• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

全く発音しないということはないですが、そのthatは関係代名詞のthatですから重要度は低く、強く発音はしません。 所詮代名詞ですから。 またthatはあえてカタカナ表記するなら「ダット」という発音になり(「ザット」ではありません)、さらに最後の「ト」がほとんど消え「ダッ」あるいは「ダ」という発音に近くなります。 ですから前後のone that must beは「ワンダマスビー」といった感じの発音になります。(mustのtの発音もほとんど消えます) さらにこの「ダ」という音はこもりやすいので、言い方・聞き方によっては「ワン マスビー」という様にthat自体が抜けてるようにも聞こえます。 以上の理由で聞こえないように思えるのかと思われます。



回答をありがとうございます。 内容を踏まえて、もう一度聞き直してみます( ̄^ ̄)ゞ


  • 文法指摘おねがいします。

    あなたの以前の生活レベルを考えると今の生活はつらいかもしれませんが、 一生というわけではなく、目標を果たすということに重視をおけば日々が充実すると思います。というのを英語で、 I understand that your living level as for now is tough compared to your former living level.But life would be more fulfill if you put your aim to make your goal achieved. 完全素人の英語ですので、間違いだらけかもしれませんが 指摘いただければ幸いです。

  • 英文の意味

    She must be kicking herself now for turning down that offer. この場合のkicking herself の意味をよく理解できません。全体の意味をご教示頂けましたら大変助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    You make me laugh. I have to tell you about mis-hearing song lyrics. You know that song by the Cranberries called Zombie? They say “In your head, in your head, Zombie, Zombie” blah blah blah. Well the kids thought it was “idiot head”. Now I can sing it no other way! よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    どうかよろしくお願いします。 Whats that for?I can send you photos of the exact pair i'm offering for sale and which can be delivered to your location in Japan,provided i get hold of your address and when we must have concluded a deal and moreover its price remains the same. The idea of putting your name is not an issue but i certainly will not do that unless you must have made a reservation on the animals and not before,so please that's not possible! If seriously interested in the pair,then we can proceed with a deal,you can make a reservation and send me your complete address when the animals arrive your location in Japan,you will then be required to make the remaining payment and once more,life arrival of your animals is 100% guaranteed. それぞれ別なメールなのですがこちらも翻訳していただけると嬉しいです。 send me mobile number and swiss air call you CONFIRM I'M CHECKING WITH THE BREEDER TO SEE IF 2 PAIRS ARE AVAILABLE FOR U.. それではどうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    曲が良いのですが 英語ができないので和訳をお願い致します。 【Brand New】 You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out to get me through You make me feel brand new When I'm feeling low down You show me I know how to make it through Though I know you're lovin' me so well I can feel it in my heart, I can feel it in my soul, what you don't want to tell Sometimes you leave it in your head I can hear it in your voice, see it in your eyes, when you lay down in bed I stay up ponderin'... The choices I've made... Such a selfish life... That I had made... You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out, it gets me through You make me feel brand new When I'm feelin' low down You show me I know how to make it through So you say, here we go again Walking the thin line, living the hard times, seems like the old times will never end You really wish that I undeerstood But you say I never will, & i'm loosin what's real, livin proof of the mis-understood You stay up wonderin' In hopes that I'm okay See I'm headed home now Won't loose my way oh lady believe that With my baby on the way I can be a better man So please just stay You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out to get me through You make me feel brand new When I'm feeling low down You show me I know how to make it through Though I know you're lovin' me so well I can feel it in my heart, I can feel it in my soul, what you don't want to tell Sometimes you leave it in your head I can hear it in your voice, see it in your eyes, when you lay down in bed I stay up ponderin'... The choices I've made... Such a selfish life... That I had made... You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out to get me through You make me feel brand new When I'm feeling low down You show me I know how to make it through Though I know you're lovin' me so well I can feel it in my heart, I can feel it in my soul, what you don't want to tell Sometimes you leave it in your head I can hear it in your voice, see it in your eyes, when you lay down in bed So you say, here we go again Walking the thin line, living the hard times, seems like the old times will never end You really wish that I understood But you say I never will, & i'm loosin what's real, leavin proof of the mis-understood You stay up wonderin' In hopes that I'm okay See I'm headed home now Won't loose my way oh lady believe that With my baby on the way I can be a better man So please just stay You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out to get me through

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    But the first clear view which we obtain of the early condition of the earth presents to us a ball of matter,fluid with intense heat,spinning on its own axis and revolving round the sun. How long it may have continued in this state is beyond calculation or surmise. It can only be believed that a prolonged period,beginning and ending we know not when, elapsed before the surface became cooled and handened and capable of sustaining organized existences. The water, which now enwraps a large portion of the face of the globe, must for ages have existed only in the shape of steam, floating above and enveloping the planet in one thick curtain of mist. When the cooling of the surface allowed it to condense and descend, then commenced the process by which the lowest stratified rocks were formed and gradually spread out in vast layers. Rains and rivers now acted upon the scoriaceous integument, grinding it to sand and carrying it down to the depths and cavities. Whether organised beings coexisted with this state of things we know not, as the early rocks have been acted upon by interior heat to an extent which must have destroyed all traces of animal and vegetable life, if any such ever existed. This period has been named by geologists the Azoic or that in which life was not. Its duration no one presumes to define. And it is in the system of beds which overlies these primitive formations that the first records of organisms present themselves .

  • 和訳をお願いいたします。

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 難解な部分は意訳大歓迎です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Now Let us proceed to the next door of your of your horoscope. For some people children may not be greatly significant or important, for others the prospect of having ones own children, or the relationship with step children, and relatives little ones, may be a factor that can make or mar the future marriage and life together. It will be helpful to know, how your future soulmate views children.

  • 人は人生を 和訳

    Man must not omit any opportunity in his life of enjoying whatever can afford him enjoyment ; for it is highly probable that death puts an end to every thing, and that man lives but once. Besides, in the enjoyment of all possible pleasures, we must endeavour to procure them to others, not out of fear of punishment after death, but that others may also endeavour to make our lives agreeable (試訳) 人間は、人生を楽しまねばならない。死はすべての終わりであり、この世の生は一度しかないからである。また、様々な楽しみを得ることにおいて、私達は他者にも喜びを分かち与えるよう努力しなければならない。それは死後の罰を恐れてではなく、そうした他者もまた、私達の人生を快いものにするよう努力するからである。 長文で失礼致します。「whatever can afford him enjoyment」であるとか、「it is highly probable that」の辺りが特に苦しいです。自然な日本語にするためには、どうすればよいでしょうか。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Advertisers ask psychologists for advice. These experts tell adver-tisers about the concepts of fear and self-image. They also inform them of new studies on colors and words. Psychologists have found that certain colors on the packages of a product will cause people to choose that product. Also, certain words attract our attention. For example, the words "new," "improved," "natural," and "bigger size" are very popular and seem to draw our eyes toward the package. Many people believe that advertising does not affect them. They feel that they have freedom of choice, and they like to think they make wise choices. Unfortunately, they probably don't realize the powerful effect of advertising. Do you believe that ads don't influence your choice of products? Just look at the brands in your house. お願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    Your electric alarm clock doesn't even have to be wound, and it can be connected to your radio so that you wake up to music. Besides there are men who are clever with their hands and there are men who are not. Soccer games often continue in spite of conditions that would stop other games. 'A dog, ' said Dan, ' would be a friend. He could eat leftover food. The fifty tons of concrete now needed to make the furnace safe would crush a car flat. よろしくお願いします!