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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:作家になりたいって本当ですか !m?)



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  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    これ可成り不正直なんじゃないかと戦き震えている次第でございますが     望み、というものは我々が経験を積む過程で、時を構わず我々から去って行くものだ、と人は言う。最初から最後まで、失望の痛い目に(真っ向から)相対するときでも、幸運、健康、善い行いが続くものと我々は期待する、しかもそうだと確信するあまり、そういったもの(=幸運、健康、善行など)は当然だと思い不要だと思う。    私は、シェイクスピアのように物が書け、ハンニバルのように軍を指揮し、徳の道においてマルクス•アウレリウスのように傑出する、事はあり得ないと思う、しかし、望みにそそのかされれば、私独りの身に、この素晴らしい点を纏めることが出来て、神のごとき栄誉をもって、後世に行進すると妄想するときが無いではない。    こんな怪物的な物(=発想)は無い訳だが、我々自身については信じることが出来る。



読みづらい文の訳どうもありがとうございます。 否定構文の訳はいつも手探りなのですが… Hope deserts us at no period of our existence. この頭の文は「希望はわれわれを見捨てる、われわれの存在しない期間に」→ →「存在するあいだは見捨てない」という解しかたがいいように思いますがどうでしょう。


  • どなたか英語に詳しい方、日本語に翻訳してください。

    長文ですが、どなたか日本語に翻訳してください。 お願いします。 First,please allow me to introduce my self. i am monica guiao, 22 years old.now let me share a short story of my life. year 2010, it was the year that i finished my studies. on that year i also started to look a job. i am lucky because i was given the opportunity to teach a korean students. it was my first job.in terms of salary it was good but it is not enough in our daily lives so i decided to lokk for another job. until one day someone told me that japan is looking for a machine operator. we all know japan is one of the richest and the most beautiful countries in the world. so, i tried to apply.i am very much lucky because i was selected. november 13,2011, i remembered that day when i left my country to work in japan. it was such a ravishing feeling, thinking that i can reach my dreams. this was also the first time being far away from my family. but why should i stay away from my family. my goal is to earn money to give a better future for my family and in order to send my niece to school. It has already been 10months since we came here in japan. so, i realized that as a foreigner trainee in a japanese company, it is very important to learn their culture, and business practices and etiquettes.about the language, very few japanese can understand english. so, i realized that i really need to study to learn japanee language, to be able to communicate much easier with the japanese people. for me if you want to survive here, learn japanese. but i can say that with the help of takasaki san we learned a lot. About the japanese foods, for me all the japanese foods are delicious, especilly ramen. For now what i really want to do while in japan is to embrace and adopt the displine that the japanese so effortlessly display. It amazes me how naturally it comes to them, and I believe that this firmly rooted trait of the japanese is one of the key reasons to their progressive country. for the end of this presentation I would like to say thank you to all of you. thank you for trusting me to work here in taiyo yuden japan. I will assure that you will not repent that you chose me to work here in japan. once again thank you very much..

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    On entering so wide a field of enquiry as that whose limits I have now indicated, it is indispensable to the continuity of advance that we should be prepared, where needful, to supple ment observation with hypothesis. It therefore seems desira ble to conclude this Introduction with a few words both to explain and to justify the method which in this matter I intend to follow. It has already been stated that the sole object of this work is that of tracing, in as scientific a manner as possible, the probable history of Mental Evolution, and therefore, ofcourse, of enquiring into the causes which hare determined it. So far as observation is available to guide us in this enquiry, I shall resort to no other assistance. Where, however, from the nature of the case, observation fails us, I shall proceed to inference. But though I shall use this method as sparingly as possible, I am aware that criticism will often find valid ground to object — ' It is all very well to map out the sup posed genesis of the various mental faculties in this way, but we require some definite experimental or historical proof that the genesis in question actually did take place in the order and manner that you infer.'

  • 和訳お願いします

    どなたか、下記の文の和訳おねがいします。 Ah the British sense of humour varies from place to place but in general we like sarcasm. As for my personal group of friends and family (including myself), we like banter. We like to mock each other jokingly and usually rudely :P. And a lot of people I have met are just the same. Obviously I can't speak for the whole of britain, just the things I know! To be able to call each other names and know not to take it seriously is a good measure of friendship I believe haha

  • 教えてください。

    バートランド・ラッセルの「THE PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY」からの英文です。 I believe that, if any other normal person comes into my room, he will see the same chairs and tables and books and papers as I see, and that the table which I see is the same as the table which I feel pressing against my arm. All this seems to be so evident as to be hardly worth stating, except in answer to a man who doubts whether I know anything. Yet all this may be reasonably doubted, and all of it requires much careful discussion before we can be sure that we 【have stated】 it in a form that is wholly true. 【】の中はなぜ現在完了形になっているのでしょうか? we state~ではだめなのでしょうか?

  • よろしくお願いします

    My boyfriend of three years and I are getting married in December. I am so excited! He is perfect many in many ways. There is one thing; however, that bothers me to the point of tears the times we have discussed it. the times we have discussed itはこのような使われ方は初めて見たのですが、どのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文読解

    In writing these pages, which, for the want of a better name, I shall be fain to call the autobiography of so insignificant a person as myself, it will not be so much my intention to speak of the little details of my private life, as of what I, and perhaps others round me, have done in literature; of my failures and successes such as they have been, and their causes; and of the opening which a literary career offers to men and women for the earning of their bread. (中略) That I, or any man, should tell everything of himself, I hold to be impossible. Who could endure to own the doing of a mean thing? Who is there that has done none? But this I protest:— that nothing that I say shall be untrue. I will set down naught in malice; nor will I give to myself, or others, honour which I do not believe to have been fairly won. (中略)以下の英文について教えてください。 That I, or any man, should tell everything of himself, I hold to be impossible. ・・・・私やいかなる人が自分自身の全てを語ることは、不可能です? Thatは「~のことは」ですか? shouldは話者の強い意志を表したものですか? Who could endure to own the doing of a mean thing? Who is there that has done none? 修辞疑問文ですか? I will set down naught in malice ・・・・私は悪意で無を書きとめるつもりです? どういう意味ですか?in maliceのニュアンスが掴めません。 お手数をおかけしますがよろしくお願いいたします。 ----An Autobiography: Anthony Trollope

  • 添削お願いします。m(。_。;))m ペコペコ

    <(_ _*)>いつもお世話になり、ありがとうございます。英文の添削、よろしくお願いします。 授業の前には、次の授業では何を話そうか、予習しなくちゃ!と思うのだけれど、無理に英文を詰め込んでも自分の実力はすぐ見抜かれてしまうだろう。 だから自分の実力のままでいいや。と思ってしまう。 I always feel that I should think about what to talk in next class and that I should study beforhand but on the other hand I also think that it is no use forcing myself to put things in my head since the teacher will notice it. Before taking lessons, I feel that I need a topic in the lesson and I have to prepare for the lesson. But I end up in thinking that it is no use in cramming English sentences into my head and that I would go with my current English ability.

  • よろしくお願いします

    When I’m around my MIL, it is a constant barrage of criticism about my house, my taste in clothing, certain facial features, etc. Last night I had a crying breakdown, tightness in my chest, and a double nosebleed after she left. After spending 15 hours this week trying to make my home cute and Christmasy, nothing was good enough. Food was gross; need better rugs; tree too small; too many penguins used in the decorations. The most neutral thing she said was “Well isn’t that interesting” about a couple of things. I usually smile halfheartedly and say, “It was the size tree we wanted,” “I like that wall color actually,” etc. The problem is my husband is happy to defend me, but he has been around her negativity and critical self for so many years that it doesn’t even faze him or occur to him to step in. He tunes her out; it’s like he doesn’t even hear it, and it’s only after she leaves and I list the 62 criticisms that he realizes it’s a bit much for his new wife. I can’t change her. How can I change my response so that I am not having physiological, emotional meltdowns after being around her? I have tried just “tuning her out” like my husband, but when a woman is attacking her daughter-in-law’s tastes, decor, home, food, and appearance, that cuts to the core of a woman’s identity and insecurities. It was the size tree we wanted,はどのような意味でしょうか?あと、critical self とはどういうことでしょうか?あと、cuts to the core of a woman’s identity and insecuritiesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 添削をお願いします。( remake )

    いつもお世話になります。<(_ _)>  添削をお願いします。 洋服に限らず、不要にになった物から、利用できる物に作り変える事が好きです。 Irrespective of clothes or others, I like to remake unnecessary things so that I can take advantage of them again. 以前、着ていたスカートをリフォームしました。レースをつけて、布地も紺色に染め直したら、思っていた以上に良いものができた。 I have just altered my skirt that I used to wear before. I have laced it and also redyed its fabric into indigo and it turned out a much better one than I had expected. 又は I had my old skirt altered. I also laced it and redyed the fabric navy. It turned out much better than I had hoped.

  • 和訳をお願いします。長いです‥

    和訳をお願いします。長いです‥ When we met it was so nice, but it's not the time we spend together that was like a dream ... it's you ... you are a dream ... and when I think of you or when I look at your picture ... it gives me a happy feeling, but also such an empty feeling, because we're so far apart and I don't know when we can meet again. If it's possible for us to meet again I will make it happen ... it doesn't matter if I need to travel to Japan ... go to the US ... I'll even fly to the moon just to meet you ... But if we can choose ... maybe we should choose a place that not so warm as Osaka in summer :) On my flight back I indeed got a very nice view of Fuji-san ... I'm sorry that the photo doesn't show how nice it really was. Did you go half way? It must really be nice! Actually do you want to go all the way to the top? Yes let's do that ... you and I, together we can walk all the way to top of mount Fuji and enjoy the view ... But we have to wait till July or August next year ... Do you know I followed a mountain climbing course and I climbed some summits in the Alps (Austria, close to the Italian border). And I also climbed Mount Meru (4566 meters) in Tanzania ... that's the mountain next to the Kilimanjaro (the highest mountain of Africa). So I was on the top of Mount Meru during sunrise. Only Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru were above the clouds and then ... the sun was rising from behind the Kilimanjaro ... soooo nice ... I got tears in my eyes. ... next time we meet or the time after that or after that ... I'll try to make it special for you ... so that you can say it was like a dream ... just like you are special for me and I can say you are like a dream for me ...