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  • 和訳してください

    Ogi-chan Mi-chan are also always in my heart. Please sen d me an email once the package arrives so I can be certai n I have the correct address. Then I can begin to send th e bigger package from my sisters work once I am sure th at I have the correct address for Ogi-chan and Auntie Mi-chan :)

  • 和訳してください

    Ogi-chan, Mi-chan, Today we sent your package. I did not have your correct address when I was in the US so I was not able to send yo u the package with the clothing gifts and my luggage was full when I arrived a few days ago so I could not bring clo thing gifts with me. But now that I do have the correct ad dress my sister can send the big package directly from he r job. They have commercial shipping so it can be better sent that way. So the package we sent today is just a small package with a few small gifts, but they are special as well and I hope f amily will enjoy them. There is also a present for Ichiro. When the big package is sent from my sisters work there will be presents for all Michitoshi and Ichiro families. The re is one clothing present in the package we sent today th o. It is VERY special. It is from a Seattle rap group that I used to work with closely. The leader of the group is Nih onjin from America and he is my brother. These shirts ha ve all been gone for years now, but I found this one. It is very rare. I know Ogi -chan & Mi-chan can share clothes i n style and size, so this shirt is for both of you. Eli お願いします(;o;)

  • 和訳お願いします

    “Already we’re buying more from the bodegas.Rice, sugar, soap , “ said Erika Catashunga. She has just received the first business license granted to a basket weaver with procrel. Soon after , she became the manager of a nine-village communal enterprise, Its name is Mi Esperanza in Portuguese , or Mr Hope in English .

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 So, you see, the Earth is extremely, unbelievably old compared to us humans with a fossil record hiding incredible stories to tell us about the past and possibly the future as well. But in the short time we've been here, we' ve learned so much and will surely learn more over the next decades and centuries, near moments in geological time.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします Today, about 10 percent of the world's population does not have enough water. This number may rise to 35 percent in 2025. What is more, water which is used in cities and industrial areas is often affected by pollution. Shortage of fresh water also affects food production. People throughout the world may suffer from serious food shortages in the future. We live in a country where we can get clean water just by turning on the faucet, but we need to try to secure more stable sources of fresh water for everyone in the world.

  • どなたか和訳をお願いします

    下記の文章の和訳をお願いします From that day forward,Anne Sullivan,who later became Mrs.John Macy,remained with Miss Keller until her death.She was simply "Teacher"to Helen-and the child made remarkable progress.Within a few weeks,Helen knew the meaning of more than a hundred words and learned new ones everyday. Very quickly she mastered not only the manual alphabed,but also various forms of raised printing,including Braille.

  • 英文の和訳をおねがいします。

    It is salutary to realize the fundamental isolation of the individual mind. We have no certain knowledge of any consciousness but our own. We can only know the world through our own personality. Because the behaviour of others is similar to our own, we suppose that they are like us; it is a shock to discover that they are not. As i grow older I am more and more amazed to discover how great are the differences between one man and another. I am not far from believing that everyone is unique.

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m3

    Soon after Roberto returned home to be with his family, a big earthquake hit Nicaragua on the morning of December 23. Over six thousand people were killed and another twenty thousand were injured. It was Christmas time, but hearing the terrible news, Roberto quickly organized the Puerto Rican Relief Fund for Nicaragua. On television and radio, he asked people for their help to save the victims of the earthquake. He worked so hard collecting relief supplies that he almost forgot all about eating and sleeping. Roberto gave his own money to organize three special flights to Managua. They carried the most important supplies that were needed as soonas possible. Many people thought Roberto had done all he could. However, on the morning of December 31, AN urgent message came from the rescue workers in Managua. They needed more medical supplies, an X-ray machine, and more milk for babies.

  • 和訳お願いします;;

    The sixth and current standard edition, introduced in June 2008, included modifications such as larger type to allow younger children to join in the fun. 2008年に登場した、6番目と最近の通常版は、より大きなタイプに変更され子供が楽しめるようになった。 上の英文の和訳は合ってますでしょうか?;; We thought that more middle-aged and elderly people might want to play with extended family at home particularly in these hard economic times また、上の文章の和訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    授業中の居眠りについてです。 ・ I did sleep in class all the time. But mondays were just hard on me. Just couldnt get started. Lol 一人暮らしについてです。 ・Here in the usa we stay with out familys till we are 18 but because how the world is more people are living with familys again. I was living alone since i was 17 but my family was havig a hard time so we got back together its a pain but i do love my bro and mom. Dont have a father never knew him and dont really want to. よろしくお願いします。