• ベストアンサー




まずは、この文章は何なんでしょうか?とても、標準的な英語とは思えません。 一つ目は、もしかしたら:I do not mean to send by mail an object that you use in Japan. あなたが日本で使っているものを郵便で送る気はない。 二つ目は、私には全く意味がわかりません。perfavoreはイタリア語かもしれません。外国人の broken Englishのように思えますが?


  • 前置詞と接続詞

    前置詞と接続詞の問題です。特に6,9辺りが良く分かりませんでした。 お願いします 1“You seem to have had that car for years.” “Yes, I should sell it ( ) it still runs.” アbefore イduring ウuntill エwhile 2You should write down Aya's number ( ) you forget it. アin case イin the case ウso far as エso long as 3It matters little who finds the truth, ( ) the truth is found. アso long as イunless ウwhatever エwhether 4Alice was allowed to go swimming ( ) she kept near the lifeguards. アseeing that イin case ウso that エon condition that 5You can't eat tulips, ( ) they are beautiful to look at. アin spite of イthanks to ウeven if エdespite 6One basic question we have been trying to answer is ( ). アpeople behave イhow do people behave ウhow people behave エpeople behave how 7I wanted to see ( ) my friend looked when I visited him in the hospital.  アhow イwhat ウthat エwell 8Dark ( ) it was, the group managed to find its way to the hut. アbecause イas ウso エwhen 9We are not able to survive as human beings ( ) in close cooperation with one another. アif we live イif we lived ウunless we don't live エunless we live 10( ) the advancement of electronic means of communication such as international telephones, facsimiles and the Internet, Japanese people still seem to prefer face-to-face communication. アBecause イDespite ウFor エThough

  • すいません、翻訳お願いします

    IF it is wrong will you please write how it should be labled! I need your address to send you the package. I can not write Japanese!! Please write your address how it should be written on the package.... thanks you hope to hear from you soon Carl

  • 長文すぎて意味が分からなく困っています・・・。

    長文すぎて意味が分からなく困っています・・・。 現在オークションでPCを出品しているのですが、質問欄に外国の方からの質問を頂きました。 自分は学生なので一部分的な翻訳はできたのですが、どうも全体的な意味がわからず困っています。 そこでお願いなのですが、英語から日本語に和訳していただけないでしょうか・・・? Hello Seller, I Am Mr Gama*** Kadenok*** from Scotland i Need your Item Paste on Yahoo auction Japan to my daughter i want to know How many did you have? i will like to offer you $2,000:00USDollar including the shipment Cost to my Daughter by EMS SERVICE to Nigeria i want you to E-mail me to (gama***kadenok***@gmail.com) and i will paid through bank to bank Transfer To your account, I Want you to contact me back Thanks 是非、お願いいたします。

  • 英文の手紙を添削おねがいします。

    英語の手紙を書きましたが、間違いがあれば指摘していただけませんか? Hi, Mr.X. How are you doing out there? I'm doing fine, thanks to your help. BTW, I'm interested to read your recent book about Japanese history. Could you send me one? Thank you very much.

  • PC key

    Hi,all I cannot write in romaji. How can I return to normal mode?? Thanks, Bye.

  • この文を英訳お願いします。長文です。

    以下の文の英訳をお願いします。ご教授ください。 Hi,Thanks for your quick respond. I'm afraid I'm still a bit confused so do you mean this pen does not come with ink converter or ink cartridge, and if I want them I need to buy them separately? I've done some research about this pen and I think either ink converter or ink cartridge would work so what did you mean by "inquires them both"? And in the description is says ink cartridge is included and in the email you said I would have to buy them? If so I could not find them in your shop. And also what about the third question I asked?Thanks for your time and looking forward to your reply.James

  • 翻訳おねがいします。その2

    Thanks, I will send the package tomorrow. What do you want me to do about customs? Should I set a value? I would like to insure the camera いったいなんていxているのでしょう

  • 英文法について

    以下の英文でdidが不明です。 Poison. Now I often wonder how did these fish evolve so that they had poison running throughout them. Another thing that fascinates me is how did people start to eat fugu. 質問: 通常、このような文体ですと、didが抜け、 how these fish evolved so that.... how people started to eat fugu となると思うのですが、すみませんがご回答頂ければ幸いでございます。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 対話文問題

    郵便局で、職員とお客さんの会話を完成させる問題で、 Aさん  I want to send this letter to China. ( )? Bさん 90 yen, please. ( )内を、How much is it 以外の文(How muchは使ってよい, 言い方は一つと限らない)を考えて書きなさい。という指示があり、   How much do I have to spend と書いたら、×になっていました。 何か、使い方にでも間違いがあるのでしょうか?

  • 英語の長文の添削をお願い致します。

    自分で「コメとパン」についての英文を作成してみましのたで、長文で面倒くさいかもしれませんが、英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら添削をお願い致します。 英文で変な部分がございましたら、バシバシご指摘下さい。 Some people eat rice, the others eat bread in the morning. It often compares rice and bread. But it’s very difficult to compare rice and bread, because both rice and bread have some advantages and disadvantage. For my part, I think that rice is superior to bread. Because rice keeps you going longer than bread, when I eat rice in the morning, stomach has been full by noon. On the other hand, when I eat bread, I’m hungry about ten o’clock. However, bread has advantage. Bread is easy to set the table for breakfast. I just bake breakfast and can eat to place the butter on bread. But I have to wash into rice cooker. In the case of rice, because I have to prepare for a side dish, I take time.  In this case, both rice and bread have some advantages and disadvantage. But, I’m sure that rice is superior to bread for an office worker to work from morning, because rice keeps you going longer than bread.