• 締切済み



  • sora1515
  • ベストアンサー率58% (54/92)

この手の話題はぐぐればたくさん出てきますね・・・ キーワードはこんな感じです。 海外 解約 会員 引き落とし http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1247814367 http://okwave.jp/qa/q7767558.html http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yokomoom777/e/523becbf674fb354aabdc0a3a117c577 http://questionbox.jp.msn.com/qa8357874.html 基本的には自分で解約の努力をし、立ち行かなければカード会社や口座側で理由を述べて解除ですか。


  • 下記の英文を日本語に訳してください。

    下記の英文を日本語に訳してください。 Hi, because of your first order, we have to make a phone call to check your order. Pls give us a phone number where we are able to contact you fast and finish your order. よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    海外のサイトで商品を購入したのですが、返金されてきました。内容が良く理解できません(>_<) 翻訳お願いします。 Thank you for shopping with International Checkout! We have an update regarding your beddingstyle order 2861556. The new status is : Order Canceled - Your PayPal payment has been refunded. Comments:- 7. November 2014 Unfortunately, without the confirmation we requested, we are unable to complete your order at this time. Your PayPal payment has been fully refunded. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding in this matter. Please contact us if you would like to reinstate your order. You can also find this item at another store and/or re-place your order at the site. Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with. - John B You will receive additional updates regarding your order 's progress as they become available. Your Account Please visit the <https://www.internationalcheckout.com/login.php>My Account page to access your current order status, view tracking details, or to request a return or exchange after you have received your items. Contact Us Our customer service team is always happy to hear from you. Please <https://www.internationalcheckout.com/contact.php>Contact Us for assistance. Please reference your order number so we may better serve you.

  • 海外からのメール英語翻訳お願いします

    「あなたの購入した1ヶ月分だけ有効で、その後の請求はしません。キャンセル請求。」 で合っていますか? 私は、クレジットカードで課金したが、いつまで有効なのか?次は課金したくない、というような質問メールをしました。 ***************** CANCELLATION RECEIPT ******************** This message is to confirm your membership cancellation. Your membership has been removed from our billing database and you will no longer be billed for the following product: Site: www Member ID: ~~~~ Last Charge and Date: ¥~~~~ on 2013-07-22 Your membership to the website will continue until the end of the term you have purchased, but you will no longer be billed for your subscription. We appreciate the opportunity to help you. Thank you for using our online cancellation service! Let our highly trained billing support staff help you. ***************** Date : 07-23-2013 ********************

  • 海外サイトでオーダーした商品をキャンセルしたのですが...

    以下の文章が届きました。 オーダーはキャンセルされたのでしょうか? 翻訳していただけませんでしょうか? ご協力お願いいたします。 This just a quick note to let you know that your order (Ref: 19308085 ) has now been cancelled and your card has been refunded. I'm sorry we were not able to help more this time, and if there's anything you need in the future then please do not hesitate to contact us here.

  • 外国企業の日本法人が出している利用契約の解約条項の有効性

    >解約 >両当事者に責のない不可抗力事由の場合を除き、年間メンバーシップ契約を中途解約したり「アドオン」サービスを解約することはできません。 http://www.mac.com/2/membership_terms.html Q1.このように、利用者でなく会社に責のある事由の場合も、解約、払い戻しは出来ないと謳うのは、日本の商取引で、有効なのでしょうか。 恐らく米国の契約の翻訳なので。英文を探すと、30日間は(理由を問わず)解約できるようです。 Q2.このような(米国の)初期解約を認めないのが、日本の「自己責任」に基づく法律(local law)の成果でしょうか。 http://www.mac.com/1/membership_terms.html >Cancellation >Apple will accept cancellations of your membership (and any "add-on" service) within the first thirty (30) days of your annual membership, and you will receive a prorated refund for the remainder of that annual membership period. Applicable local law may vary this policy.

  • アメリカのネットショッピングの送料について。

    無謀だとは思いますが、格安なので下記ショップで購入を考えています。 ただ、free shipping around the world とうたっており、 日本届けで商品価格に送料が付加されるのか、英語なのでわかりません。 送料以外に費用はかかるのでしょうか? それとも、日本からの購入は不可でしょうか? ショップ→ http://www.canadagoose6.com/shippinginfo.html 翻訳お願いします。   ↓ Shipping & Returns When your order is dispatched, our Customer Service will email you the tracking number, and you can track your order by EMS or DHL website. If you want to wholesale, please contact our customer service team, they will meet your need. Please make sure you are at home when a parcel reaches your home. Or your order will send back to your local post office, then please feel free to contact your local post office to get the parcel. Return Policy At our shop, your complete satisfaction is our top priority, we offer the return and exchange instruction. Before you wish to return goods, please contact us via email to discuss the problem you are having first. Below are the details of return policy of our online store. If for any reason you were not satisfied with an item, you can return it and claim for a refund. Please return to us within 7 days (from the date of receipt). Non-faulty items must be returned in their original, undamaged packaging and must be in an unused condition. All returned items are subject to a 35% cancellation fee (the shipping fee and bank commission). We are not responsible for the return shipping fee. Hope you can understand. Exchange Policy If the products you get do not fit you perfectly, or you do not like the style after you get it, and ask for exchange, please make sure all return items that must maintain its original state don't wear, adaptation or wash, and all tags attached. And you should pay for the returning shipping fee. After we get the parcel, we will prepare for the delivery and re-send new products in 24-48 hours. Then we will email the tracking numbers for you to check after we re-send it. Order Cancellation If you want to cancel order, please inform us through e-mail immediately, but according to our policies you have to pay 5% cancellation fee for bank refunding handing fee. However, if the order is shipped, we cannot cancel the order for you. Hope your understand. If we have sent the order, we can not accept cancellation. And you still want to cancel, you need to pay our lose. So please do not hesitate to contact our customer service if you have any idea about the order, they will deal with your questions patiently, and do their best to satisfy your demand. Thanks!

  • デポジットについての英訳で困っています

    キャンセルポリシーのところに All reservations require an advance deposit. If you need to cancel your reservation, you must contact us and obtain a cancellation number at least 48 hours prior to the designated check-in time and arrival date to receive a refund of your deposit. If you made your reservation online, changes or cancellations should also be made online. とありましたが、予約の48時間前のキャンセルであれば、デポジットが返金されるという事なのでしょうか? 教えて下さい。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • この文章を訳してください。。

    Thanks for showing your interest in doing business with us. In normally, we will offer the dealer membership to following customers: -Airsoft Retailer (online/street shop) -Skirmish field So if you are in any of above business and able to provide your business details for our record, we are please to offer the membership to you. Here enclosed an application form, You just need to fill up and send back to us with .doc format. Also, please attach your Business Registration for our approval we will process your case and inform you asap. regards, Light and ****** Team (Dealer membership may suspend on anytime without notice, all right reserved to ***** Team)

  • 海外の通販サイトで買い物をしたのですが、先ほどこのようなメールが来ました。翻訳していただけないでしょうか

    Thanks again for placing your order. We want to get your order processed right away, but since you are a first time international customer, we need to get some information from you first. Please contact your bank or card issuer and get the 6 digit authorization code. The authorization code is a code specifically attached to this purchase. It's not the code that's actually on your card, but a number generated from your online purchase with us. Please email us with the 6 digit code and we'll be all set. Or, please email us to give us the okay to charge some dollar amount under $3 US. We'll email you back when we have charged your card. Then, contact your bank or card issuer to find out exactly how much we charged to your card and email us back with the amount. Once we get the info from you we'll get your order processed. Either one of these two options will confirm to us that the credit card is yours and is designed solely to protect you. We only ask that you go through this process once. Then, on every single future order, we'll have the information and you'll be all set! If we do not hear back from you within five business days your order will be canceled. One last thing. Please be aware that if your order contains oversized or heavy products (like backpacks, tents and sleeping bags) it may require additional shipping charges. If additional charges apply, we will email you prior to shipping so that you can give us the okay. 自分なりに翻訳してみたのですが、「カード発行会社に連絡して、6ケタ許可コードを得てください。 この売買に付けられたコードです。 それは実際にあなたのカードにあるコードではなく、私たちとあなたのオンライン売買から発生する数字です。 6コードをメールしてください。」であってますか? 本日カード会社に連絡してみたところまだデータにないとの回答でした。このコードは何日ぐらいで分かるものなのでしょうか。 500ドルほどの買い物なのですが、その金額がクレジットで請求されて それとは別で6ケタの数字が載っているのでしょうか? それとも6ケタの数字が載っているだけなのでしょうか? 「6営業日以内にメールないとキャンセル」とありますが、それまでに間に合うものですか? 他のところがいまいち分らないのですが…どなたか翻訳していただけないでしょうか。 あと、どうするのが一番いいのかご教授いただけないでしょうか。 長くなってしまい質問ばかりで申し訳ございませんがよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 教えてください

    海外のネットショップを利用したのですが、 商品がなかなか送られてこず、問い合わせたら、 以下のようなメールが届きました。 We require further security checks before we can release your order for dispatch. To verify card ownership and complete your order, please contact your card issuer to request the authorization code for this transaction. Once you have obtained this code, please email us and we will dispatch your order as soon as possible. このtransaction. コード??とは何でしょうか?? 商品を発送して欲しいのですが、 送ってもらう為に私は何をしなくてはいけないのでしょうか? 海外のネットショップに詳しい方いらっしゃいましたら、 どうかよろしくお願い致します。