• 締切済み



  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

The top of his head was shaved so close (to the skin and) it was almost bald. と言いたいのでしょう。 『頭頂部は地肌スレスレまで刈られていて、ほとんど坊主頭だった』


  • ドラゴン桜という漫画に載っていた文です。やくしてほしいです

    ドラゴン桜という漫画に載っていた文です。やくしてほしいです The amazing thing was that although he was standing upright , his head barely cleared the top of the ditch.

  • 和訳ができません。

    The vices of others we keep before our eyes, our own behind our bank ; it happens therefore that a man does not pardon another's faults who has more of his own. という英文の和訳ができません。 まず、セミコロンまでの文構造がわかりません。主語しかないようにみえます。 また、大まかな内容⇒なにを言いたいのか? もわかりません。 1、全訳 2、セミコロンまでの文構造 を教えてください。お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    "What if planetariums could reproduce one million stars?" In 1998,at the International Planetarium Society conference in London,Ohira began his speech with these words. Until then,almost all projectors could only show about ten thousand stars. At the conference,Ohira introduced his unique planetarium projector,which reproduced one million stars. The name of it was Megastar. Ohira was only twenty-nine years old at the time. It was his first presentation in English. He spoke slowly but clearly. Everyone was surprised to see the great number of stars shown by Megastar and to know that Ohira had made it all by himself. After his presentation,the audience applauded wildly. お願いします。

  • 和訳を教えてください。

    この英語の長文を上手に訳せる人はいませんか?自分でやったらややこしくて分かりませんでした。予習でやっています。お願いします。早めの回答を待っています。会話文は少々くだけた言い方があると思うのですが、難しいです。直訳はよくないとおもうので。あと、「,」がたくさんあるので前や後ろの文とどうやってつなげていったらいいかわからないのでお願いします。 The host hourted tea into the cup and placed it on the small table in front of his guests,who were a father and daughter,and put the lid on the cup with a clink.Remembering something,he hurried into the inner room,leaving the thermos on the table.His two guests heard a chest of drawers opening and a rustling noise. They remained sitting in the parlor,the ten‐year‐old girl daughter looking at the flowers outside window.The father was just about to take his cup,when there was a crash,right there in the parlor.Something was hopelessly broken. It was the thermos,which had fallen to tthe floor.The girl looked over her shoulder suddenly,surprised,staring .It was mysterious.Neither of themhad touched it,not even a little bit.True,it hadn´t stood steadily when their host put it on the table,but it hadn´t fallen then. The crash of the thermos caused the host,with a box of sugar cubes in his hand,to run quickly from the inner room.He stared in surprise at the hot,streaming floor and blurted out,“It doesn´t matter!It doesn´t matter!” The father stared to say something.Then he said quickly,“Sorry,I touched it and it fell.” “It doesn´t matter,”the host said. Later,when they left the house,the daughter asked,“Daddy,did you touch the thermos?” “No.But it stood so close to me.” “But you didn´t touch it.I saw the image of your body in the window.You were sitting perfectly still.” The father laughed.“Then(would,fell,how,you,it,explain,why)?” “The thermos fell by itself.The floor is uneven.It wasn´t steady when Mr.Li put it there.Daddy,why did you say that you…” “That won´t explain it,girl.It makes more sense when I say I knocked it down.There are things which people understand less the more you try to explain them.The truer the story you tell,the less true it sounds.” The daughter was lost in silence for a while.Then she said,“Can you explain what happened only this way?” “Only this way,”her father said.

  • この文の解釈を教えて下さい

    so deep and dark a blue it was almost black. この文の文法的な解釈ができないので教えて下さい。 it was almost blackの前のso deep and dark a blueの構造が分からないです。 具体的にはdark a blueがどう繋がっているのか。 英語にお詳しい方、堪能な方是非回答願います。

  • 和訳

    With language so close to the core of what it means to be human, it is not surprising that children's acquisition of language has received so much attention. という文なんですが、with~humanまでの文章がどう訳してよいか分かりません・・・前から訳していこうとすると、どこで切って読めばよいか分かりません。to the coreという熟語がありますが、この文で適応されるのか、この文の中のcoreとはどういうことなのか分かりません・・・

  • 和訳

    Its so hard to listen to a tribute of MJ and not get just a little emotional. MJs music was just so special. He put his heart into so much of his work and you can feel it. His music influenced so many artists....you can see the looks of the faces of the people in the audience.  サイトのコメント欄で見たのですが訳が何となくしか分かりません。できれば訳をご教授お願いします。MJというのはマイケルジャクソンの事です

  • 英語の置き換え問題。

    分からなくて困っています。 分かる方教えてください。 次の文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう( )内に適切な一語をいれなさい。 (1)The stream was so narrow that he could jump across it. →The stream was narrow ( ) ( ) him ( ) jump across. (2)It is said that she robbed him of his wallet. →She is said ( ) ( ) ( ) him of his wallet. (3)It is danjerous forchildren to play with lighters. →Lighters are ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . 意味も付けて頂けると嬉しいです!!

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I was playing a card game with a bunch of friends recently, and I was eliminated early and so started observing the hand and play of one of the friends sitting next to me—which was known to him (via my clear body language). During continued play, another player requested to pick a card from this friend’s hand (allowed by the rules) in an attempt to get a really valuable card. The expectation is that it is a blind pick (by rule) with the informal expectation (of card games everywhere though not explicitly written into the rules) that one would make available for picking, by fanning them out for display by your opponent, every card in your hand. The friend I was observing however arrayed his cards in the customary fashion with an exception: The most valuable card in his hand was held below the level of the arrayed “fan” so it was not visible for selection by his opponent. During continued play以下の和訳を長いですが、どうぞよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします。

    In operating the electric pen,I got my current from a Bunsen battery consisting of two glass jars, capped at the top and controlled by a plunger with which I lowered the plates into the acid solution or drew them up when the pen was not in use.Thus the life of the battery was prolonged. The pen had a needlelike point which darted in and out of the writing end so rapidly that the eye could hardly detect it. This was operated by a miniature clectric motor small enough to be attached to the upper end of the pen.The shaft containing the needle was given its motion by cams on the rotating engine shaft so that when the current was turned on,and I wrote with the pen,holding it in a vertical position, it made innumerable tiny punctures on the sheet of paper,tracing the words that comprised the letter. After the master copy of the stencil had thus been made, I took it to the 'press',where it had to be spanned in a frame before the copies could be made.A plain sheet of paper was placed on the press,the stencil was laid on top and an ink roller passed over it. The impression of the handwriting was marked on the under sheet by the ink through the holes made by the needle.It was said that 5,000 copies could be made from a single stencil.