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Corps turns to driftwood for study


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   腹をすかしている動物から逃れようとする若い鮭は、ほどなくユバ川の下流に隠れ場を見つける。     (米)陸軍工兵隊の試験調査では、ニューバラードバーダムに蓄積した流木で、ダゲールポイントダムより川上のユバ川下流の稚魚育成の条件を好転させると企画指導者が望む木製の保護施設を作っている。


  • 和訳をお願いします...!!!

    脳構造の話のオチですが、 イマイチわからないのでお願いいたします。。。 other studies show that people who continue to challenge themselves intellectually have lower rates of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of mental decline. Neurologists who have conducted such work recommed that people continue to enagage in everything from crossword puzzles and book clubs to college courses and political debate. they can take up a musical instrument. Or learn a new language as Rita did. Not only will these takes keep aging minds sharp, they will give their owners a sense of satisfaction in their never-ending mental powers.

  • 和訳と空所補充

    和訳をしてみたものの、空所に入る語句が わかりません。。。 和訳と空所補充の答えと根拠をよろしくお願いいたします!!! the findings of study ( 1 ) Mozart lowered the quantily of energy the babies used , meaning they may have been able to increase their weight faster. (1). showed , showing , to be shown , were shown while ( 2 ) to this specific music a baby can have a lower energy expenditure and hopefully he will gain weight ( 3 ) than without the music. (2) heard , hearing , listened , listening (3) faster , other , rather , slower

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    The researchers also looked at the data according to gender. After the researchers accounted for age, race, socioeconomic factors (education and income) and stroke risk factors, the results revealed that men who exercised at least four times a week still had a lower risk of stroke than men who exercised one to three times per week. In contrast, there was no association between frequency of exercise and stroke risk among women in the study. However, there was a trend towards a similar reduction in stroke risk for those who exercised one to three times a week and four or more times a week compared to those who were inactive. “This could be related to differences in the type, duration, and intensity of physical activity between men and women,” said Dr. Howard. “This could also be due to differences in the perception of what is intense physical activity enough to work up a sweat.” The results should encourage doctors to stress the importance of exercise when speaking with their patients, Dr. Howard said. “Physical inactivity is a major modifiable risk factor for stroke. This should be emphasized in routine physician check-ups along with general education about the benefits of exercise on stroke risk factors including high blood pressure, diabetes and being overweight or obese,” she said. The study suggests that men should consider exercising at least four times a week. REGARDS will continue to assess stroke risk factors to look for long-term patterns in the study population. “Findings from this study, including the current physical activity results, will ultimately help us to identify potential targets for immediate intervention as well as for future clinical trials aimed at preventing stroke and its consequences,” said Dr. Moy.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    New research finds link between frequency of exercise and stroke risk Here’s yet another reason to get off the couch: new research findings suggest that regularly breaking a sweat may lower the risk of having a stroke. A stroke can occur when a blood vessel in the brain gets blocked. As a result, nearby brain cells will die after not getting enough oxygen and other nutrients. A number of risk factors for stroke have been identified, including smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and being inactive. For this study, published in the journal Stroke, Michelle N. McDonnell, Ph.D., from the University of South Australia, Adelaide and her colleagues obtained data from the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study. REGARDS is a large, long-term study funded by the NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) to look at the reasons behind the higher rates of stroke mortality among African-Americans and other residents living in the Southeastern United States. “Epidemiological studies such as REGARDS provide an important opportunity to explore race, genetics, environmental, and lifestyle choices as stroke risk factors,” said Claudia Moy, Ph.D., program director at NINDS. Over 30,000 participants supplied their medical history over the phone. The researchers also visited them to obtain health measures such as body mass index and blood pressure. At the beginning of the study, the researchers asked participants how many times per week they exercised vigorously enough to work up a sweat. The researchers contacted participants every six months to see if they had experienced a stroke or a mini-stroke known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). To confirm their responses, the researchers reviewed participants’ medical records. The researchers reported data for over 27,000 participants who were stroke-free at the start of the study and followed for an average of 5.7 years. One-third of participants reported exercising less than once a week. Study subjects who were inactive were 20 percent more likely to experience a stroke or TIA than participants who exercised four or more times a week. The findings revealed that regular, moderately vigorous exercise, enough to break a sweat, was linked to reduced risk of stroke. Part of the protective effect was due to lower rates of known stroke risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity and smoking. “Our results confirm other research findings but our study has the distinct advantage of including larger numbers, especially larger numbers of women as well as blacks, in a national population sample so these provide somewhat more generalizable results than other studies,” said Virginia Howard, Ph.D., senior author of the study from the School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

  • 和訳をお願します

    Mercury levels in the Pacific Ocean are rising, a new study suggests. The increase may mean that more methylmercury, a human neurotoxin formed when mercury is methylated by microbes, accumulates in marine fish such as tuna. The research comes as researchers and policymakers, who have tended to focus on atmospheric concentrations of the element, are looking for a fuller picture of the mercury cycle. US guidelines on methylmercury in fish are currently under review. It remains unclear exactly how atmospheric mercury ― whether dumped directly into oceans or carried there through rivers or coastal deposits ― is methylated and eventually taken up by fish, which are a major source of human exposure to methylmercury. But the new data, collected by Elsie Sunderland of Harvard University and colleagues, also provide a possible mechanism for mercury methylation within the ocean. The researchers collected samples from the eastern North Pacific, an area also monitored by research cruises in 1987 and 2002. They estimate that methylated mercury accounts for as much as 29% of all mercury in subsurface ocean waters, with lower concentrations occurring in deeper water masses. The group’s modeling indicates that atmospheric deposition of the total ocean mercury concentrations recorded in the mid-1990s by 2050. よろしくお願いします( ´_ゝ`)

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Barbed wire entanglements, above and below the water, extended in front of the post and blockhouse, astride the Noordschoote–Luyghem road. To the north was l'Eclusette Redoubt and another to the south, west of the Yperlee. The redoubts corresponded with the ends of the defences on the eastern bank of the canal and enclosed the flanks of the position, 6.6 ft (2 m) above the inundations. Platforms gave machine-guns command of a wide arc of ground in front. Across the Yperlee on the east bank, was a rampart of reinforced concrete, behind and parallel with the canal, from opposite l'Eclusette to the southern redoubt. Communications between the concrete rampart and the defences of the Luyghem peninsula, were via the raised road from Drie Grachten to Luyghem and two footbridges through the floods, one north and one south of the road. Every 38–55 yd (35–50 m), traverses with reinforced concrete shelters had been built. The German redoubts in the area were much better defined targets than those across the Ypres–Staden and Ypres–Roulers railways and were more easily destroyed, as they were almost entirely above ground. The German floods inhibited attack but also made it difficult to move reserves to threatened points and the open country made it easier for French aircraft to observe the position. The First Army objectives were the Drie Grachten bridgehead and the triangular spit of land between the Lower Steenbeek and the Yperlee Canal. The right flank was to cross the Steenbeek and assist the British XIV Corps to take the positions north-west of Langemarck and south of the Broombeek stream, which joined the Steenbeek just south of St. Janshoek. The Steenbeek was 6.6 ft (2 m) broad and 4.9 ft (1.5 m) deep at this point and widened between St. Janshoek and the Steenstraat–Dixmude road; from the Martjewaart reach to the Yperlee Canal it was 20 ft (6 m) broad and 13 ft (4 m) deep. During the night of the 15/16 and the morning of 16 August, French aircraft bombed the German defences, the bivouacs around Houthulst Forest and Lichtervelde railway station, 11 mi (18 km) east of Dixmude.

  • 科学英語の和訳をお願いします

    Fukuda et al. [34] showed that the pigmentation of glass eels of the Japanese eel in captivity developed progressively with the duration of rearing in a temperature range of 10~30 °C. This observation suggests that the glass eels at early pigmentation stages found in our study had arrived at the Sagami River estuary not so long before they were collected. Thus. our data clearly show that a quite unusual glass eel recruitment pattern occurred, with the peak in early summer (May and June). at least in the 2009 and 20I0 seasons at the Sagami River estuary. Due to current fishing regulations and the lack of monitoring of glass eel recruitment, it is not known whether a seasonal change in glass eel recruitment has occurred throughout Japan or over a much wider region of their species range in East Asia. Even if this unusual recruitment of glass eels just occurs locally at the Sagami River estuary, it provides information that can be used in determining locally administrated fishing regulations and designing conservation programs for yellow eel stocks (growth phase) fragmentally inhabiting freshwater systems.The monitoring of glass eel recruitment by the Eel River Project is expected to expand to the entire species range of this species. ちなみに、recruitmentは接岸、glass eelはシラスウナギです

  • 大学受験、英作文の添削をお願いします…

    TOPIC:THE LOW BIRTH RATE IS NOT REALLY A PROBLE FOR JAPAN. Im against the opinion.There are many problems difficult to solve. For example,if this low birth rate continues,Japan will have too small population.Besides,Japan is aging society.In that case,the government cannot get sufficient tax,so it has to raise tax in order to keep current level of social security.Young people will have to lead hard living and not afford to have a child.That will lead to even lower birth rate.74 Low birth rate also has a effects on educational enthusiasm.If you have only one child,you will arguablly hope that he will have high academic background to get good paid job.So many people will make their child study hard from 10 years old or so.Average academic level will rise,and companies will requre much higher abilities.There will come much diffcult time to get a good job for the non-educated. 長くなりました。こんなにwill連発でいいのでしょうか??改善のしかたを教えてください。英文(の書き方や話のつなげかた)をまずひと通り暗記したほうが早いでしょうか。

  • 和訳お願いします。空欄を埋め、並び替えて下さい。

    It has often been said that creativity in artistsand writers can be associated with living in foreign regions.Rudyard Kipling, Pablo Picasso, Paul Gauguin, Samuel Bekett and others spent years dwelling abroad.Now psychologists have finally proved that there is indeed a link. A recent study was conducted in which reseachers presented 155 American business students and 55 foreign ones studying in America with a test used by psychologists as a measure of creativity.Given a candle, some matches and a box of thumb tacks, the students were asked to attach the candle to a cardboard wall so that no wax would drip on the floor, when the candle was lit.(The solution is to use the box as a candleholder and fix it to the wall with the thumb tacks.)They found that 60% of students who were either living abroad or had spent some time doing so, solved the problem, whereas only 42% of those who had not lived abroad did so. A follow-up study with 72 Americans and 36 foreigners explored their creative negotiating skills.Pairs of students were asked to participate in a role-playing activity.The first student played the role of a seller of a petrol station who then needed to get a job.The second student played a buyer of that same petrolstation who would then need to hire staff to run his new business.Before starting, the reseachers told the buyer how much money he could spend and told the seller the least amount he would be willing to accept.The two were likely to reach an impasse because the highest price the buyer could afford was less than the sellers minimum selling price.Nevertheless, where both negotiators had lived abroad, 70% struck a deal in which the seller was offered a management job at the petrol station in return for a lower asking price.when neither of the negotiators had lived abroad, none was able to reach a deal. To check that they had not merely discovered that creative people are more likely to choose to live abroad, the reseachers identified and measured personal characteristics - such as self-confidence, risk-talking and openness to new experience - that are associated withcreativity.They then made adjustments in their data to cancel out such factors of personality.But even then, the statistical relationship between living abroad and creativity (6), indicating that it is something about the experience of living in foreign parts that helps foster creativity. Merely traveling abroad, however, was not enough. (7) (there, have, you, live, to, do).Packing your beach towel and suntan lotion will not, by itself, make you Hemingway. (6) 1.became insignificant 2. disappeared 3. remained 4. strengthened

  • 英文訳お願いします

    To date no studies have reported the effects on gait and balance in the frail elderly of a combined strengthening and aerobic exercise program .Because lower extremity muscle strength has been correlated with falls, and both muscle strength and Vo2 max have been correlated with gait velocity , we considered a logical intervention to be a combined moderate to high-intentity weight training and aerobic exercise program . Accordingly , we have conducted a clinical trial of lower extremity strengthening and aerobic training in deconditioned male nursing home residents actually are candidates for a moderate to high-intensity exercise program? Can deconditioned elderly subjects participate in and complete such a program? Will the participates increase their strength and exercise capacity? Do their mobility, gait and balance scores improve? 訳してくださる方お願いします…