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英文 解説お願いします


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。at は、下記の1のように、ものの存在個所を特定する前置詞です。 http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/at at their highest 「最高点に」(ある)        たとえば The tide is at their highest at noon.潮は正午に最高点にある > 満潮は、ちょうどお昼だ。     したがって「別に驚く事でもないが、アイスクリームの売り上げは(上がったり下がったりはするが)夏、とくに八月には最高点になる」という、「点」にによる場所の特定だと思います。 2。  レキシントン通りを横切る迂回路が、車の客が「依然」ダウンタウンの商店街に行けるように、解放された。     still は「前と同じように」「依然」、すなわち工事かなにかでダウンタウンに車で行けなくなっていたが、それが「元通りに」できるように迂回路が造られた、と言う事でしょう。


  • 英文解釈について質問があります。

    英文解釈について質問があります。 CNNのサイトです。 http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/africa/10/21/congo.noteboook/index.html The one thing you're never prepared for every time you come back to Eastern Congo is how beautiful it is. これは、The one thing is how beautiful it is.が基本構造でしょうか? you're以下は関係代名詞 ちょっと意味がわからないですが・・・。 毎回コンゴに戻ってくるあなたにとって意外な物事といえば、それ(the one)はなんて美しいのだろうかということ。 At night the fishermen row home across Lake Kivu singing in Swahili, lanterns waving from the bows that arch across the top of their canoes. 夜、漁師たちはスワヒリ語で歌いながらカヌーを漕いでkiyu湖を横切り、家に向かう。 この次が構造的にわからないです。lanterns waving from the bowsまでが現在分詞の文で、bowsの関係代名詞としてarch across the top of their canoesですか? archの意味と全体の意味がわからないです。 Even when you wind up through the hills, driving past Congolese army camps and watching for any signs that the militias are on the move, you still get distracted by the sugar cane sellers and the drooping red bell flowers growing wild by the roadside. 構造的にはwhenの副詞節で、 driving から on the moveまでは挿入? whenに対する文はyou still でしょうか? 全体の意味とeven と stillの働きがわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文について質問

    以下はTOEICの参考書に掲載されていた、問いかけとそれに対いする正しい応答文です。 それを見たうえで私の質問に答えてください。 Where can we meet you when we visit Johannesburg? (私たちがヨハネスブルクを訪れる場合、どこであなたにお会いできますか?) Oh,I will be there to meet you at the airport. (あら、空港までお迎えにまいりますよ) 質問:参考書の解説では、thereはthe airport を指すとのことです。このように、副詞が代名詞のような役割をすることは可能なのでしょうか? 質問2:Oh,I will be there to meet you at the airport.の直訳について、「私は存在する予定です(I will be )そこに(there)あなたに会うために(to meet you )エアポートで(at the airport)」でよろしいでせようか? これを意訳したものが、上記の訳でしょうか?

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The plan called for the right flank of the German advance to bypass the French armies concentrated on the Franco-German border, defeat the French forces closer to Luxembourg and Belgium and move south to Paris. Initially the Germans were successful, particularly in the Battle of the Frontiers (14–24 August). By 12 September, the French, with assistance from the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), halted the German advance east of Paris at the First Battle of the Marne (5–12 September) and pushed the German forces back some 50 km (31 mi). The French offensive into southern Alsace, launched on 20 August with the Battle of Mulhouse, had limited success. German soldiers in a railway goods wagon on the way to the front in 1914. Early in the war, all sides expected the conflict to be a short one. In the east, Russia invaded with two armies. In response, Germany rapidly moved the 8th Field Army from its previous role as reserve for the invasion of France to East Prussia by rail across the German Empire. This army, led by general Paul von Hindenburg defeated Russia in a series of battles collectively known as the First Battle of Tannenberg (17 August – 2 September). While the Russian invasion failed, it caused the diversion of German troops to the east, allowing the Allied victory at the First Battle of the Marne. This meant Germany failed to achieve its objective of avoiding a long, two-front war. However, the German army had fought its way into a good defensive position inside France and effectively halved France's supply of coal. It had also killed or permanently crippled 230,000 more French and British troops than it itself had lost. Despite this, communications problems and questionable command decisions cost Germany the chance of a more decisive outcome.

  • 受動態の文になるように()内に適切な語を入れてください。

    受動態の文になるように()内に適切な語を入れてください。 (1)Alice was writing the letter at that moment. ⇒The letter()()() by Alice at that moment. (2)Is the police officer watching you? ⇒() you ()() by the police officer? (3) They are building a new bridge across the river. ⇒A new bridge ()()() across the river. 上記の問題で、 (1)The letter(was)(being)(written) by Alice at that moment. (2)(Are) you (being)(watched) by the police officer? (3)A new bridge (is)(being)(built) across the river で合ってますか? 宜しく御願い致します><

  • 初歩的な質問です

    すみません、不明な点があったので質問させて頂きます。 例:Luckily I met her at the station. 上記の文の at the station は、herという目的語の後に来ているので副詞ですか? 節も副詞の役割をするのですか? それと、これはmeetがmetになっているので過去分ですよね?

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    Although the front had moved eastwards across the Sinai, it was still necessary to maintain defence units on the Canal. While serving as part of Canal Defence at Gebel Heliata, Serapeum, the 12th Light Horse Regiment commemorated 28 August: "Today being the Anniversary of the Regiment landing on Gallipoli, a little latitude was given to all hands, and an enjoyable evening was spent in the men's canteen." Meanwhile, by September 1916, the German and Ottoman Empires had renegotiated their agreements to recognise the increasing Ottoman forces being deployed in Europe, while German and Austrian aid and equipment was increased to strengthen the Ottoman army in Palestine. German airmen bombed Port Said on 1 September 1916 and Australian and British airmen answered with a bombing raid on Bir el Mazar three days later, when twelve bombs silenced the anti-aircraft guns and blew several tents to pieces. Bir el Mazar was again bombed on 7 September. As part of the advance across the Sinai, the Australian Flying Squadron's "B" Flight moved their hangars from Suez forward to Mahemdia (4 miles from Romani) on 18 September; "C" Flight moved to Kantara on 27 September 1916.

  • 変圧器 英文の確認

    英文の和訳ですが、これでよろしいですか? 第一文と三文をもっとわかりやすく単純にできないかと思ってるところです。 If the winding is suddenly short-circuited, after the steady-state current I has been established, the subsequent value of the current is found by substituting E=0 in Eq.2.27, and making i=I when t=0, whence: (2.34) i=Ie-RT/L . もし巻線に定常電流Iが流れるようにした後、突然に閉回路的にショートさせると、 その電流値は(2.27)式において、E=0とし、t=0における電流iをIとすれば、以下のように得られる。 (2.34) i=Ie-RT/L . That is, the current is maintained at a gradually decreasing value by the energy stored in the magnetic field until that energy is exhausted. すなわち、電流は磁場に蓄えられたエネルギーが尽きるまで、緩やかに減少する。 If the circuit is opened before the flux has died away, the voltage across the terminals will rise to a high value, maintaining the current across the opening until the arc energy and resistance losses have dissipated the magnetic energy. もし、磁束が尽きて消失する前に、閉回路的なショートを断つと、電流を流し続けるような働きが生じ、アークエネルギーと抵抗による損失によって磁気エネルギーが無くなるまで、その断った2点間の電圧は非常に高くなる。 For this reason, it is dangerous to interrupt the current of any inductive winding, without safety provisions such as discharge resistors or remote operation. こうした理由から、放電抵抗器や遠隔操作といった安全対策なしに、誘導起電力のある回路の電流を妨げるのは危険である。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The attack was costly but inflicted great losses on five German divisions and pinned down troops reserved for reliefs of tired divisions on the Flanders front. The British strategy of forcing the German army to defend the Ypres salient, to protect the Belgian coast and submarine bases at Bruges, had succeeded. The French and Russian armies could make local attacks at Verdun and during the Kerensky Offensive but still needed time to recuperate and were vulnerable to large German attacks. The British offensive at Ypres drew German divisions away from the French and Russian armies and forced the Germans into a costly defence of Flanders. In Belgium, the Fifth Army (General Hubert Gough) had managed to advance little further towards Passchendaele since 31 July, due to the tenacity of the German defence and the unusually wet weather. Gough wanted to avoid delay in resuming the offensive, to prevent the Germans from recovering and to create the conditions for Operation Hush on the coast, which needed the high tides due at the end of August. Tactical developments In July 1917, Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig began the Third Battle of Ypres, in an attempt to inflict unsustainable losses on the German army and to advance out of the Ypres Salient to capture the Belgian coast. At the Battle of Messines Ridge, the ridge had been captured down to the Oosttaverne line and a substantial success had been gained in the subsequent Battle of Pilckem Ridge from 31 July – 2 August. Ground conditions during the Battles of Ypres campaign were poor, as the surface had been bombarded, fought over and partially flooded, at times severely so. Shelling had destroyed drainage canals in the area and unseasonable heavy rain in August, turned some parts into morasses of mud and waterlogged shell-craters. Supply troops walked to the front on duck boards laid across the mud, often carrying loads of up to 99 lb (45 kg). It was possible for soldiers to slip off the path into the craters and drown. Trees were reduced to blasted trunks, the branches and leaves torn away. Bodies of men buried earlier were uncovered by the rain and shelling.

  • 英文について質問でございます

    "At no point in time,before or after the election,did we have a majority of Californians saying they supported gay marriage" Baldassare said (「投票の前後、どの時点においても、カリフォルニア州の住民の過半数が同姓婚を支持すると言っていたことはありません」バルダザールは話した) 質問1:no point in timeのnoはpoint in time(時点)を否定して「どの時点もない」という意味になり、結果として「言った事はない(saying)」という動詞を否定してるんですよね? no はpoint it time以外に何を否定しているか疑問に感じているのです。 質問2:we have a majority of Californians は文中でどういう訳の役割を果たしているからわかりません。「私達はカリフォルニア住民の過半数を持っています」と訳してしまいます。 どういう役割を果たしているのでしょうか? ------話変わります--------- 以下の例文を読んだ上で私の質問に答えてください。 The measure inserts language into the constitution limiting marriage to one man and one woman 分詞構文のように修飾する語句または節が(この例文ではlimiting marriage to one man and one woman)大枠の文(この例文ではThe measure inserts language into the constitution)より長い場合は、その大枠の文の後ろに修飾する語句や節を置くんですよね? 上記例文では、本来はlanguageを分詞構文limiting~がその直後で修飾しますが、実際は違います。 その違う理由は、上記のような理由ですよね?

  • 文章解釈

    添付ファイル文章 “How disgraceful is the lawyer whose dying breath passes while at court, at an advanced age, pleading for unknown litigants and still seeking the approval of ignorant spectators.” に関する質問です。 感嘆文であれば、 How 形容詞 主語 動詞 の並びだと思いますが、主語と動詞が疑問文の並びになっています。これは、以下のようにすると頭でっかちになるから上記の文章の並びになっている、という理解で合っているのか自信がないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。 How disgraceful the lawyer whose dying breath passes while at court, at an advanced age, pleading for unknown litigants and still seeking the approval of ignorant spectators is.