• 締切済み


訳してください。 the translation for the statement is 〝lets the bad luck take anything except my dad″. it's for my lovely Dad,I wish for him a safe trip. よろしくお願いいたします。



>the translation for the statement is 〝lets the bad luck take anything except my dad″. >it's for my lovely Dad,I wish for him a safe trip.  エラーを補って訳せば、 「その記述を翻訳すると、『私のお父さんだけは不運が襲いませんように』だった。  愛するお父さんへ、私はお父さんの旅の無事を祈ります。」 といったところです。ただ英語が不得手なのか、まだ小さな子なのか、第二文に間違いがあるようです。第一文の翻訳にもその影響が表れているようにも思えます。  そこを考慮すると以下のようになるかもしれません(間違え方は英語通りでは全然ありません)。 「その記述を翻訳すると、『悪運ニ我ガ父以外ヲ何デモ取ラセヨウ』だった。  愛らしい父さん、父さんが無難な旅行だといいな。」


その 翻訳文には 以下のように記載されてた。 どのような不運に見舞われて 何を奪われることに成ろうとも パパさえ無事ならば(私は)平気です。 大好きなパパヘ、無事に旅行から戻られることをお祈りしています。



  • 訳の確認なのですが。

    So I wish you luck with your move to the new house, and it’s bad luck you couldn’t get a better price for the original one. だから、僕は君が新しい家へ引越し出来ることを祈っているけど、それは、君は運が悪いから、まえの家の値段よりいい値で得る事はできないよ。それとも it’s bad luck you couldn’t get ~は運が悪ければと訳した方がいいのでしょうか? どちらがよいか教えてください。

  • よろしくお願いします

    My 82-year-old father is doing well for his age but is not as swift and smooth as he used to be. Lately, when we go over for dinner, my dad gets my husband alone and asks him to buy a shotgun for Dad to use for “protection.” go overは「父のところに行く」でしょうか?あと、gets my husband aloneはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • banking perks

    My husband works for small companies and we rely on my job for the banking perks and job security, but he’s supportive of anything I wish to do. banking perks とはどのようなことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どなたか英語が得意な方、宜しくお願いします。

    どなたか英語が得意な方添削を、宜しくお願いします。 恐れていたことが実際に起こってしまいました。AA滞在中に空き巣に入られてしまっていたのです。 楽しい旅行中に私に知らせては可哀想だと主人は帰国するまで私のは知らせなかったのです。 私の最近の不運の連続について、「二度あることは三度ある」という諺は英語で”Bad luck comes in threes” というと話していた矢先でした。 Unfortunately, something I've been always afraid of finally came true : My house was burglarized during my stay in AA. My husband worry about telling me about it while I was out enjoying the trip. Incidentally, we were just talking about suffering my bad fate. There is the saying, "it (bad luck) comes in threes,". (この手紙は旅行に一緒に行った友人に送るものです。主人は都合で旅行に同行できず留守番をしていました。) 長くて申し訳ありませんが宜しくお願いします。

  • 友人のメール後半部分です。

    和訳はこんな感じであってますか Sometimes I don't write or even draw anything! 時々、私は何も書かないか、描きさえしません! At times like that, I just relax and visit with my cousin who I live with:) 時々、リラックスしたいときは、一緒に暮らすいとこを訪ねます:) I am getting ready to leave for school and this is the last week of work for me so wish me luck! 私は学校にいく準備をはじめました、そして、これは私の仕事の最後の週ですので、私の運を祈ってください!

  • pulled in backの意味

    My dad delivered bread for a living. We enjoyed each other’s company, so he’d drive home at lunchtime and I’d go with him. One day, we delivered to a large grocery store. When we pulled in back, the manager saw me and said, “I heard it’s your birthday, so go pick out anything in our toy aisle free.”

  • よろしくお願いします

    My fiancé and I just got engaged and are to be married as soon as he graduates from law school. My dad, who has a sense of humor most (but not all) people appreciate, took him on a weekend hunting trip, and according to my intended, made a number of veiled threats of violent acts should he fail to take care of me properly. Of course he tells me he was only joking and it was all in good fun, but that’s not the way my boyfriend sees it. He tells me he has grounds for a case against my father, and although he’s definitely not taking any action, he might in the future if dad doesn’t control himself. I love my fiancé, but I’m starting to rethink our engagement. Should I just tell him to lighten up, or hope that my dad understands and is more accommodating of his sensitivities? according to my intended, made a number of veiled threats of violent acts should he fail to take care of me properly. の和訳を教えてください。intendedの後に何か省略されているのでしょうか?あと、has grounds for a case against my father,の意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • please someone translate for me

    "I don't feel I have been anything but honest with you since we have started our friendship, I am sorry I am unable to give my self to you at this point as anything but a friend." this is my homework at my school from out of japan. please someone translate for me. in my idea, it means "she does not feel anything for him(does not she like him?) and it is her honest. so she does not want to be in a relationship with him(she just wants to be a friend)." = "tomodachi ijou koibito miman?" is it light? please, please someone helps me. if you comment me, i can not use japanese now, but i can read japanese, so please write japanese. thank you so much!

  • 並べ替えお願いします

    弟は明朝福岡を発ち、新幹線で東京に向かいます。 My brother [Tokyo/Fukuoka/leaves/leaving/for/by/is]bullet train tomorrow morning. 彼から何かしら連絡があればすぐにお知らせします。 I will let you know [from/as/as/will/him/I/hear/soon/anything].

  • 英文

    Wish could be the oxygen you swallow Wish could be the blood running within you Wish could be eaten by you for dessert Wish could be what you want everytime You are my heart Couldn't beat without you Could die without you You are my vitamine Need you now no more anything now Wish could be the oxygen you swallow Wish could be the blood running within you Wish could be eaten by you for dessert Wish could be what you want everytime A fish in the sea called you A bird in the sky called you A tree in the ground called you A star in the universe called you Wish could be the oxygen you swallow Wish could be the blood running within you Wish could be eaten by you for dessert Wish could be what you want everytime So I tell a lie 友達の英文です。訳して下さい

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