Fuchs, a corps commander, recommended that a defensive line be built from Arras to west of Laon, to shorten the front by 25 miles (40 km) and release ten divisions, which with other troops could be used for an offensive in Alsace or Lorraine. Ludendorff criticised the practice of holding ground regardless of its tactical value and advocated holding front-line positions with a minimum of troops and the recapture of lost positions by counter-attacks, a practice that had already been forced on the German armies on the Somme.