• ベストアンサー

和訳して下さいm(_ _)m


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

元気? ひとつ聞きたかったんですけど、何かのアプリかバイバーといったアプリケーションソフトをもってますか?





  • 和訳お願いします。

    お世話になったホストマザーからのメッセージです。 Hi ○○-I recognise you now! What are you doing? Are these your children or someone erse`s? We are living back in NZ now-we moved 18months ago.The 3 children are my grandsons-now I have a little grannddaughter as well! Cheers,○○ 和訳お願いいたします。

  • 和訳教えてください

    意味の違いがよくわかるように和訳教えてください 1 Didn't he ask you what you wanted? Didn't you find what you wanted? 2 Whoever many come,don't let him in. Whoever comes to my office will be served a cup of tea. 3 There were only a few guests who escaped from the fire. There were only a few guests, who escaped from the fire. 4 You can take home as much food as you like. You will have as good a change as you'll ever have. よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳に困っています

    ・no matter who you are or where you come from,one thing is certain;you are acquainted with the mosquito ・all this usually takes place so quietly that you may not have suspected anything happening 個々の単語の意味は調べて大体わかったのですが… 和訳に困っています お願いします

  • 和訳お願いします‼

    どなたか和訳お願いします hi 、 how are you hey are you in japan right now if you are can i ask favor to you if you dont mind could you look a japanes benadrel medicine in japan its small bottle its glass for seadfood's allergy that kind wont make me sleep please could you get me one or two i.ll will pay of how much wll cost and if you do find it'' please let me know thank you so much

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    和訳お願いいたします。 Hello, I am interested in this vehicle. I was wondering how low are you willing to sell this vehicle and have it shipped to the U.S Bao

  • 【切実】英訳と和訳を教えて下さい!

    以下の英訳と和訳にとても困っています。自分でも訳す努力をしましたが不安な為教えて下さい。 (1)返信をもらえて凄く嬉しい!私は4月から大学生になるよ。また会いたいです!シアトルに行くときは連絡するね。 (2)How have you been? whats new? Ive been good. just busy with work and school as always haha. hope your doing well! 以上になります。 長文ではありますがどちらかでもいいので教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • どなた様か和訳お願いします!

    Hello Keiko how are you and your family fine I hope. I know I haven't kept in contact but I wanted to wish you merry Christmas and happy new year, I really hope you are doing well

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    仲の良いALTからラインがきました。和訳をお願いします。 How are you? I hope you are well. As you know by now, I won't be going to Shigishou anymore. Just sending you a thank you message. I appreciate your help and thanks for having conversations with me always. I wish you all the best in anything you pursue. Take care. Sincerely,

  • 和訳して下さいm(_ _)m

    well you are welcome in Belgrade you have place to stay as much you want when you want for free. 和訳して下さいm(_ _)m

  • 和訳して下さいm(_ _)m

    Today,a new teacher came to our class and said:i know japanese..and i said:genkidesuka? Teacher was surprised "how do you learn japanese?" and i said i have one friend .) thank you again and again..what are you doing?is that different things you have?write me..goodbye 和訳して頂けないでしょうか?よろしくお願い致します。