• ベストアンサー

get dancing


  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1459/3803)

What kind of tips do you get dancing? ダンスでどのようなものを得ますか?  Bはどこかでダンスをやっている人ではないのでしょうか? それであれば意味がわかりますが。 その後の会話は普通の内容ですので問題は無いですね。


  • 英語の問題で分からないのがあるので教えてください。

    (1)次の(a)と(b)の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れてください。 (a) While my hands were still wet, he gave me his hand to shake. (b) ( ) my hands still wet, he gave me his hand to shake. (2)次の英文の( )には誤っている箇所がそれぞれ一つずつあります。それを指摘した上で、正しい形に直してください。 •Despite several calls (back and forth), it (is unclear) (whether) we are meeting (in the morning) of March 1st. •I'm (sure) many people (have) (lived) here (during) at least ten years. •(While) winter vacation (my friends and I) (are planning) (to join) a ski tour in Canada.

  • 意味を教えてください

    I was at a friend's wedding and introduced myself to the groom's father. Because I was carrying something in my right hand, I extended my left hand. I'm no dead-fish guy, but the lobster's grip was so tight it crushed my ring into my finger, causing a bruise. dead-fish guyとlobster's gripの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    I wouldn't wear any of those cosplay outfits. Keep looking~ I already had one drunk guy fall on my lap on the bus. 70% of the people here are disgusting :(

  • よろしくお願いします

    This is kind of a weird story. My older brother was at a party, and my friend was there too. She confided in me later the next day that, while at the party, she gave a guy a blowjob, used a water bottle for spit/to wash it down, and then lent the water bottle to my older brother as a prank. She finds the whole ordeal hilarious, and she said I could tell him and that she doesn't care. But should I? On one hand, if I do, he will be MORTIFIED. It will really, REALLY bother him. I know if it were reverse, I'd probably start crying. I'd feel borderline sexually violated. 筆者はなぜordeal(試練)と言っているのでしょうか?borderline sexually violatedの意味もよろしくお願いします

  • There was some concern~

    There was some concern in the middle there when you show people the initial cuts and Wade is either a guy in gray pajamas... Larry, who did a great job acting on set, but he's still a big guy in a mo-cap suit, or he's previz or something like that,and people start to worry. LarryはWadeのスタントの男性です。 こちらはどう訳せばいいでしょうか。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Do you still have a missing piece? It is hard to tell from the photo but the missing part is only the part of chrisanthemum or some leaves as well?

  • 英文を訳してもらえませんか?<part3>

      People in other areas also wanted to find ways to do something. Some of them actually gave a helping hand to the victims by clearing the streets and serving hot meals.

  • 次の翻訳は正しいですか?

    ○○(人の名前), do you think I made the right choice? Well, I'm still a Virgin, that is funny to some people. That I am a Virgin at 21 ○○は私の選択が正しいと思うか? 私はまだ、バージンだ。これはおかしくないか?私は21歳でバージンだ。 この翻訳は正しいですか?

  • setting

    When my son told me they were getting engaged, I said that I would love it if they would accept the engagement ring that I received from my grandfather when I was 18. My grandfather gave me a diamond, which I put in a setting. ここでの settingはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 何を言っているかわかりません(*´ェ`*)

    Oopz its my birthday tomorrow and i haven't still figured out what i will be doing <sighs> any ideas beautiful people? これはまず、oopzがどういう意味か分からないです。 あとは明日は誕生日で未だにため息しかつかないだろう。だれか美しい人たちいいアイディアを教えて。 といいたいのでしょうか。 文法説明、単語、訳をお願いします。 この文に対して、 Let pop sum bottles ma guy と言っているひとがいるのですが、 意味が分かりません。 これも説明していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。