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  • ベストアンサー率31% (744/2384)

revengeは名詞で、your revengeが主語です。fetchは助動詞willにつながる原型不定詞で、全体としてはfetchに基づくSVOO構文です。



なるほど! SVOOでしっくりきました! ありがとうございますv


  • 英語

    A:I have to go now. () B:It was my pleasure. Prease come around againsoon. A:I will. Bye. (1)I hope the dinner was all right. (2)Did you enjoy the dinner? (3)Thank you again for the dinner. (4)How did you like the dinner? 2 A:There are many things you could do to imrove your health. B:() A:Getting regular exercise,for example,or eatingmore vegetbles. (1)Any similar examples?(2)How many? (3)Like what? (4)What did you say? 答えと全文の訳をお願いします

  • 英語の解釈ができないんです。

    That is, the idea that if you have the courage to be different and to follow your own path, life will be more rewarding. まず、この文章を私は、 " それは(他人と)違うようになる、そして、自分自身が決めたことに従う勇気があれば、人生はそれ以上のことをやってくれる。と解釈をしました。 ..すなわち、私はここで主語はthat 動詞はisと思ったのです。... しかし、友たちは、that is, は "いわば"という意味で、the idea とlifeが主語で動詞はwill beだというんです..そうなると解釈がぜんぜん違うので ..この文の主語と動詞と正確な解釈をお願いします。 But what has been even more interesting, and sometimes disturbing, is to see which aspects of American culture are imported to and become popular in Japan. この文章でも、主語と動詞が分かりません。解釈がばらばらで、つながらないんです。よろしくお願いします。 If guns become as "cool" here as they are in America, how long can that last? この文章でも文法的な説明と解釈をお願いします。...

  • 英語でかかれこのたレシピの文を訳せる方教えてください

    英語でかかれこのたレシピの文を訳せる方教えてください 長くなるとは思いますが訳せる方お願いします お礼は必ずします。 Now let`s look at some scenes from his tv program,the naked chef . He doesn`t cook in a tv studio but in a real kitchen. Today we will make a salad with ingredients which are not usually mixed together-cress, avocado and potatoes . I t`s simple and it tastes great, I will take you through each step. Y ou`re going to need potatoes,avocados,cress,olive oil, lemons,salt and pepper. After cooking the potatoes in salted boiling water unitil they`re very tender , you drain them and leave them in the pot. Add salt and pepper. The potatoes will get their flavor from being mixed with the oil, I love olive oil and use it in many of my dishes. After the olive oil, put in the lemon. You can squeeze the lemon with your hands and catch the seeds inn your fingers. You don`t need special things in your kitchen to make delicious food. You just need a spirit of adven-ture! Peel and slice the avocados lengthways and add them to the potatoes. The avocados won`t turn brown because the lemon juice will protect them. Next we are going to add the cress. Have you tried cress? Some people think cress is not a cool food, but I love the taste. Don`t be afraid to use food because people think it is strange. You can cut cress when it is still in the package! Add it to the potatoes and avocado. Now that you have everything together on the plate, just mix it with your hands . doesn`t this look great! It`s brilliant with chicken fish or as a salad on its own, espe-cially in the summer. Give it a try sometime! お願いします

  • 英語の問題の答えを教えてください。【大至急】

    1.All students will go to school.(AllをEveryにして現在時制で書き直す) 2.All of them were absent from school.(AllをEachにして正しく書き直す) 3.He is good at playing the piano. =He ( ) a good ( ) 4.How many books does your library have? =how many books ( ) ( ) in your library? 5.Please close the door, Jim. =( ) ( ) close the door, Jim? 6.The news cannot be true. =The news ( ) ( ) false. 7.My little brother could not open the bottle. =My little brother ( ) ( ) to open the bottle. 8.You don't have to go there. =You ( ) not go there. 9.It snowed a lot last night. =We ( ) a lot of ( ) last night. 10.The woman made a bicycle trip alone. =The woman ( ) alone ( ) bicycle. 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • オークションに出品したら英語の質問がきた。対応法を教えて

    オークションに出品したら英語の質問が来ました。英語の意味がわからずどう答えたらよいのか困っています。どなたか対応法をお教え願います。以下質問内容です。Hello seller My Name is ****** i from usa i have interested on your item for my pastor in west Africa i will like to know the condition of the item and i will offer you USD 2800 including the shipment cost by EMS SPEED POST i will like how many you have in stock and i will make the payment via bank to bank transfer so i will need your bank info for the payment.Account holder name:-Account Number Bank Name:Bank code Branch:Bank tell swift Code:Total Cost.item name .email so i will like you get back to me with your personal email to my email(******@****.com)(******@****.com)

  • 英語問題

    下から適切な単語を選んで空欄を埋める問題なのですが、わかりますか? わかったら翻訳もお願いします(;_;) dietary means stand tablets dietician (1)Have you seen the _____ for your _____program? (2)Yes, I have. (3)I'll give you acarbose. Take three _____ three times a day. (4)What does this "pc" _____for? (5)Oh, that _____ "after meals." 空欄に適する動詞を下から選び、正しい形に直して書く問題なのですが、わかりますか? わかったら翻訳もお願いします(;_;) go start give take apply (1)His pulse is faint and respiratory is weak. We need to_____ CPR (after some minutes) He's not responding, and his pulse is still faint._____ AED._____ out the machine from the box, and ____me the electrodes. (2)Here we _____. (3)Clear! (after the shock is given) Check his pulse again. 空欄に適する動詞を下から選んで空欄を埋める問題なのですが、わかりますか? わかったら翻訳もお願いします(;_;) expands includes move completed provide (1)We're going to start your physical therapy program to help with your problems of balance, coordination, gait, and your pain when you _____. (2)How many visits will I need? (3)It can be _____in 1-3 office visits. The first appointment _____an evaluation and recommendations for exercises. The following appointments check your progress and reviews, and _____your home program. We can _____ additional sessions of outpatient physical therapy until you attain the expected improvement in function.

  • この英文たちについてご説明願います。

    You know how many copies we print of our newspaper? ↑we print of のofの役割とは? These will start the uprising. ↑このTheseは there is, are のtheseと同じふうに捉えればよいか? Keep your peckers up! ↑この文の意味は? Keep your legs crossed! ↑この文の意味は? これら4つの文のうち1つの文に対する回答だけでももちろん結構ですので、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本文にして頂けないでしょうか(3)

    日本文に訳して頂けないでしょうか。 ちなみに、Storm8IDとTeamLavaは訳さなくても結構です。 長文で大変かと思いますが、どうか宜しくお願い致します。 ------------------- Hello, Thanks for your email. This is an automated response; if you are not inquiring about being able to access your existing characters on a new device, please let us know in your reply. If you *are* attempting to get a different account on any of your devices, please enter the information on the form and reply or *we will not be able to transfer your character*. Transferring to a new device will affect *all* Storm8/TeamLava characters on your device. The transfer feature is for restorative purposes only. It will not swap accounts between two live devices. Swapping is also against the Terms of Service. Should you attempt this, Support agents will not be able to assist you. If you have your old device or know your Storm8 ID information AND your new device does not have a Storm8 ID on it, you can perform the transfer immediately by following the instructions at ここにURL。 Otherwise, please provide us with the following information and our team will perform the transfer from the backend as soon as we can. 1. Name of game: 2. OLD Storm8 ID and/or Code 3. NEW Storm8 ID and/or Code 4. Original account name: 5. Original game level: 6. Approximate date you created your original account: 7. Approximate date you last logged in with your original account: 8. Any other details you can provide to identify your lost account: 9. Any other character codes and character names you have for DIFFERENT Storm8 games on the same device as the character you are trying to retrieve (list the name of the game with the character code): 10. Approximately how many POINTS (favor, ancients, etc) were left on the account: 11. What items, in game, did you use your points on and approximately how long ago: 12. Any receipts you may have for purchases. Note: If you are not able to provide ALL of the above information, we may not be able to recover your old character. ----------------------------

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    翻訳をしていただけたらと思っています。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 In your future life together with this Soul Mate he will be quieter more reserved than you. You will often be the one to starts the conversation, or bring up topics for discussion more than him. But his opinion and advice will be very important to you, and you’ll seek it out. He will be the better educated and more bookish, or intellectual. He will have more know how and will seem to know more than you, or be able to find out more and to supply you with information when you need it for various things. You and he will hardly ever quarrel or be nasty and unpleasant with each other. But there may be many disagreements with those around you. You will always be tactful diplomatic careful and polite and loving with each other. You will have a similar mentality and communication will be one of the great strengths of this relationship.

  • 英語の文法問題です

    英語の文法問題です。 (1)This is the warehouse (which/when/where/in which) I used to visit in my rookie year at the company. 答:where (2)The committee finally approved of the plan (what/who/where/that) he had revised many times. 答:that (3)You should complete the documents by Friday, (which/where/when/why) we are supposed to submit them to the local government. 答:why (4)Please deliver this document to AIC Company, (which/whose/where/that) office is located in Chicago. 答:where (5)We will send you a guide including all the ways (why/how/where/which) show how you can submit your designs. 答:which (6)Dont't miss this opportunity (why/how/where/which) you can show your creativity. 答:where 僕の答えで合っているでしょうか?どなたかお願いします。