• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)



  • 和訳お願いします

    WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO TODAY'S STUDENTS AND TEACHERS? Now is the time to rethink the meaning of the word "literacy." We used to think of literacy as the ability to read and write. Now we need to think beyond reading and writing. We all need to learn how to create and collaborate on videos,photos,blogs,wikis,online forums,and other kinds of digital media.

  • 和訳を教えてください。

    The principal of the school I went to didn't talk like the teacher who all the students thought was best. 私が行った学校の校長は、生徒全員が最善だと思っているような先生のようには話さなかった。 上記のように訳して、不正解になりました。正しい訳を教えてください。

  • 和訳で間違っている部分を直してください。

    yah○○の和訳ソフトで英文を和訳したら以下のような文がでてきました。なかなか意味が通じるように和訳できなくて困ってます。 (1)In all of these cases , we are presented with a new set of circumstances and we must adjust ourselves to adapt to the new situation. これらのケースの全てに、我々は状況の新しい集合で紹介されます、そして、我々は新しい状況に適応するために身なりを整えなければなりません (2)Stress can be a great motivator that inspires us to learn , to grow and to accomplish things we’ll be proud of later. ストレスは、我々を学んで、成長して、我々が後で誇りに思うものを達成する気にさせる偉大な誘因となる人でありえます (3)It must be to lean how to skillfully manage stress and use it help us. それは、巧みにストレスを管理して、それを使う方法をたてかけることが我々を助けるということでなければなりません (4) We all need to find our personal optimum level of stress to add richness, character and joy to our lives without overwhelming ourselves. みんなは、ストレスの我々の個人の最適のレベルが我々自身を圧倒することなく豊かさ、品格と喜びを我々の命に加えるとわかる必要があります (5)Find ways to reduce or avoid your exposure to unhealthy levels of stress. ストレスの不健康なレベルへのあなたの露出を減らすか、避ける方法を見つけてください

  • 【至急】 書き換え・和訳問題です!

    自信がなかったり分からないものを載せました。 力を貸して頂けると幸いです・・・ 【A】 次の英文を指定された書き出しに続けて書き換えなさい。 Nor and social concerns with literacy confined to a particular class or society. → And social concerns に続けて 【B】 次の英文を和訳しなさい。 (1) Among our most highly valued skills is our ability to make use of written texts, that is to say, our literacy. (2) Nowadays, western countries are eager to eradicate illiteracy as a means of solving a range of other social problems such as poverty and unemployment and therefore schools are keen to upgrade the literacy standards of their students. (3) Some critics say at current rates, ethanol production could use as much as half of the American corn supply before long. (4) The gestures were complex and subtle, involving a delicacy of motion that has since been lost completely. 以上5問です よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします

    In language classes, a common topic is conservation. In one recent debate, students discussed an important question: should people give water to wild animals during a drought? Another project might consist of finding out how an animal died.

  • 和訳

    A year or two ago a college teacher carried out an experiment. He asked his class to eat some biscuits which he had brought to the classroom and which he described as a kind that was soon to be sold in grocery stores. The biscuits were in plain paper boxes without any printing to tell what kind they were. When the students had finished eating,the teacher asked them to write down how they thought the food tasted. Most of the students wrote that they liked the biscuits. They felt that the flavor of the biscuits was interesting and that the public would buy them. The next day the teacher brought the same kind of biscuits to the class again. But this time the boxes were properly labeled. Each box had the words “DOG BISCUITS” printed on it. Some of the students would not even taste the biscuits. Those who tasted thought that they were unpleasant to eat. This experiment shows an important point: People are influenced by words. If someone served you a tasty-looking steak(perhaps garnished with onions or mushrooms),do you think that you would like it? You probably would. However,if someone told you that it was horse,dog,or snake meat,many of you surely would refuse to eat it. Some of you might even feel ill if you did eat it. And why would you feel this way? You would feel this way because of the power of words. The printed and spoken word can actually influences and change your feelings and your behavior. 和訳していただけたら嬉しいです。

  • 英文の和訳お願いします!

    英語の和訳の宿題をやっています。 訳そうと思えばできなくもないですが、 自信がないので訳しにくいなと思った文章を載せました。 ご協力をお願いします! (1) By using gestures, apes could be following the paths humans have taken to develop spoken language. [注] ape:(一般的に)サル (2) Similarly, the use of words thought to be associated with threats to a nation's security might result in uniformed men appearing at your door. (3) Corporations are able to create a consumer profile of you simply by taking note of which Internet sites you log onto. (4) It's now possible to grow up never having been exposed to the natural beauty of the night sky. (5) Many people's eyes now never get to the stage where they are fully adapted to darkness. (6) To err is human, to forgive divine. (7) I was so foolish as to believe her. (8) She had the kindness to show me the way. (7)・(8)については不定詞の慣用表現なのですが どこが慣用表現でどう訳すのかが分からないので 掲載しました。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします(@_@;)

    For a long time many people thought that learning to read was like learning to understand a spoken language- that it was a netural process. For example, it was thought that most children would learn to read naturally if they were in an environment with lots of books and were allowed to develop reading skills in their own way. The idea that reading is a natural process is quite common among educators, but actually learning to read is as difficult as learning to juggle while riding a unicycle backwards. The truth is that learning to read is one of the most unnatural things anyone can do. 長くなって申し訳ありませんが、上の英文の和訳を教えてください(>_<)

  • この前置詞句はどの語に掛かりますか?

    薬袋善郎著 研究者出版「英語リーディングの秘密」のP42に次の英文と訳文がありました。 The aim of education is to develop the art of utilizing knowledge in students. 教育の目的は知識を活用する技術を学生の中で伸ばしてやることである。 質問: 私の知識では最後の"in students"をknowledgeに掛けて訳し「学生の中にある知識を利用する技術を・・・」としました。 しかし,訳例ではto developを修飾しています。  "in students"がこの場合,どの語に掛かるかを見定めるルールはあるのでしょうか? それとも脈絡から判断するしかないのでしょうか? よろしくご教示下さい。

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    どなたか( )にはいる適切な語を選んで和訳していただけませんか? New with the effect of the stimulus package introduced in 2008 and 2009, the markets of the US, China and Japan are showing signs of abating. However, economists warn that the real depression still (lays/lies/place) ahead due mainly to huge fiscal deficits. In fact, several developed countries including Japan, Greece, Spain, the UK and the US are plagued by huge budget deficits. Experts argue that possible default might (trigger/ affect/ modify) the second stage of a Great Depression. If that happens, will the world be able to weather the crisis?