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Sony sinks, Toyota tumbles, and the Nikkei stock index plunges to lows not seen for more than a quarter of a century


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

* ソニーは沈み、トヨタは転落しています、そして、日経平均株価は、四半世紀以上見られなかった安値に急落しています。 * その時以来、日本は、辛抱強く最初のものに改良を加えてきました、自動車に行って来たことをコンビニエンスストアに対しても行っているのです。 * 大きい地震が襲った場合、政府機関は、緊急用の水と他の物資の配給がどこにいてもなされる状況を活用する様になるでしょう。


  • 和訳手伝ってください;; さっぱりわかんないです;;

    和訳手伝ってください;; さっぱりわかんないです;; (1)The paradox the automobile has thrust upon us is that liberation is bondage. The automobile has made it possible, literally and figuratively, to go anywhere, to be anyone.  支配?可能?誰でも?? (2)The car has provided a fast, efficient, adaptable, identifiable engine of forward(and upward) mobility, and as such it became an important cultual symbol system, a language pratically everyone spoke. 車 速い 気をつける? 皆 はなす? ・・・・単語の訳も怪しいくらいです;; 進級がかかってるので・・ 英語が得意な方 たすけてください><

  • 和訳と穴埋め

    (1)Car navigation has become one of the ( ) important ( ) of an automobile. (2)Hard disk drives are ( ) compact and lighter than cassette tape recorders. (3)An ammeter is an ( ) for ( ) the rate of electric current flow. 適切な単語をいれて全体を訳せという問題です。 ご教授のほど、よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳教えてください

    Man has always been engaged in a two-fold struggle, with his physical enviroment and with mankind. In general, he has been winning the former and losing the latter. He has gained comfort, convenience and a reasonable degree of physical safety, but he has failed to achieve a peaceful world. He has conquered the elements and created scientific miracles, but he has not learned how to live with his fellow man. 和訳よろしくお願いします!!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Tomis a British fashion photographer who has incorporated his dark and mysterious personality into his works. Since Tom started experimenting in fashion photography he has gathered an online following for his uniquity and style. Originally from a small town in England Damon was obsessed with cities. At the age of eighteen he decided to escape to New York City to find himself and to push his creative boundaries. Since basing himself in London at nineteen he had started to build strong relationships with the model agencies by shooting their models using his fresh and unique vision.

  • 和訳

    We have often heard of the term"the Global Village"and the notion that the world is becoming smaller and more accesible through improved communication and transportation.Cultures and countries which at one time were far away and exotic are now only a jet flight away.The improved access to information has made the world a smaller, more compact place to live in with greater access to cultural exchanges and integration people. 最後の文の訳が浮かばないのでお願いします。あとこの文のwityの意味も教えてください

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    These have already been actioned. If you refer to the attachments that you sent me it states that on the 03/12/2014 there was a reversal of $9.88 the original mailing statement has been charged for the amount of $6.18 As for the second discrepancy for the $3.80, this has also been reversed and re charged on the 07/01/2015 for the amount of $1.95 Everything has been reversed and charged accordingly *Amended request for Invoice No.xxxxxxxx

  • 和訳お願いします

    少し長めですが、和訳をお願いいたします。 Now, at the end of this virtual visit, I ask the mother if there’s anything else I can do for her today. She says no, she’s set, she just wanted to know if she should bring her baby to the emergency room, and she’s relieved she doesn’t have to. I say great, that she should feel free to call us back if she has any other questions.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    高2です。 わからない2題、和訳お願いします。 1The force that binds the Earth to the sun,and prevents it from flying off alone across the galaxy,would fall to only one-quarter the strength if the Earth's orbit were twice as big as it is now. 2Over the past five years, an entirely separate field has arisen that analyzes aging at the cellular level and looks to treat and possibly cure many of the conditions and diseases of old age by focusing on the mysterious role played by DNA.

  • これの和訳を教えてください。

    Recently, Nakagawa et al. have numerically studied the planetary growth and shown that the growth times of the Earth and Jupiter are orders 10^6~10~7 yrs and 10^7~10^8 yrs, respectively. But, for the case of Neptune, a very long time, which is comparable to or longer than the age of the solar system, is needed for the growth ( these growth times, nevertheless, are shorter by a factor of 10 or 100 than those obtained by Safronov). As they have pointed out for themselves, their results are not always final but tentative because in their calculation some assumptions and simplifications are made for the sake of convenience; one of these is that for the rates of collision and of gravitational scattering due to the mutual encounters between planetesimals, formulae in a free space (i.e., without the influence of the solar gravity) are used.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    When the tricky diagnosis of appendicitis is considered, blood tests and a urinalysis are required. The patient's blood is put into different colored tubes, each with its own additive depending on the test being performed: •A purple-top tube is used for a complete blood count (CBC). A CBC measures: 1) The adequacy of your red blood cells, to see if you are anemic. 2) The number and type of white blood cells (WBCs), to determine the presence of infection. 3) A platelet count (platelets are a blood component necessary for clotting) •A red-top tube is used to test the serum (the liquid or non-cellular half of your blood). •A blue-top tube is used to test your blood's clotting. The tests in your case indicate that you have an elevated WBC count. This is a sign of a bacterial infection, and bacterial infections are commonly associated with appendicitis. At this point, the emergency physician may request that you not eat or drink anything. The reason is that appendicitis is treated by surgery, and an empty stomach is desirable to prevent some complications of anesthesia. When the emergency physician has all the information he can obtain, he makes a determination of the most likely diagnosis from his differential diagnosis. Alternately, he may decide that he does not have enough information to make a decision and may require more tests. At this point, he speaks to a general surgeon -- the appropriate consultant in this case. The surgeon comes to see you and performs a thorough history, physical exam, and review of your lab data. She examines your symptoms: pain and tenderness in the right, lower abdomen, vomiting, low-grade fever and elevated WBC count. These symptoms all point to appendicitis. The treatment of appendicitis is removal of the appendix, or an appendectomy. The surgeon explains the procedure, including the risks and benefits. You then sign a consent form to document this and permit her to operate on you. The vast array of people caring for patients in an emergency department can be quite confusing to the average health care consumer -- as confusing as if you were watching your first baseball game ever and no one was around to explain all those players. Additionally, most people are uncertain of the training and background necessary to become a member of the emergency-department team. Well, here's the scorecard. The emergency physician comes to the team after spending four years in college studying hard to get as high a GPA (grade point average) as possible in order to get accepted into medical school. Medical school is a four-year course of study covering all the essentials of becoming a physician. It generally includes two years of classroom time, followed by two years rotating through all the different specialties of medicine. Toward the end of medical school, each medical student must select a particular specialty (emergency medicine, family practice, internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, etc.). The medical student then completes an internship (one year) and residency (two to three additional years) in order to be a specialist in emergency medicine. Physicians must pass an all-day written exam and an all-day oral exam to become board certified in emergency medicine. As of 2001, there were approximately 32,000 emergency physicians practicing in the United States, of which 17,000 were certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine.