- ベストアンサー
- 多くの人々は、読むことは話す言語を理解することのように学ぶものであり、自然なプロセスだと考えていました。
- しかし、実際には読むことを学ぶことは、逆さまに一輪車を乗りながらジャグリングをすることと同じくらい難しいものです。
- 読むことを学ぶことは、誰にとっても最も自然でないことの一つです。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
- 英語の質問です(>_<)!!
The truth is that learning to read is one of the (most) unnatural things anyone can do. 上の英文のmostのところはなぜbestではいけないのですか??
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- 英語
- 補充問題についてです!!
For example, it was thought that most children would learn to read naturally if they were in an environment with lots of books and were (allowed) to develop reading skills in their own way. 上の文のallowedのところに、なぜsucceededを入れてはいけないのですか??
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- 英語
- TIMEの和訳
どなたか以下の文章を訳していただけませんか? 自分は2文目の初めのitはthat以下をさすと思うのですがどうでしょうか? Because its regime is one of the most loathsome in the world,there is a temptation to see every political development in North Korea as a precursor to the sort of instability that might one day lead to real change. So it has been with the announcement that Kim Jong Un,thought to be 27,a son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il,had been promoted to general -a sign that he is likely to inherit his father's,and his grandfather's,mantle.
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- 英語
- 和訳をお願いします。
Every student has gone through the process of learning something intellectually and then relearning it through experience. Science is recommended as the mode of knowing that will most benefit one's ability to establish facts, to understand the reality surrounding them, and to approach actuality with sensitivity. です。専門書を自分で逐語訳しており、どうしてもわからない場所です。お願いします。
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- 英語
- 和訳お願いします。
Mr Iwata, in Los Angeles for the video games industry's annual E3 conference, is credited with a revolution of the video games industry with him Wii remote, many of which have been hurled at television screens or living-room walls after overenthusiastic players lost their grip amid virtual tennis tournaments or boxing rounds. He did not comment on Emotiv's headset but said he believed that fully thought-controlled games were still years away: “We don't have that kind of technology right now, but when we're talking about a 20-year time period, anything's possible. “If you look back 20 years from today, things that were thought impossible are now the reality―for example, it was a distant dream that we would construct a 3D world with computer graphics.” The US military has been working on thought-control technology for years. Most of the projects that it has made public, however, have focused on thought-reading systems rather than, say, thought-guided missiles. Last month the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency(Darpa), an arm of the US Defence Department, said it had awarded a $6.7 million contract to Northrop Grumman to develop “brainwave binoculars”. The binoculars use scalp-mounted sensors to detect objects the user might have seen but not noticed―in other words, the computer is used as a kind of brain-aid, giving the user superhuman vision. よろしくお願いします。
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- 英語
- 和訳を教えて下さい。
和訳を教えて下さい。 科学系のサイトに掲載されていた記事の中の文です。 The fish in the more acidic water swam less than fish in water with present-day levels of CO2.They also were more likely to freeze—stop swimming and stay still—a sign of anxiety. Genetic sequencing showed that genes responsible for sending olfactory information to the brain were not expressed as much when fish were exposed to CO2, and genes that slow down learning were expressed more. “We think the ability to smell odors is similar in most if not all fish species, so what we have found for sea bass will almost certainly apply to all fish species.” どなたかお願い致します。
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- 英語
- 英文の和訳をお願いします><
The criticism is often made that waching television is passive. This is true when it is compared with active recreations such as jogging or playing tennis. But watching TV is no more passive than obrerving a landscape,listening to music,or reading a book. Like reading a book,it is a withdrawal,but a withdrawal of a different kind. です!
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- 英語
- 和訳お願いします
Terror of the Deep Kronosaurus lived in the seas that covered Australia, but it probably left the water to lay its eggs on land. Its head was seven feet (2m) long and its teeth were as big as bananas! The prime function of a set of teeth like this, says paleontologist Colin McHenry, was to grab and crush its prey. In fact, Kronosaurus was one of the most powerful predators of all time.
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- 英語