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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:至急…英字新聞の一部訳して頂けますか。)

4,000 officers search for suspect who fled during questioning


  • ベストアンサー

警察官4000人が逃走犯を捜索中 およそ4000人の警察官が、検察庁から先日逃走した連続強姦犯人の行方を水曜日現在もいまだ捜索中。 川崎市多摩区のスギモトユウタ(20)は全国指名手配された。スギモトは1月2日に、もう一人の男とともに川崎市麻生区にて女性を自動車内に数時間監禁した容疑で月曜日に逮捕されたものである。またスギモトは被害者女性から150万円を強奪した嫌疑もかけられている。スギモトは窃盗、監禁、性的暴行の容疑で逮捕されている。 神奈川県警によると、スギモトは火曜日午後2時15分ごろに横浜地検川崎支部の6Fにある取調室から脱走した。 警察によると、スギモトが知人とともに水曜日に川崎市内にいたとの目撃情報がある。他のメメディアによると、スギモトは知人から提供された白いバイクを使って逃走している可能性もある。 警察は川崎市内の学校周辺の警備を強化している。この水曜日は学校では集団登校が行われた。地検支部に隣接する宮前小学校では、警官と教員らは、朝8時前から集団登校を厳重に警戒している。 警察によると、スギモトが取り調べ時に着ていた白いスウェットシャツが、地検支部から約100メートル離れた公園内で発見された。スギモトは逃走中に衣服を替えた可能性があると警察はみている。 出勤前に二人の子供を学校に送りにきた40代の男性は、「とても心配です。家のドアや窓の戸締まりをいつもより慎重に確認しようと思います」と語った。「子供達を夜には表を歩かさないようにしないと・・」 一方、娘を近所の幼稚園に送りにきた20代の女性は、「いつまで続くのかしら・・」と不安を隠しきれない様子であった。 警察は900台のパトカーをはじめ、ヘリコプターや船も動員して捜索に当たっている。 警察によると、スギモトは無職、身長167センチ、体重64キロ。取調の際はスギモトは白いスウェットシャツとネイビーのスウェットパンツを着ており、逃走時は取調室にサンダルを残したまま、ソックスだけの状態であった。 警察によるとスギモトは腰紐をゆるめ、取り調べの際に横にいた50代の警備官を押しのけ、多摩川方面に逃走した模様である。また警察によると、警備官はスギモトがトイレに行く際に腰紐を緩め、そのあとしっかり締め直さなかった可能性がある。 警察によると、スギモトは「紐が緩んでいるようだ」と自分で申し出て、警備官に確認させるよう自ら体を動かし、警備官はスギモトの背後に回ったようである。逃走時スギモトは弁護士の接見を受けている状態だった。


  • 英字新聞の読み方

    ネットで英字新聞を読み始めました。 4月30日早朝の記事で、 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 【was set to address】 a joint session of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday morning to underscore that the two nations’ solid bilateral ties are conducive to the peace and stability of the world. In the planned 40-minute English speech, 【Abe was to recall】 the postwar era in which Japan and the United States, after reconciliation, became strong allies sharing basic values, and express his determination to open up a new era with the United States. Abe 【was to stress】 the importance of the alliance, saying, “Let us call the U.S.-Japan alliance, an alliance of hope.” Abe 【was to announce】 that Japan will contribute to global peace and stability by closely working with the United States. とありました。(【 】は私が付与) 「未来のことにはtoプラス動詞の原形」と一つ覚えでしたが、これら【 】のBe動詞が何故過去形なのでしょうか? 初心者の質問ですが、宜しくお願いします。

  • この英字新聞を訳してください><

    この英字新聞を訳してください>< 翻訳サイトの結果を そのまま張るのはおやめください。 (1)A South Korean drama series will be run for the first time in prime time on commercial broadcast TV in Japan in April. (2)Though the Korean boom in Japan sparked by the Korean TV drama "Winter Sonata" seems to have cooled, Korean dramas appear to have taken firm root in Japan. (3)"IRIS," a spy drama featuring hunky actor Lee Byung Hun that pulled average ratings of about 30 percent when it aired in South Korea, is scheduled to air at 9 p.m. Wednesdays on TBS for about six months. A TBS spokesman said the broadcaster has been planning to air this drama in prime time for five years and invested in its production. The company will not stress its Korean origin and is targeting a broader audience than the middle-aged women who make up the bulk of viewers of South Korean dramas.

  • 英字新聞の和訳、お願いします

    NYT社説にある後半文を上手く和訳できません。アメリカ政治に関する記事ですが、和訳お願いします・・。 When Mr. Romney descended into the mud with him, it soured many voters about the entire Republican field, according to several polls. Independents have been particularly turned off by Mr. Romney’s hard-right stridency. Mr. Romney has spent so much time on the attack against either Mr. Gingrich or Mr. Obama that his only positive message in Florida was an off-key rendition of “America the Beautiful.” At a time when the country is increasingly concerned about economic inequality, a candidate worth $250 million says he is not concerned about their welfare because government programs — many of which his budget would gut — will take care of them. Among the middle Americans that Mr. Romney says he is focused on are 51 million people just above the poverty line, according to the Census Bureau. Many of them fear slipping beneath it, and now they know that will mean disappearing from the concerns of the Republican presidential front-runner. After winning on Tuesday, Mr. Romney said his campaign was “about saving the soul of America.” If this is the direction he plans to take in the coming months, he will first need to save the soul of his campaign.

  • この英字新聞を訳してください><

    翻訳サイトの結果を そのまま張るのはおやめください。 (13)“The special bonds ` issuance amount was too large. We`ll continue to face a cash-strapped fiscal situation,”a city government official in charge of the financial administration said. (14)Even with the Heisei-era municipal mergers completed, the population of about 70 percent of the nation`s cities, towns and villages is less than 50,000 while the populations of areas administered by 457 small local governments are under 10.000.

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    自分でやったりアプリでやると日本語がおかしくなるのできれいな日本語に訳せる方よろしくお願いします!! On June 17, 1966, two black men entered a bar and grill in New Jersey, and started shooting . The bartender and one customer died instantly . Another customer died almost a month later, as a result of her wounds. A third customer survived, though he lost the use of one eye . Soon after the crime, the police stopped Rubin's car. Rubin and a friend of his were taken to the bar and grill and made to stand against the wall while their car was searched . The police then took them to the hospital and showed them to one of the victims, who said they had not been the shooters . Rubin and his friend were then taken to the police station, where they were questioned for sixteen hours. They both took lie detector tests, and were released. However, by october, the police had found witnesses who said they saw Rubin and his friend running away from the bar and grill just after the crime. One of the witnesses was Alfred Bello, an ex-convict, who had himself been questioned about the crime. The surviving customer, Willie Marins, had changed his story, and now seemed to think that Rubin and his friend were the criminals. When the case came to court, it soon became clear that everything depended on the testimony of these two witnesses. There was no fingerprint evidence, and no scientific proof that Rubin and his friend had recently fired weapons. Some ammunition was found in Rubin's car, which was similar to that used in the shooting. Marins' descriptions of the two men were vague, but Bello's testimony was damning. He said that he heard shots, and then saw Rubin and his friend leave the bar laughing, one carrying a shotgun and the other a handgun. Bello admitted that he himself went into the bar to take money out of the cash register. In spite of this, the all-white jury believed him - in less than two hours, they convicted Rubin and his friend of murder.

  • 大至急!英文の訳をお願いします。

     It is often said that there is no love like a mother’s love. Once in a while, however, there are cases in which a man comes to love his mother a little too much. They can become fixated on them, or too attached to them. They have difficulty separating themselves from the woman who brought them into the world and raised them. You might be surprised to find that history has no shortage of famous men who had a mother complex. The effect of this complex differs from person to person as well.  J .M. Barrie wrote the wonderful story Peter Pan, which has become one of the best-loved children’s books of all time. In the book, there is a place called Never-Never Land, a place where children never grow up. Tn real life “Jamie” would dress in his dead brother’s clothes and spend long hours in the dark with his mother, consoling her over the death of his brother and her son. Some say this is the reason he did not grow much from his teenage years on. In other words, he stopped growing. Later, in adulthood, this short man wrote memoirs about his mother that shocked people all over England. He was clearly a man who adored his mother.  Houdini was one of the greatest magicians ever. His specialty was breaking out of dark places from which there was no escape. Some psychologists think that Houdini was really trying to experience childbirth over and over again. This is the reason that he put himself into dark, dangerous places from which he had to break out into the world of light. It was similar to a baby’s body coming out into the world.  After his mother passed away, Houdini went from psychic to psychic because he hoped to find someone who could put him in touch with her. Some saw him spend hours lying on his mother’s grave, talking toward the ground. Apparently, he was unsuccessful at communicating with his mother, though he did succeed in creating a greater distance between his wife and himself.  Yukio Mishima, the renowned Japanese writer, spent his childhood as the object of a tug-of-war. His grandmother, a tough woman who emphasized discipline and manners, and his mother, an emotional and outgoing woman, battled to influence young Yukio. His grandmother passed away while he was a teenager, but taught him to function smoothly in the world. Consequently, he spent most of his time with his mother, whom he adored. After his death, his mother supposedly said, “At last, my lover has returned to me.”  Mishima presented himself as a tough, disciplined, “manly” man, while in private, he kept male lovers in a passionate, emotional world. He was clearly a man of two worlds. Did this have something to do with his complex over his mother?  The effect of a mother complex on an individual can differ from person to person. Though the cause was the same for all of these three men, the results were very different. Too much of a good thing can be bad for us. Eating too many sweets, for example, leads to decayed teeth, weight problems, and more. By the same token, a mother’s love is special, but too much of it can be unhealthy. 訳せずに困っています。 大至急お願いします。 質問の内容を書いてください

  • 英字新聞の和訳と解説をお願いします。

    The panel will also float the idea of raising the nation's reliance on nuclear power to 35 percent in 2030 as a "reference" for a ministerial meeting under the Energy and Environment Council, Nippon Steel Corp. Chairman Akio Mimura, who heads the expert panel, said after the meeting. 上の文のreferenceの意味とその後のforの意味がとれませんでした。よろしくお願いします。 出典http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20120530a2.html

  • 英字新聞を見て

    An agreement stuck at the last round of Japan-North Korea intergovermental talks in August 2008 in Shenyang, China said taht North Korea would reinvestigate the cases of Japansese nationals it(←このitがよくわかりません。) abducted in the 1970s and 1980s, but this year to be carried out , according to Japanese officials. itの意味がよくわかるように全文を日本語に訳してください。

  • この英字新聞を訳してください><

    この英字新聞を訳してください>< 翻訳サイトの結果を そのまま張るのはおやめください。 (4)The megamergers also cut the number of municipal heads, executive officials and assembly members by about \120 billion in annual local government expenditures. (5)Ten years from now, such spending cuts are projected to reach \1.8 trillion per year, due to reduced numbers of local government employees, combined with the integration and abolition of municipal-run facilities, the ministry said. (6)Nagasaki Prefecture is ranked first in the percentage of local governments that have integrated under the central government initiative. The number of cities, towns and villages has declined from 79 to 21, with villages in the prefecture eliminated entirely. In Hiroshima Prefecture, the number of municipalities has fallen from 86 to 23, and in Niigata Prefecture, from 112 to 30.

  • 英字新聞翻訳の添削のお願いです.その3

    QNo. 7448407の続きです.どなたか添削をお願いします.今回も,全文章とも自信なしです.どなたか添削(解説)をお願いします. (1)The contest will be judged on accuracy, completeness and the speed and cost of sequencing. (2)The contest is a relaunch of an older competition with a new focus on centenarians, and it's the second sequencing project involving the elderly to be announced this month. (3)Genome pioneer J. Craig Venter says the centenarian project is just a first step in revealing the genetic secrets of a long and healthy life. (4)"We need 10,000 genomes, not 100, to start to understand the link between genetics, disease and wellness," said Venter, who is co-chairing the X Prize contest. (5)The 107-year-old Eberhardt of Chester, N.J., played and taught tennis until he was 94. (6)He said he's participating in the X Prize project because he's interested in science and technology. (7)It's not clear his genes will reveal much. (8) Nobody else in his extended family reached 100, and he thinks only a couple reached 90, he said in a telephone interview. (1)このコンテストは,正確さ,完璧さ,そしてスピードおよびシーケンシングのコストで審理される(だろう) (2)コンテストは 新たな視点の百歳の老齢の競争を再開したが,二回目の“老人を含んでいるシーケーシングプロジェクト”は今月追って公表される. (3)“長寿で健康な生活の遺伝に関する秘密を明らかにするものであり,百歳プロジェクトは第一段階である”とゲノムの草分けであるJ.グレイ・ベンターはいう. (4)我々は遺伝子的特徴(構成)と病気および健康の関係を理解することをスタートするために100ではなく,1000のゲノムが必要である. (推定される意味)病気や健康に関する遺伝的特徴の理解にあたり,我々は100ではなく1000のゲノムが必要とする. (5)107歳のエーベルハート(チェスター:ニュージャージー)は,94歳までテニスを教えた. (6)彼は“彼は科学技術に興味があるので,彼はX賞プロジェクトに参加している”という. (7)彼の遺伝子は大半を明らかにしていない. (8)“100(歳)に達する拡大された彼の一族は誰いないので,彼は90歳に達した1組のみ考えた”と彼は電話取材で答えた. (推定される意味)“彼の一族には100歳の人は誰もいないので,90歳に達した2人についてのみ考察した”と彼は電話取材に答えた.