• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。構造     主語:  a young Japanese researcher who led her team to the historic discovery                 歴史的な発見にチームを導いた若い日本の研究者が     動詞:  is  いる     場所を表す副詞句:Behind the recent major scientific breakthrough that got scientists around the world talking               世界中の科学者たちの話題に最近のぼった重大な科学的進歩の蔭に 2。  訳     世界中の科学者たちの話題に最近のぼった重大な科学的進歩の蔭には、歴史的な発見にチームを導いた若い日本の研究者がいる。



とてもよくわかりました!!! ご回答ありがとうございます。


  • 英文の構造が?

    英文の構造が? 日本語訳はだいたいわかります。「私立大学の入試です」 第二文のshowingは分詞構文ですか?主語はa Canadian resercherですね。 Notからshowingまでの文はどうつながっているのですか? When parents use sarcasm to playfully tease their young children,do the kids see the humor? 親が幼い子供をふざけてからかうのに皮肉を使うとき、子供たちはそのユーモアがわかるのか? Not likely,according to a Canadian researcher who has completed a study showing that children need to be 10 or older before fully grasping the concept that sarcasm can be funny or even insulating. そうでもないようだ、研究を完成したカナダの研究者によると皮肉がおもしろいとまたは侮辱されているという概念を十分につかめるのは10歳かそれ以上になるのが必要だと示している。 おしえてください。

  • 英文の切れ目と構造が??

    いつもお世話になってます。 意味はだいたいわかりますが、切れ目と構造がはっきりしないところがあるので お願いします。 Sarcasm is saying the opposite of what we truly mean,sometimes as a joke,sometimes to be crucial. When parents use sarcasem to playfully tease their young children,do the kids,do the kids the humor?  ここで to のうしろのplayfully は副詞ですが 不定詞の前に  入ることはよくありますか? Not likely,according to a Canadian researcher who has completed a study showing that children need to be 10 or older before fully grasping the concept that sarcsm can be funny or even insulting. この文の前半がよくわかりません。thatまでは どこで 切れてますか?「あまりそうでもない、研究を完成したカナダ人の研究者によるとーーーを示しています。」    このあとの showing はshowed の分詞構文???それと showの主語 は  a study?? だとしたら completedで 切れていますか?? 解説 お願いします。

  • 英文和訳!教えて下さい( ; ; )

    If a cat enters a room where several people are talking,it is very likely to make for the one person there who has an abnormal fear of felines. To that individual's horrified disbelief,the animal then proceeds to rub around his or her legs and may even jump up on the person's lap. Why is the cat so perverse? 自分では手に終えません。 和訳お願いします(>_<)

  • 以下の英文の訳し方を教えてください

    It may seem like your girlfriend is talking like a machine gun to you, but wait until she gets around her friends…it’s a blur of giggling lightning! For a lot of us, the only real part we participate in once they get going is listening to how silly or cute we sound if we try to say anything. **********: but wait until she gets around her friends…it’s a blur of giggling lightning! 1)she gets around her friendsがよくわかりません gets aroundでセットフレーズみたいですけど、 いくつか意味があり、どれもしっくりきません 2)it’s a blur of giggling lightning! くすくす笑いは稲妻のように霞む?? よく訳せませんでした the only real part we participate in once they get going is listening to how silly or cute we sound if we try to say anything. 3)participate in で参加する、ですよね? once ってこの場合どう訳すんでしょうか?副詞?接続詞? once they get going で1つの節でしょうか?でもどこにかかるのか、よくわかりません 4) is listening to の主語は? part is litening to だと思ったんですが、これもよく訳せない、”部分はto以下聞いている”という変な訳になりました 5) how silly or cute we sound これも how silly or cute it sounds ならわかるんですが、 同訳すのかわからないです 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • いつもドラマで見ている「The Big Bang Theory」からの

    いつもドラマで見ている「The Big Bang Theory」からのフレーズでわからないところがあります。 1) I got a hot former fat girl with no self-esteem.  former がどういう意味なのでしょう? 2) I got a girl who punishes her father by sleeping around.  お父さんが浮気して、娘に怒られるのですか? なんだかおかしい訳になりました。 3) An alcoholic who’s two tequila shots away from letting you wear her like a hat.  away from の意味がイマイチつかめません。

  • この英文の主語と動詞を教えてください。

    What was expressed in the whole round figure of the count, in Marya Demitrievna was expressed in her ever more smiling face and ever more thrust-up nose. On the other hand, if the count, who got himself going more and more, fascinated his spectators by his unexpectedly deft capers and the light leaps of his supple legs, Marya Demitrievna, by the slightest exertion in moving her shoulder or rounding her arms while turning or stamping, produced no less of an impression by its merit, which everyone appreciated in view of her corpulence and perpetual severity. ……戦争と平和より。この英文の前半の主語と動詞が分かりません。教えてください。

  • この推薦文に素晴らしい和訳を!

    この推薦文に和訳をつけて提出します。 できるだけ誉めて書かれたように、素晴らしい和訳をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 It is with a great pleasure that l am writing this letter to recommend Ms.○○, a young Japanese pianist who is actually studying at the○○(スクール名),in my class. Ms,○○ is a very talented pianist、with a natural approach of the instrument and a strong technique. Her sensibility,her intelligence and her total engagement in music allow her to be at ease on any repertory. I highly recommend her and hope she will get all your attention.

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。 V and C

    As far as I heard, when a Vietnamese fisher man was fishing on his boat around the CZ between Vietnam and China was arrested by a Chinese coast guard vessel and he was tortured at its interrogation room before deported to his homeland. After that, a good deal of Vietnamese people from all over the countrry who had known the incident through the state media got very angry at Beijing and gathered around the embassy of China in Hanoi to hold a demonstration against it,blaming the Chinese government for what they did to him. As far as~,以降は過去分詞になっていなくても良いのでしょうか? who had known the incident の部分は「知った後に中国政府い憤慨して、~」となるので過去分詞が自然だと思うのですが。そしてwhat後の代名詞they=Chinise governmentでよろしいでしょうか?Beijinをitで置き換えたりしているので政府や国家などの代名詞はよく使われるのはitやtheyでしょうか?基本は国ならherだとどこかのサイトに書いてあったのですが。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    Are e-cigarettes the lesser of two evils, or just another method of nicotine exposure? It’s a question public health experts are debating. Some question the benefits of steering smokers towards less harmful products on the nicotine product spectrum. And a new study published in JAMA Pediatrics suggests what medical experts dread: that people who use e-cigarettes are also likely to be regular cigarette users. Adolescents who use e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke other tobacco products and regular cigarettes. The researchers surveyed 17,353 middle and high school students in 2011, and 22,529 young people in 2012 as part of the National Youth Tobacco Survey. Youth who reported ever using e-cigarettes or currently using them had a greater likelihood of experimenting with regular cigarettes, smoking on a regular basis, or being a current cigarette smoker. Among young people who had used tobacco cigarettes, trying an e-cigarette was linked to being an established smoker. The researchers also found that teens who used e-cigarettes were more likely to want to quit smoking the next year, but they were also less likely to abstain from cigarettes all together. The study didn’t look at whether young people are initiating smoking with regular cigarettes and then switching to e-cigarettes, or the other way around. However, e-cigarettes aren’t “discouraging use of conventional cigarettes,” the researchers say. In September, numbers from the CDC showed that the percentage of middle school and high school students who have tried e-cigarettes doubled from 3.3% in 2011 to 6.8% in 2012. “While much remains to be learned about the public health benefits and /or consequences of [electronic nicotine delivery systems] use, their exponential growth in recent years, including their rapid uptake among youths, makes it clear that policy makers need to act quickly,” Frank J. Chaloupka of the University of Illinois at Chicago wrote in a corresponding editorial. Most recently, Los Angeles extended its city-wide smoking ban to include e-cigarettes.

  • 比較文の構造について

    2003年の慶応大学の法学部の問題です、 Ryunuma Marsh, a wide, shallow wetland located in a remote corner of Japan, is a popular spot for bass fishing and bird-watching. Joggers, cyclists and roller skaters enjoy making use of a paved path that runs around the edge of the water. On their first visit, however, the great majority of them are taken by surprise by the images and sculptures of dragons along the roadways and bridges. These dragons are all associated with ancient legends. 0f the four most famous dragons associated with Ryunuma Marsh, the most popular with modern visitors is Shinoryu, a young and strong dragon who, according to legend, once seized a rabbit-spirit who was trying to cross the marsh without his permission - but instead of eating her, he ended up marrying her. 上記の一番最後の文ですが、私はthe most popular with modern visitorsを主語と考えて読んだのですが、参考書にはthe most popular with modern visitorsは補語で、この文はCVSの倒置文だと書いてありました。しかし、この文が倒置だと言う理由が分かりません。形容詞+動詞と続いていたら間違いなく倒置だと分かるのですが、今回はthe 最上級と言うことだったので私は名詞のようなものだと認識し、参考書にもthe 最上級の後に自明な名詞が省略されていると書いてあります。そうなると、名詞+動詞+名詞であるのであれば、文法上はSVCとCVSの両方の可能性があります。ただ、この文がCVSの倒置であるという理由を自分なりに考えると、題名が思い出せない参考書に「比較表現(原級、比較級、最上級)は動詞の後に出現する」と書いてあったので、第2文型で動詞の後に比較表現(原級、比較級、最上級)は動詞の後に出現すると考えると、補語部に比較表現が現れることになります。だから、今回の文でもthe most popular with modern visitors isまで読んだ瞬間に「CVSか?」と閃かなければならないのでしょうか? しかし疑問に思うのですが、今まで「比較表現(原級、比較級、最上級)は動詞の後に出現する」という参考書の記載は殆ど考えることは無く、The most valuable thing is time.と言う文を私はSVCと判断し、「最も大切なもの(主語)は時間(補語)である。」と読んでいたのですが、その読み方は間違いで、この文はCVSの倒置文で「最も大切なもの(補語)なんだよ、時間(主語)と言うものは。」が正しい読み方なのでしょうか?