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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:【500コイン】英訳をお願いします。)

私は動物たちから学ぶことが多い | 英訳依頼

  • 私は動物たちから多くのことを学んでいます。彼らは私に大切な思い出を教えてくれます。私は動物たちと人間の架け橋になるために努力しています。
  • 私は動物たちと人間の絆を深めるために仕事をしています。私は飼い主たちに動物たちの思いを伝えることに喜びを感じています。
  • 私は生きている動物たちと亡くなった動物たちと鑑定を行っています。動物園や動物病院、専門研究者など、興味がある方はぜひ連絡してください。


  • ベストアンサー
  • rqutico
  • ベストアンサー率50% (1/2)

I learn many things from animals. Animals like dogs,cats,horses,birds,turtles,fishes,retiles give me precious memories. It is like a phenomenon which is like the movies. You know that first is the picture,second is the movie,third is me who is in the movie. I can tell keepers to make animals to be comfortable by watching materials deeply. I'm doing my best from my heart to be like a bridge between animals and humans and it's my job. Pease read the blog if you can read Japanese. I want to erase differences of thinkings because I want more pairs to strengthen the bond. They are in a position that they cannot stop appreciating their keepers. If I translate what animals want to say to keepers,these keepers would be glad and start to listen to me deeply. For example,Temple Grandin have an ability like me. We want to help by getting over a wall and contributing a society. If you want me to judge living animals(zoos,animal hospitals,professional scholars,bird gardens,retiles museums,keepers and their families) and dead animals(same),please contact me.



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