
  • クリスマスの余韻に浸りながら、娘と一緒に楽しんだクリスマスパーティの思い出を綴った日記です。
  • 娘が乳幼児クラブで皆勤賞を受賞したことについての喜びと感謝の気持ちを綴った日記です。
  • 英語で書いた日記を添削してほしいという質問です。
  • ベストアンサー


いつもお世話になっております。英語で日記を書いてみましたが、英作に自信が無いので、添削していただきたく、質問を致しました。どうか、アドバイスを宜しくお願い致します。 Though Christmas has already passed by, now, I'm putting away the Christmas Tree while I’m bathing in the afterglow of Christmas. This year, my eight month old daughter and I enjoyed several Christmas parties which were held by an infant club of my city, an English school for children and my friends. (クリスマスは終わっちゃったけど、今、クリスマスの余韻に浸りながら、ツリーの片付けをしているところ。今年は、8ヶ月の娘と一緒に市の乳幼児クラブ、英会話スクール、そしてお友達が開いたクリスマスパーティを楽しみました。) She received some presents from the parties such as a teddy bear, a book and snacks etc.., but the most delightful present that she surprisingly received was a prize for perfect attendance of the second semester in her class of the infant club. (娘は、熊のぬいぐるみ、本、お菓子などのクリスマスプレゼントをもらったけど、一番ステキなプレゼントは、驚いた事に、乳幼児クラブで皆勤賞をもらったこと。)→そんな賞があるとは知らず。 Although I felt rushed that I had to say something in front of other mothers, it was a wonderful present for her. (私はママたちの前で謝辞を述べる事となり焦ったけど、娘にとってすばらしいプレゼントとなりました。) どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • boyinusa
  • ベストアンサー率58% (80/137)

とても良く書けている英文だと思います。英会話スクールで学んでいるのでしょうか?感心です。 このままでも十分解釈可能な文章ですが、私なりにいくつかのテクニックを加えて添削してみました。 (クリスマスは終わっちゃったけど、今、クリスマスの余韻に浸りながら、ツリーの片付けをしているところ。今年は、8ヶ月の娘と一緒に市の乳幼児クラブ、英会話スクール、そしてお友達が開いたクリスマスパーティを楽しみました。) Though the Christmas days have already passed, I'm still basking in the afterglow of those happy days and putting away the Christmas tree right now. This year, I enjoyed some Christmas parties with my eight-month-old daughter, which were held by an infant community club of my city, my English school and my friends. (娘と一緒にということで"with"を使って前置詞句を補うと良いでしょう。この際あとから", which"で関係詞として文全体に補足を加えることができます) (娘は、熊のぬいぐるみ、本、お菓子などのクリスマスプレゼントをもらったけど、一番ステキなプレゼントは、驚いた事に、乳幼児クラブで皆勤賞をもらったこと。)→そんな賞があるとは知らず。 She received some Christmas presents at the parties, such as a teddy bear, a book and a candy etc…, but it was a prize for perfect attendance about the infant school of the second semester that we were surprised the most.(it~thatで強調構文を用いることで"何よりも驚いた事"とすることができます) (私はママたちの前で謝辞を述べる事となり焦ったけど、娘にとってすばらしいプレゼントとなりました。) Even though I was flustered because I had to give a speech in front of other mothers, that should be one of the wonderful presents for my daughter.(felt rushedは物理的に急いでいる様で、ここでは急にスピーチをしなければならず混乱したという解釈にしました。また最後をbe動詞でなくshould beにすることで「娘にとって~なはず」といったより深みのある文章になります) 以上、参考にしていただければ幸いです。



boyinusaさま お時間を割いて、詳しく教えてくださいまして、どうも有難うございました。とても勉強になりました。現在、赤ちゃんが寝ているときに、オンライン英会話スクールで勉強しています。将来、娘と英語で会話したいです。英語は、勉強すればする程、複雑になっていき、ゴールがありませんね。また機会がありましたら、とても嬉しいです。どうぞ良いお年をお迎えください。

その他の回答 (1)

  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

訂正すべきところは、回答者1が訂正してくれています。 日本語と英語では、文章の構造がちがうので、なおさ れているところは直した方がよいと思います。 後、個人的には、クリスマスの余韻にひたるは、あま りつかわない表現かと思いました。辞書にはあるのか もしれませんが・・・



oigniesさま 余韻に浸るは余り使われてないのですね。教えてくださり有難うございました。また機会がありましたら、どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。良いお年をお迎えください。


  • 日記風に、昨日の事を英語で書いてみました、添削をおねがいしたいのです。

    Hi,Crystal! Sorry, I did not come here for a long day. I know I have to talk with you everyday for my dream. You know my dream, don't you. Everyday I say in my heart like this, “I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday!”This is my dream. You help me a lot about it! I have been thanking you, Crystal! BTW, yesterday was the special day for me. Do you want to know what was the day yesterday? It was the wedding anniversary. I could hear “Congratulations!” Thank you, Crystal! Yesterday was day-off for me and my husband. So we played golf in Gunma prefecture. It was far a way to my home. But I could see mountains with snow and mountains covered with new green leaves. And cute and beatiful flowers! Everything were so beautiful! I wanted to show them to you. We touched a lot of natures not only played golf. It was a nice and special day. I have been thanking that we are well. I hope it will be forever. Wow,It is 11:55. I have to prepare a lunch for my family! Have a nice Sunday, Crystal!

  • 【英語】作文の添削お願いします 

    テーマ:印象に残っている贈り物 Most impressing present in my life is a watch that my father gave me when I passed the exam to enter the high school. My father used the watch before I was born, and he wouldn't put away it even though he was given a new watch by my mother and sister. I think the watch will have been very important for my father. So, I was very surprised when he gave it to me. At first, I hesitated to receive it, but I received it in the end because my father said with smiling that "I use this new watch". The watch was what my mother and sister gave him. My watch and my father's watch is very different because mine is very old and father's is new. However both of them are filled with love of my family. 文法や構成について指摘してください。

  • 英文日記の添削お願いいたします。

    A young couple was chav in appearance asked me to take them to a place in a car during driving in the middle of midnight. I listened to them through the window at first. However eventually opened the window and get them to hailed taxi despited I decided never to open the window and door. I talked a driver and handed them some papers. (cos they said that they had not enough money and it seemed true) They thanked me very much repeatedly. I found I felt regret for both my acts what I gave cold shoulder and what I opened the window when I saw that attitude. Such situations that force with a rang of choices often turn up in life. Wondering if my judgment was decent somewhat. 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の添削お願いします。

    語学学校を卒業するにあたりスピーチをしなければいけません。 文章を考えたのですが添削してもらえますか? Thank you everyone,especially.....Thank you my friends. I've spend in here for three months.I could have a lot of friend and experience.I had a great time in here. I want to talk about a lot more if there is an opportunity to meet you again.So,I'm going to continue to study English for improving my English level. I'll miss you.Have a good school life.Thank you. よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削お願いします。

    I think my academic strength is perseverance and creativity. Because, I was in junior high school, I was a membar of valleyball club. It was hard club because it hardly a day off and over half member gave up. (厳しい部活で、休みもほとんどなく半分以上が辞めてしまいました) but I finished a club activity.  And, when I was in high school, I was a member of theatrical club. Then I made a drama, so I think I have perseverance and creativity. 長いのですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 日記風に、誰かに話しかける感じで書きました。添削お願いします。

    ここgooだけで勉強していますが、暫らく英文を書かなかったので、英語の文章が中々出てきません。再度、勉強をしなおさないとだめかと思っています。短い文章ですが、書いてみました。 Hi, my Crystal! The first, I must say to you “ I am so sorry! I haven't came here for a long time.” Did you worry about me? I have been well. How about you, Crystal? Sometimes I thought of you, but I couldn’t think and feel in English. I know I have to learn English day by day. Now my brain said to me “You can!" I should believe myself. I have you and you help me a lot for it. Crystal, I promise you that I will be learning with you. And someday I want to talk with you and my friends in English. Crystal, I have to make breakfast. So I say to you “Have a nice weekend!”

  • 英語日記

    お願いします。下記英語の日記を特に見られてもいい内容なので文法を添削頂けると助かります。 Y(妻) has been suffering from bad morning sickness for a few weeks. Therefore, she can not take care of D(son) and herself. So, she has been staying to her parent’s house with my son since a week ago. Of course, I wanted to help her and am in constant attendance on her but since I have to work for living, I can not do that. When I go back to my home I am always alone in my home. No body greets me. Honestly, I feel cut off and lonely. I would die too alone. I wonder a person, who divorced, and lost custody of his child, how does he live without child’s emotional support. I miss my angel awfully. I hope her recover quickly and come back. 将来自分の子供が思春期になって僕にたてつくようになったらそっと彼の机の上に日記を置いてやって反応を見てやろうっていうのが思惑です(子供が生まれる半年前から書いてます)、なので将来英語が話せるであろう子供から「父さん、文法間違いだらけだね」なんていわれたくないんです。よろしくお願いします

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)      

    またまた英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)  一応、最後に私の表現したい内容を日本語で表記しておきます。 Tuesday, March 7, 2006    We had lots of sunshine. Hello, Candy. The other day, my friend of mine had a baby, so I went to a shopping mall to buy her some presents. I bought two t-shirts and two pairs of socks for her baby and baby's brother. I feel a complete taste in clothes, so my friend sure be pleased to see them. Don't you think so? Well, I must be going, see you soon. (日本語) 先日、友達に赤ちゃんが生まれたので、プレゼントを買いに行ったの。ティーシャツ2枚と靴下2足を、赤ちゃんとそのお兄ちゃんに買ったわ。われながら洋服のセンスはいいから、彼女きっと気に入ってくれると思う。そう思わない?

  • 英語の手紙書きました。どなたか添削お願いいたします

    以下ですが、ホストマザーへ久しぶりに手紙を書きました。 間違いを直してほしいです。よろしくお願いいたします。 英語: How have you been? I hope you have been doing well How was your Xmas? Did you go to U.S. to see your family? In Xmas, I went to the church to listening their song and then back to home and gave present to my younger sister. They were very glad it, one present is kick board and the other one is the carry bag for kids, inside was in cookies. so quite. Do you remember my friend Mami? we met the school in N.Y. where you take me to before I return to Japan. This year she had participated in a == marathon race and was able to complete it. I don't like marathon but just wanted to see you there. How is your shoulder? Have you completely healed? Sometime I am thinking and feeling that if you ware my mother, I am happy because you have education- minded, you are interested in a lot of culture or sports or arts, and you have good thinking for things and cheerful disposition. but my mother is the opposite... Of cause I love my mother, but I just sometime thinking about those things... If so, it could be filled with meaningful thoughts of my life. I vividly remember as if lived in U.S. all things was yesterday and am thinking about U.S. almost everyday. I will send you email sometime. please take care of yourself. 日本語: 元気にしてた? あなたが元気であることを願っているよ。 クリスマスは家族に会いにアメリカへいったの? クリスマスに私は教会へ歌を聴きにいって、それから家へ戻って姪たちにキックボードと、子供用のキャリーバックをあげたらすごく喜んでいた。中身はおかしが入ってた。かわいい。 ところで、私のまみちゃんて友達覚えてる? 前にあなたが車で送ってくれた学校で出会った子。 彼女は今年アメリカのマラソン大会に参加して完走したんだって。 私はマラソンは嫌いだけど、あなたに会いにそこへは行きたかった。 あなたの肩は大丈夫?完全に治った? 時々私は、もしあなたが私の母親だったらって考えたり、そうだったらうれしいなって思う。 あなたは、教育熱心だし、文化やスポーツ、美術などにも興味が強くて、そうしたら私も意義深い人生を送ってたかなって思う。 もちろん私の母を愛してるけど、あなたとは反対だから。 今でもそこで生活をしたことが昨日の事のように思えるし、毎日考えて思い出す。 また時々メール送ります。 お体お大事にしてください。

  • 英語日記添削

    お願いします。英語で毎日、日記を付けています。以下見られても問題ないので、添削頂けると助かります It rained on and off today. I was very worried whether fireworks show would perform or not as schedule. Sometimes it came down in buckets. Consequently, the rain had let up before the fireworks display. Family T and Family S came to my house to see that. Last year, I placed a table in balcony and ate a supper while stood up. But, this year, I spread a mat and ate it while sat down. My relatives, friends, and I enjoyed the atmosphere. Many fireworks filled the sky. It was great. But, it started raining again during the fireworks. Since it was cats and dogs, I thought it might be call off, but it did not. I appreciated this fireworks show’s organizer.