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1) Amelioration of the social conditions, attitudes, and policies 社会条件、社会態度、社会政策等の改善、 that contribute to child abuse and neglect 子供の虐待と無視に貢献するのものの話だが、 has been stalled by other national priorities. それらは、 他の国家的な優先政策により、滞ったままである。 Practitioners who struggle with these difficult and disturbing cases これらの困難で煩わしい仕事と苦闘している現場従事者は receive little support. ほとんど支援を受けていない。 2) They feel alone 彼らは孤独を感じ and become overwhelmed and often “burned out.” 圧倒されてしまい、しばしば燃え尽きてしまう。 3) There are no simple solutions 単純な解決策は無い、 to this grim state of affairs, この残酷な状態の問題に対して。 but でも our clinical knowledge and experience 我々の臨床的知識と経験が、 do point to many positive directions. 多くのよい方向を指し示している。 4) While work with maltreatment cases requires 虐待事件と関わる仕事は要求する、 individualization, empathy, creativity, and flexibility, 自立、感情共有、創造性、柔軟性を。 そんな中で、 practitioners can benefit 現場従事者は、利益を得ることが出来る、 from a clinical practice perspective that provides them with a framework 彼らに一つの構想を与える臨床実践の展望から。 for understanding and addressing the multifaceted needs of this population. 構想とは、この集団が持つ多面性的要求を理解しそれに取り組む物だ。


  • 英訳お願いします。

    長いのですが、英訳お願いします。 困っています…涙。 However secularized our modern civilization may become,this sacred tradition remains like a river in the desert,and a genuine religious education can still use it to irrigate the thirsty lands and to change the face of the world with the promise of new life. The great obstacle is the failure of Christians themselves to understand the depth of that tradition and the inexhaustible possibilities of new life that it contains.

  • 英語の論文の日本語訳

    現在社会福祉について学んでいます。ゼミで児童虐待に関する英語の論文を読んでいるのですが、かなり苦戦しています。 そこで、少しでも多くの方のお力を貸していただきたいと思い質問をさせていただきました。以下の文章の日本語訳をお願いします。 論文名 Clinical Social Work with Maltreated Children and Their Families An Introduction to Practice 本文 The challenge to find and implement successful approaches to work with this difficult population still lies ahead of us. Although there is very little research on the outcome of treatment of abuse and neglect cases, the findings that are available are disappointing. It is not clear what models of clinical practice work with particular types of child maltreatment cases. Often practice approaches are dictated by the specific philosophy, bias, or expertise of the agency or practitioner rather than by systematic criteria. Collaboration among those involved in child maltreatment cases and coordination of services are fragmented. ※本文中の maltreatment はそのまま マルトリートメント とゼミでは進めていますので、そのままでお願いします。

  • 英訳してください

    Clinical trial Before a new drug candidate can proceed to toxicologic or clinical evaluation, considerable analytical chemical development is required to lay the ground work for quality control and stability studies. Drug standards are established and analytical methods for the bulk drug and for the proposed final product are devised. Tentative chemical, physical, and biological specifications of the candidate drug are established. If a compound has desirable activity in an experimental testing system, and appears to be safe upon toxicologic examination, it becomes a candidate for clinical trial. The first trial of a drug in man is done with great caution and on a very limited basis. This study, called Phase I, is devoted primary to ascertaining the safety in the human. When these limits have been established and are found acceptable, the drug is made available to a large number of practicing specialists for the Phase II study, which is principally concerned with the determination of efficacy in patients. If, after Phase II, the drug still looks promising, it is distributed more widely to selected practicing physicians in the Phase III study. The purpose at this stage is to secure data from large number of patients on efficacy and incidence of side effects.

  • 正しい英訳を教えて下さい。

    I often have to listen to presentations during the course of my working week, and it never fails to amaze me that, despite the vast number of books, websites and training courses available, that so many people get the basics so completely wrong. It’s not that I expect everyone to wow me with the confidence of, say, Bill Clinton or Tony Blair, but there are some basics that everyone should know before addressing an audience of whatever size. 全体としては何となく意味が分かるのですが、 特に下記の2つのパートが上手く訳せません。どの様に訳せるのか教えて下さい。 1)and it never fails to amaze me that, despite the vast number of books, websites and training courses available, that so many people get the basics so completely wrong. 2)It’s not that I expect everyone to wow me with the confidence of, say, Bill Clinton or Tony Blair,

  • 和訳お願いします

    1. The event and tourism professions are multi-disciplinary and multi-faceted. What challenges does this present for practitioners? 2. With reference to specific industry sectors critically appraise what you consider will be the top 10 issues facing the tourism and events industry within the next 50 years. How should practitioners prepare and respond to these challenges? 3. What are some of the main factors that have contributed to the development of the festival industry? 以上3文です。 上記についてessayを書かなければならないのですが質問の意味が理解できずに困っています。 どなた様か、和訳の方よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 簡単な英訳をお願いします!

    This drawing connected to clockwork studies, with weight movement rather than spring movement, displays a system of pulleys used to control the descent of the weight and to shorten the space necessary to unwind the rope.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    Here let it be noted for the benefit of any bemused doubting Thomas who may be reading this that Texas Senator John Cornyn called attention to this Obama list of enemies and demanded that Obama stop it.

  • thereofの訳し方

    My daughter (she is 30) and I have polar political views. I say political because that is how it manifests itself; however, to me it comes down to core values of compassion and empathy, or lack thereof. thereofの訳し方ですが、「core values of compassion and empathyの不足について」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英訳をお願いします

    What you have to learn, if you are to be a good citizen of the world, is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours , and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, that does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    英訳お願いします。 This time Nicolo was taking his seventeen-years old son,Marco,with him. Marco was forty-one when the Polos came home to venice.  For seventeen of those twenty-four years they journeyed all over Asia-to China, lndochina,Burma,lndia. They served the Mongol conqueror Kublai Khan in his court in Peking and on missions to many parts of the Orient. They were rewarded with rich gifts of silk and Jewels of rare value. In the kingdom of Dely, that “produced large quantities ofpepper and ginger, with many other articles of spicery."  Now Marco Polo's wondrous adventures spurred missionaries and merchants alike to go by land or sea to Cathay-Franciscan friars like John of Monte Corvino, who became Archbishop of Peking; and so many merchants that one of them,Francis Balducci Pegolotti,could write in 1340,“The road you travel from Tana to Cathay is perfectly safe, whether by day or night, according to what merchants Say who have used it." THE SPICE COOK BOOKという本の一文です。 文法に疎く、各単語を調べてつなげてみても、文がうまく繋がらないので困っています。 ご回答お願いします。