• 締切済み


He weathered the difficult and dangerous 1970s, when Argentina was ruled by the military, by keeping close to religious life and philosophy and away from the activism that got many fellow clergy into fatal trouble. by keeping close to religious life and philosophy and away from the activism that got many fellow clergy into fatal trouble. keep close と away from and でつながっていますか?


  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

彼は苦難と危険にみちた1970年代をのりきった。当時、アルゼンチンは、軍事政権 のもとにあったのだが、この時期をかれは、宗教生活と哲学にかかわってすごし、 ほかの多くのなかまの聖職者を致命的なトラブルにまきこんだ活動から距離をと ったのだった。 by以下の直訳は、宗教生活と哲学にかかわり、ほかの多くのなかまの聖職者を 致命的なトラブルにまきこんだ活動から距離をとることによって となります。 keep close and      away from でおっしゃるとおりです。  

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

by keeping close to religious life and philosophy and away from the activism that got many fellow clergy into fatal trouble. という構造になっています。従って、andはclose to . . . とaway from . . . を結んでいます。あなたのおっしゃる通りです。 以上ご参考になればと思います。


keep close to ~「~に近づいたまま」 keep away from ~「~に近寄らないまま」 おっしゃるように,両方 keep がかかりつつ,and でつながれています。



  • 英文解釈について

    Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built upon the labours of my fellow-men , both living and dead , and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received . 英文解釈です。 文法的に詳しくお願いします。 私的には Many times a day 以下がよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Fate will orchestrate the meeting, if by any chance an action of yours or his should block the path, or speed up the path, all that will happen is that fate will rearrange itself and you’ll either meet in very similar circumstance a little earlier than your due to meet or a little later. If you want to help. Make sure that there are many avenues in your life open where you come into contact with people, work, leisure, travel, home life, interests, internet, other people and so on, so long as you don’t become a total recluse and close doors to the world and opportunity. However narrow an opening into your life, Fate will help to make it happen and will find the door way and avenue to make it happen. Even if you do become a recluse and lock yourself away from life fate will try and open up the path for you and put opportunities your way by which you can meet someone, and this special person, but the more avenues in life that you have to meet people the easier it is for destiny to flow.

  • 英文解釈の添削 お願いします

    添付ファイル文章: Russian hopes and conceptions demand not that the Church should pass as from a lower into a higher type into the State, but, on the contrary, that the State should end by being worthy to become only the Church and nothing else. So be it! So be it!” に関する質問です。 訳し方、理解の仕方に自信がないので、 合っているか見ていただきたいです。 「ロシア人の望みや考えは、 教会が下等なタイプから進歩的なものになるように、国家に変質することを要求するのではなく、反対に、国家の方が、教会以外のなにものでもなく、唯一それになるに値するようになって、これらのプロセスを終えることを要求します。そうでありますように。アーメン」 特にend by being worthy to become の 解釈が難しか感じ、自信がありません。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 文章解釈

    添付ファイル文章 But more than that, isn’t it about as far as possible as you can get from the serenity and security that philosophy can provide? に関する質問です。 1. この文脈におけるmore than that の意味の取り方が分からないです。 2. isn’t it about as far as possible as you can get from the serenity and security that philosophy can provide? の文法解釈と意味の取り方が分からないです。 *isn’t it about 〜「それって〜ということじゃないですか?」 *as far as possible as you can get from the serenity and security that philosophy can provide as が3つ出てきているため、文法的にも意味的にも理解が難しいです。 1つ目のas はfar を修飾している、 as farの比較対象を示すために残りの2つのasが使われている、と考えても納得できませんでした。 解説宜しくお願いします

  • 英文の解釈

    この英文の解説を教えてください。 「The result in many people getting pushed, or pushing themselves, into jobs that could be better done by others, and is very wasteful.」 読解のやり方と動名詞の意味上の 主語などの解説をお願いします。しかしカンマで文の構造がわかりずらいですよね。 訳は「結局多くの人が他の人たちならもっと良くできるような仕事に無理やりつかされたり、無理につこうとしたりすることになるので、むだが多い。」です。

  • 英文解釈について

    以下の英文解釈について文法的解釈も含め教えて下さい。 nickelあたりから意味があやふやです。 But it turned out that the savings from introducing new building standards were pretty small — nickel and dime stuff compared to the energy we were using to get around by car. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈

    Separated by distance and genre, these three authors all serve to prove the point that the myth of writers separated from the world in their 'holds littlesubstance in reality. のぶんの「myth of writers-」の部分なんですが、ofのあとに何が省略されていますか?ofのあとの文が完全な文なのでわかりません

  • 英文の解釈・邦訳

    This approach would reduce the power wielded by index funds and thereby decrease the concentration of power in the hands of index fund providers, as many index fund providers vote the shares from actively- and passively-managed funds as a block. 以上の英文の最終句as many以下を御訳し下さい。 お願い致します。 原典:Caleb N. Griffin (2019), “We Three Kings: Disintermediating Voting at the Index Fund Giants”, SSRN, pp.1-44.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Daylight revealed the weakness of the light horse defenders in their second position on Wellington Ridge and that their right was outflanked by strong German and Ottoman forces. At 04:30, the 2nd Light Horse Brigade, commanded by Colonel J. R. Royston, was ordered up by Chauvel from Etmaler and went into action in front of Mount Royston to support and prolong the 1st Light Horse Brigade's right flank by moving up the 6th and 7th Light Horse Regiments into the front line.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    In the north, the 34th Brigade under Major-General von Kraewel had eight battalions less their artillery, as the rest of the brigade was on the far side of the Meuse being ferried over. The attack began at 2:30 a.m. from Hermée and was bombarded with shrapnel, which disorganised the infantry. A battalion turned against Pontisse and the rest fought their way into Herstal, where a house-to-house fight against Belgian troops "and civilians" began and then took Préalle under flanking fire from Liers and Pontisse. Troops under Major von der Oelsnitz got into Liège and nearly captured General Léman, the Military Governor before being killed or captured. By dawn the brigade was on high ground north-west of Herstal, with its units mixed up and having had many casualties. Belgian troops counter-attacked from Liège and the troops were bombarded by Liers and Pontisse until 10:15 a.m. when Kraewel ordered a retreat, which had to run the gauntlet between the forts and suffered many more casualties. The retreat continued all the way back to the Meuse at Lixhe, with losses of 1,180 men.

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  • PX-S05B用紙ガイドが動かない場合の対処法を教えてください。