• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳お願いします!!!!!)


  • 家賃に水道料金が含まれていたアパートで住んでいましたが、水道料金$400を請求され、裁判所からのevictionの手紙が届きました。
  • 次に見つけた家はメンテナンスされてなく、故障の連絡にも対応されませんでした。さらに雷の被害も受け、立ち退きを迫られました。
  • ミシガンの人々は新しく来た者や違う人種を敬遠し、学校でもいじめの問題があります。家族はオークハーバーに住みたいと考えています。


  • ベストアンサー
  • stucko
  • ベストアンサー率59% (26/44)

以下が翻訳ですが、質問があります。「家賃を受理しない」というのはどういう意味でしょうか?家賃を払おうとしても大家が「ダメ」と言うことなんですか?そこはちょっとわからないので。。。 (すみません、外人です :D) とりあえず、翻訳は楽しかったし、リラックスもできました。ありがとうございます。 Dear <name/company>, I would like to tell you about my family’s situation. My husband used to be in the Navy and we now live in Michigan with a family of six. In the first apartment we lived in here, the water bill was supposed to be included in the rent, but after we moved in we found out that those living in our building would be required to pay $400 a month for water. When we refused to pay the extra charge, we received an eviction notice a few weeks later. When we called our real estate office to ask them about it, they told us that we didn’t have to respond to the first notice and so we didn’t go to the court hearing. At that time, we didn’t hire a lawyer because we didn’t have the money. We were kicked out of our apartment on Christmas Eve before the contract was up. Because of the eviction notice on our record it was very hard to find another place to live, but we were able to find a broken-down 2 bedroom apartment with a high price tag of $750 a month. Right after moving in, we found that the plumbing and air-conditioning were broken, but the landlord never came to fix it for us. A year later, lighting struck a tree in our back yard and caused major damage to the main part of the house and to a storage closet. Despite calling the landlord, he never came to fix the problem, but instead told us that he was going to sell the property and that we would have to leave. My husband ended up going to court over the issue even though we didn’t have a lawyer, but the judge wouldn’t listen to our side of the story or even look at the pictures we had submitted. People here in Michigan tend to be more conservative and seem to keep their distance from people who are new or are of a different nationality. This was especially true for my ex-Navy husband with tattoos and his Japanese wife. There are 4 children in our family: three girls (ages 12, 9 and 2) and one 7-year old boy. Our oldest daughter has had bullying problems at school, and though I went and talked to the principle the bullying continues. Michigan has a high crime, a low education level, bullying problems, and the changing climate here is hard on my lungs (not to mention allergies). As you can see from looking at our housing record while living in Oak Harbor, we have never been late paying our rent (additionally, I have attached the receipts for rent payment at our current house). My husband receives ($000) from Social Security and Veteran’s Pay every month for the rest of his life, so there is no concern about us not being able to pay rent if he loses his job. I have also been offered a job working at a hotel front desk through my good friend and will be able to contribute ($000) a month. I know that it might be hard to rent a house with our unjust eviction record and low credit score, but would you please consider our family for a lease agreement? We are even thinking about someday taking out a Veteran’s home loan and buying a house in Oak Harbor or Cupeville. We are asking you to change the fate of our family. Please give us hope. I promise that you won’t regret it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,



stuckoさん; 家賃を受理しないというのはstuckoさんが仰ると通り、大家が家賃を受理しないという意味です。すいません、まぎらわしい言い回しで。 長い文にも関わらず、英訳していただいてありがとうございました!!!!!私がどれだけ感謝しているかもっとお伝えできれば良いんですが。感謝しても感謝し切れません。 あなたの温かさに心から感謝。
