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アシュレイ・ハミルトン、「ザ・ワンダーガールズ」と「アイアンマン3」のスコット・ウェイランドとの友情を語る 昔々、レコードのレーベルはバンド成功の大道か解散の証明を意味したかもしれない。「ザ・ワンダーガールズ」はエンターテイナーのアシュレイ・ハミルトンが広げた野心的なプロジェクトで、産業の誤魔化し戦略の犠牲者だと感じた。今日、インターネットの出現で、レーベルの必要性の概念は時代遅れだ。そのことを念頭において、ハミルトンと彼のパートナー集団はカムバックを計画している。 コンセプトの中で、バンドは俳優でソングライターのアシュレイ・ハミルトンの考案で、1990年代後期から2000年代初期のロックンロール・ドリーム・チームで、そのとき最も人気だった何人かのアーティスト達が名を連ね、『ストーン・テンプル・パイロッツ』のスコット・ウェイランド、『オージー』のジェイ・ゴードンとリャン・シャック、『ア・パーフエクト・サークル』のトロイ・ヴァン・リーウェン、『ザ・カルト』のイアン・アストバリーらが含まれており、アルバム1枚分のレコーディング後、不運の連鎖でバンドは解散した。それに加えて、昨年の『ストーン・テンプル・パイロッツ』のファンサイト『ビロウ・エンプティー』のインタビューによれば、最初に発掘されたいくつかのグループの詳細で、その不運なバンドについてはあまり多くが知られていなかった。これは以前、バンドの『アイアンマン3』での突然で不可解な活動再開、そして俺がアシュレイ・ハミルトン彼自身と話す機会であり、両者のプロジェクトの起死回生の更なる光だったんだ。





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    The singer last month filed a multi-million dollar countersuit against STONE TEMPLE PILOTS, just one week after the group sued him. Weiland is seeking compensatory damages in excess of $5 million and an additional $2 million for each "willful use" of the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name. STP's suit claims that the band owns the name STONE TEMPLE PILOTS, as well as its songs, copyrights and trademarks. The suit asks a judge to block Weiland from performing any STP songs in his solo shows and from even calling himself a former member of the band. ※ 『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

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    STONE TEMPLE PILOTS have announced they have "officially terminated" their lead singer, Scott Weiland. No reason was given for the split. A spokeswoman said the band has no further comment at this time. ※ 『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

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    Scott Weiland wrote the initial song version when he was the lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots. The unreleased song came from the No.4 sessions ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

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    SCOTT WEILAND SAYS STONE TEMPLE PILOTS NEED TO RECORD NEXT ALBUM WITH BRENDAN O'BRIEN In a new interview with CleveScene.com, Scott Weiland yet again states that he is still the lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots and even says he'd like to see the band reunite with producer Brendan O'Brien for their next album. O'Brien produced STP's first 5 albums. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』と『Brendan O'Brien』は人物名です。

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    GrungeReport.net, as always, is rooting for Scott to get sober and live a long and happy life. We'd rather be reporting stories on kick ass Scott Weiland/Stone Temple Pilots shows than this type of stuff. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots(STP)』『Velvet Revolver(VR)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

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    Scott Weiland and the Wildabouts drummer Danny Thompson posted the following on Facebook, “I have just officially QUIT the Scott Weiland Solo Band.. Loved playing with the guys for 7 years but it's a matter of self-worth. Not going to elaborate.” Thompson responded to a fan comment that asked what happened, and he said “The Darkness.” Scott Weiland is currently recording his third solo album and is planning more Purple at the Core shows. Weiland was fired by Stone Temple Pilots in February. ※ 『Scott Weiland』『Danny Thompson』は人物名、『Stone Temple Pilots』『the Wildabouts』 はバンド名です。

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    Former Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland apparently has another band that is choosing to move on without him, his short lived late 90′s supergroup the Wondergirls. The Wondergirls recorded two songs in 1999 for a Celebrity Deathmatch soundtrack: 『Drop That Baby』 and 『Let’s Go All The Way』. The group originally featured Weiland, Mark McGrath, Ian Astbury, Jay Gordon, Martyn LeNoble, Shannon Leto, Ashley Hamilton, and others. The group have recorded a new version of “Let’s Go All The Way” for the new Iron Man 3 soundtrack, the new version of the track features Robbie Williams.

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    STONE TEMPLE PILOTS BASSIST ROBERT DELEO TO PERFORM WITH SLASH Scott Weiland's worst nightmare has come true, members of the two bands he was fired from have joined forces. Stone Temple Pilots bassist Robert DeLeo played with former Velvet Revolver/Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash yesterday. They were joined by Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, and Brian Tichy. The group of legendary musicians were rehearsing for a performance at the Varvados Stuart House Charity Auction, which takes place today. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots』『Velvet Revolver』『Guns N' Roses』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』『Robert DeLeo』『Slash』などは人物名です。

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    I have spoken with somebody who works with Scott Weiland’s management, and they denied that Weiland has been fired by Stone Temple Pilots. Slash claimed yesterday that STP fired Weiland, which is why he is campaigning for a Velvet Revolver reunion in the press. ※ 「Scott Weiland」と「Slash」は人物名であり、「Stone Temple Pilots(STP)」と「Velvet Revolver」はバンド名です。

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    While Scott Weiland was working on his musical chops, bassist Robert DeLeo was in Point Pleasant, New Jersey playing with his older brother Dean, five years his senior. Dean's band played in bars, but Robert was so talented the band let him in and snuck him in to play shows. One day Robert decided to pick up and leave New Jersey and move to California. He lived out of his car initially in the Long Beach area with no music gear, but he eventually got an apartment and a home eight track studio after inheriting some money. DeLeo, whose biggest influences were James Jamerson and Led Zeppelin, met Scott Weiland at one of Soi-Distant's gigs in Orange County, joining the band to perform a song. Weiland was blown away by DeLeo's talent, but it took awhile before he could finally get him to form a band with him. Sometime in late 1987/early 1988, Soi-Distant dissolved and morphed into Swing, the first incarnation of Stone Temple Pilots.