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How to Replace Words in Excel VBA


  • tom04
  • ベストアンサー率49% (2537/5117)

こんばんは! ちょっとやってみました。 データは1行目からあるとします。 Sheet2を作業用のSheetとして使っていますので、Sheet2は全く使用していないSheetにしてください。 尚、半角スペースで区切っていますので、 >Mt. Fuji のように単語の間に半角スペースがあるとお望み通りになりません。 >Mt.Fuji だとおそらくご希望通りになると思います。 シートモジュールです。 Sub Sample1() Dim i As Long, k As Long, j As Long Dim strB As String, strC As String, bufB As String, bufC As String Dim wS As Worksheet, myArray Set wS = Worksheets("Sheet2") Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row myArray = Split(Cells(i, 1), " ") For k = 0 To UBound(myArray) wS.Cells(i, k + 1) = myArray(k) Next k For j = 1 To wS.Cells(i, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column If j Mod 2 = 0 Then strB = "(" & Left(wS.Cells(i, j), 1) & _ WorksheetFunction.Rept(" ", Len(wS.Cells(i, j))) & ")" strC = wS.Cells(i, j) Else strB = wS.Cells(i, j) strC = "(" & Left(wS.Cells(i, j), 1) & _ WorksheetFunction.Rept(" ", Len(wS.Cells(i, j))) & ")" End If bufB = bufB & strB & " " bufC = bufC & strC & " " Next j Cells(i, 2) = Left(bufB, Len(bufB) - 1) Cells(i, 3) = Left(bufC, Len(bufC) - 1) bufB = "" bufC = "" Next i Columns.AutoFit wS.Cells.Clear Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub こんな感じではどうでしょうか?m(_ _)m



早速にご回答ありがとうございました。 長いモジュールを組んでいただき感謝します。 No2さんのユーザー関数でうまくいきました。 お手間をかけ重ねて御礼申し上げます。


  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Wilfrid Miles, the Official Historian, praised the initiative shown by small sub-units of men in clearing the Germans from positions in the village but at the same time attributed much of the severity of losses to Australian inexperience and their "reckless daring."In the fighting around Pozières the 48th Division lost 2,844 casualties from 16–28 July and 2,505 more from 13 August. The 1st Australian Division lost 7,700 men, the 2nd Australian Division had 8,100 casualties and the 4th Australian Division lost 7,100 men. From 27 July – 13 August the 12th Division had 2,717 losses.

  • 英文解説お願いします

    Which of the following costs $80 if bought on August 18th? 上記の英文の解説をお願いします。 大学入試の問題文です。 そもそも主語がわかりません。

  • 英文 在職期間証明書の書き方

    教えて下さい。 海外での就職のため以前勤めていた会社の在職期間証明書を英文で 提出する必要があります。 以前勤務していた会社から英文で提出するなら証明書を発行するということなので自分なりにあちこち見て書いていますが、はたしてこれでいいのかどうか自信がありません。 まずい点があればぜひ教えていただけませんでしょうか。 英語に詳しい方ぜひご指導のほどよろしくお願いいたします。      Certificate of Employment We hereby certify that the following person- Taro Yamada-had been in employment of our company since 23rd of August 2000 until 20th of July 2007 Name: Taro Yamada Address:********* Gender: male Date of Birth: ******* ****** Co.,Ltd 3-1-3 ****-Cho ,*****-ku ,Tokyo,Japan Chief ExecutiveOfficer******** 23rd of July 2009

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    At midnight on 31 July – 1 August, the German government sent an ultimatum to Russia and announced a state of "Kriegsgefahr" during the day; the Turkish government ordered mobilisation and the London Stock Exchange closed. On 1 August the British government ordered the mobilisation of the navy, the German government ordered general mobilisation and declared war on Russia. Hostilities commenced on the Polish frontier, the French government ordered general mobilisation and next day the German government sent an ultimatum to Belgium, demanding passage through Belgian territory, as German troops crossed the frontier of Luxembourg.

  • 次の内容を英語で言うと

    1『創作料理のお店』 the restaurant of the Creation food  2『1日には』は On the 1th 『2日には』は On the 2th でいいのでしょうか? 3『私はその店を本で見て選んだ。』   I selected this restaurant watching book. 4『店の前で30分も待つわけにも行かず、』 I couldn't wait in front of the restaurant for more than 30 minutes. 5『7月29日から8月5日まで』 From July 29th to August 5th, 6『資格試験の講座』  the couse of the eaxmination   上の言い方であってますか? 直すべきところがあったら教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Kowel (also known as the Battle of Kovel or the Battle of Kovel-Stanislav) took place during World War I, from July 24 to August 8, 1916. It began with an Austrian counter-attack by Alexander von Linsingen south of Kowel, a city located in the Volyn Oblast (province), in north-western Ukraine. Linsingen intended to halt the Russian offensive under the command of General Aleksei Alekseevich Brusilov.

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Battle of Krithia Vineyard (6–13 August 1915) was fought during the Gallipoli Campaign during the First World War. It was originally intended as a minor British action at Helles on the Gallipoli peninsula to divert attention from the imminent launch of the August Offensive, but instead, the British commander, Brigadier General H.E. Street, mounted a futile and bloody series of attacks that in the end gained a small patch of ground known as "The Vineyard".The original commander of the British VIII Corps at Helles, Lieutenant General Aylmer Hunter-Weston, had departed the peninsula in July, following the last Helles offensive—the Battle of Gully Ravine. His replacement, Lieutenant General Francis Davies, arrived in early August but had not yet assumed command of the corps when a series of diversions were due to be launched from Anzac and Helles to divert Ottoman attention from the planned landing at Suvla and the break out from Anzac. Consequently, the Helles diversion was planned and conducted by the VIII Corps' chief of staff, Brigadier General H.E. Street, who proved himself an able student of Hunter-Weston's battle strategy.Due to the shortage of artillery, the attack was split into two parts with the 88th Brigade of the 29th Division attacking on the afternoon of 6 August while two brigades of the 42nd (East Lancashire) Division would attack the following day. They were facing four Ottoman divisions, three of which were fresh, while there were two more divisions in reserve. The 88th Brigade's attack managed to capture some Ottoman trenches, which were recaptured by the Ottoman 30th Regiment during a counter-attack. The British attacked again and once more captured some trenches, but the Ottomans counter-attacked again and drove them out. The British failed to hold any ground and the 88th Brigade was effectively destroyed as a fighting force. At around 9:40 am on the morning of 7 August the 42nd Division attacked on the right of the 88th Brigade's sector. The 127th Brigade managed to break through the line held by the Ottoman 13th Division, but were forced back by an Ottoman counter-attack. The Ottomans counter-attacked repeatedly from 7 August to 9 August and the fighting in the area continued until 13 August when it finally subsided. Afterwards, this sector of the Helles front would remain one of the busiest and most violent for the remainder of the campaign.Two Victoria Crosses were awarded to men of the 42nd Division during the fighting at Krithia Vineyard. The British casualties in the first 24 hours of fighting, covering the original attacks of the 88th Brigade and the two brigades of the 42nd Division, were 3,469. The total British casualties for the duration of the battle were probably in excess of 4,000. The Ottoman casualties for the period of the battle were estimated to be around 7,000.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The battle of Guillemont, 3-6 September 1916, was the official name given to the fighting that captured the village of Guillemont during the first battle of the Somme. The dates of the battle are rather misleading. Guillemont had been on the right flank of the British line since the middle of July, and had been attacked without success during August. The official name also covers the fighting further north in Delville Wood and around Ginchy. Progress on this eastern flank of the British line was essential if the French and British were to cooperate properly north of the Somme.

  • 答えあわせをお願いします

    度々申し訳ありませんが、以下の答えあわせをして頂けませんでしょうか? (1)並び替えの問題です。 Even so, the climb was unlike (ever / other / I / climb / have / any) made. any other climb I have ever であっているでしょうか? (2)どういう単語が入るのでしょうか? After looking around, they would ride the buses back down w------ climbing to the top. (wで始まる7文字の単語)  withoutでしょうか? If a climber became tired or th-----, he could stop at one of these little shops and have a can of juice or cola.(thで始まる7文字の単語) thirstyでしょうか? It seemed m--- like walking through a park than climbing a mountain.(mで始まる4文字の単語) must とか mean とかいろいろ考えましたがわかりません。 すみませんが、よろしくお願いします。 

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Battle of Mărășești (August 6, 1917 – September 8, 1917) was the last major battle between the German Empire and the Kingdom of Romania on the Romanian front during World War I. Romania was mostly occupied by the Central Powers, but the Battle of Mărășești kept the northeastern region of the country free from occupation.On July 22, 1917, the Romanians launched a joint offensive with Russia against the Austro-Hungarian 1st Army, around Mărăști and the lower part of the Siret river, which resulted in the Battle of Mărăști. Although there was some initial success, a counter-offensive by the Central Powers in Galicia stopped the Romanian-Russian offensive.The offensive of the German Ninth Army, from the Army Group Mackensen, started on August 6, 1917, when the units of the Russian Fourth Army on the Siret River were expected to leave their positions to reinforce the front in the north of Moldavia and be replaced by the divisions of the Romanian First Army (commanded by General Constantin Cristescu until August 12, then by General Eremia Grigorescu). For 29 days, until September 3, this sector was the scene of the most important battle delivered by the Romanian army during the 1917 campaign. The Battle of Mărășești had three distinct stages. During the first stage (August 6–12), successively committed to battle, the troops of the Romanian First Army, together with Russian forces, managed to arrest the enemy advance and forced the Germans, through their resistance, to gradually change the direction of their attack north-westward. In the second stage (August 13–19), the Romanian Command completely took over the command of the battle from the Russians and the confrontation reached its climax on August 19, ending in a complete thwarting of the enemy's attempts to advance. The third stage (August 20 – September 3) saw the last German attempt at least to improve their positions in view of a new offensive, this one too baffled by the Romanian response. Starting with August 8, 1917, the fighting on the Mărășești front combined with an Austro-Hungarian-German offensive at Oituz. Battle of Mărășești マラシェスティの戦い