• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • dorian337
  • ベストアンサー率51% (158/305)

どちらも「まずい」ことはないし、通じる英文ではあります。 ただし、誰かに興味の度合いを尋ねる時、"How interested are you?" の方が "How much interest do you have?" や "How much are you interested?" より短く使用頻度も高いです。 それを元にすると、回答例の方がより短く簡潔で自然な言い方であると考えられます。



そういうものなのですね・・・ 勉強になりました。 ありがとうございました。


  • すでに亡くなっていることを知った。という文

    ある人を探していて、彼は何週間前にもうすでに亡くなっていることを知ったというような表現をしたい場合、 i found out he had been dead in an accidentにするべきか、i found out that he was died in an accident,それとも、i found out that he was dead in an accidentにするか迷っています。回答おねがいします。

  • 英文法について質問です。

    英文解釈の参考書に Soon everyone knew where I lived in England, how much I had paid for my ticket, and, and where I was going in Spain. It was a pure and inoffensive curiosity. (すぐ、イギリスで私はどこに住んでいるのか、切符にいくら払ったか、スペインではどこへ行こうとしているのかが、すべての人に知れわたった。悪気のない好奇心だけから出たことだった。) という英文がありました。なぜ、訳の中に「だけから」が入っているのでしょうか?

  • In how much の疑問文はどうでしょうか。

    In how much ではじまる疑問文ってあまり見ませんが、文法的には正しいのかどうかがわかりません。In how much time did he have to do this?

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    和訳お願いいたします。 Hello, I am interested in this vehicle. I was wondering how low are you willing to sell this vehicle and have it shipped to the U.S Bao

  • 日本語を英語する問題なんですが・・・。

    「彼らは私たちの話にとても興味をもったようでした。」を英語にしてみたら「They seemed to have an interest in our talk very much.」「 They seemed to have an great interest in our talk. 」「They seemed to have been interested in our story.」こうなったんですが、文法もこれらの英文も(英文自体間違ってるかもしれませんが)どれが正しいのかよくわからなくて、困ってます。あの、誰か教えてくれないでしょうか?お願いします!

  • line up

    I’ve always had an interest in genealogy, and since I already know as much as there is to know about my family, I started looking into my partner’s family. He gave me some names, and for the past few days I’ve been telling him about information I found, and we were both quite excited about this. However, I might have just found out that his mom was previously married. All the facts seem to line up, but I’m not sure what to do with this information. ここでのline upはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 間違いを教えてください

    ( )の語が間違っているんです、何がはいりますか? 1 Because Tom thought that she was sleeping , he didn't phone her.   → Thinking that she was sleeping , (he) didn't phone her. 2 As I had never seen such a good movie , I was much moved. → (Having never ) seen such a good movie , I was much moved. 3 Getting out of office , not a man was to be seen on the street.  どこかが間違っています 4 (    ),we started to discuss the detail of the plan. (This agreed , Being agreed with this , This was agrreed)のどれですか? 和訳も教えてください よろしくお願いします

  • 英語訳をお願いします。

    (1)"I have always had an interest in hobbies. Ever since I was a young boy I found myself passionately pursuing any interests I had, be they dinosaurs, video games, drawing, each one was as important as the next. To this day, I remain enthusiastic about certain hobbies I had when I was younger, more specifically, about drawing." (2)"You can clamp empty palm into a fist" 少し長いのですが上記の文を日本語に訳して頂けますか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語についての質問

    To compensate for his unpleasant experiences in hospital, the man drank a little more than was good for him.[In the process],he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals. という英文の[]した部分を ( )he was ( )というかたちにして頂きたいです。

  • 大過去完了について

    Back in Japan, Hirose went to work to solve the problems he had found in Afghanistan. he had foundの過去完了は Hirose wentの過去形の英文よりさらに過去のことを示しているので大過去と考えて正解でしょうか?