• ベストアンサー


Ogi-chan Mi-chan are also always in my heart. Please sen d me an email once the package arrives so I can be certai n I have the correct address. Then I can begin to send th e bigger package from my sisters work once I am sure th at I have the correct address for Ogi-chan and Auntie Mi-chan :)

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

それにおぎちゃん、みーちゃんはいつだってわたしの心にいるんだよ。 荷物が届いたらメールちょうだいね。住所が合ってたか確認したいの。 そしたらお姉ちゃんたちからのもっと大きな荷物送れるから。 おぎちゃん、みーおばちゃまの住所が間違いなければね(^^)





  • 和訳してください

    Ogi-chan, Mi-chan, Today we sent your package. I did not have your correct address when I was in the US so I was not able to send yo u the package with the clothing gifts and my luggage was full when I arrived a few days ago so I could not bring clo thing gifts with me. But now that I do have the correct ad dress my sister can send the big package directly from he r job. They have commercial shipping so it can be better sent that way. So the package we sent today is just a small package with a few small gifts, but they are special as well and I hope f amily will enjoy them. There is also a present for Ichiro. When the big package is sent from my sisters work there will be presents for all Michitoshi and Ichiro families. The re is one clothing present in the package we sent today th o. It is VERY special. It is from a Seattle rap group that I used to work with closely. The leader of the group is Nih onjin from America and he is my brother. These shirts ha ve all been gone for years now, but I found this one. It is very rare. I know Ogi -chan & Mi-chan can share clothes i n style and size, so this shirt is for both of you. Eli お願いします(;o;)

  • 和訳してください

    Ogi-chan, We have learned of an earthquake in your area. Is everyone ok? We hope Ogi-chan,Mi-chan,Mama, Sana and Ichiro and more family are safe. I will send more pictures later today. Eli & family 和訳してください

  • 和訳してください

    Ok! What family name should I address the package to? I will send once I know which name to put on the packag e, I hope to send today's! Also, does Mi-chan still have th e new hair style from the picture you sent? It looked coo oooooooool............ On Friday, May 31, 2013, wrote: Thank you.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    I have some change in my departure date from 29th March to 28th March. Can I change the whole staying period to one day earlier? (from 28th March till 29th April) Thanks

  • なんのcanでしょうか

    For a while, but especially since I got home for the summer after my first year of college, I have been concerned about the way my mom can interact with my family. http://community.sparknotes.com/2014/07/07/auntie-sparknotes-how-can-i-get-my-mom-back-into-counseling canはなくてもよさそうに見えるのですが、なんのcanでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳 お願いします(>_<) I wanted a mansion once... that is until I met you, Now the only place I want to live is inside your heart I once desired diamonds... until I met you, Now the only sparkle I need comes from within I used to crave the finest clothing... until I met you, Now I want not a single thread to separate our bodies I once coveted a fancy car... until I met you, Now I want nothing that would put miles between us I once prayed for money... until I met you, Now I want none of the things money can buy I once yearned for a sense of security... until I met you, Now my only security comes is knowing you are near I once dreamt of a prestigious job... until I met you, Now I find my success in knowing that you are happy I once asked for the world on a silver platter... until I met you, Now you are my world and I want for nothing but your touch Loving you has been my teacher; you taught me not to want Being with you has been my discovery; you are all that I need Finding you has been my salvation, I now understand grateful But perhaps of most importantly... Your love in return has been my everything

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I'm starting new phase in my life, I'm closing my past and starting a new journey in life. We have to take chances in life and I'm confident that my choice is correct. I left my night job because it was the same company my friend works at too this way the connection with her will be cut. Hopefully we can still be friends but I think she has closed the connection with me already. As for myself my health is improving with every passing day. The feelings I had for her are getting weaker so I believe my new journey will begin and this will bring closer to this chapter in my life. I'm sorry if I cause you any confusion with my e-mails but now I know how I really feel. You are very kind and understanding through this time in my life and I'm grateful for that. I hope that we can start again together. ほぼ理解していますが、内容が内容だけに確実にわかりたいのでお願いします。

  • 急) 和訳お願いします(どれか一つでもいいのでお願

    翻訳サイトとかで調べてなんとなく意味はわかりましたが、正確なのを知りたく質問しました 以下を和訳してほしいです (1)I think we will be good friends!:] Teach me Japanese? Really?! I 'm very happy,I very like Japan*_* and I have a dream,I would like to live in Japan. I hope, my dream will come true!! Do you have a dream?^^ (2)Everybody can learn everything, its ok, my english is not perfect too. ;D I don't know how i can help you with your english? I think you learn the most when we write the e-mails ;D Japan is a big land, where are you from, Tokio? (3)Its totally fine I understand since you have school and everything^^ and your English is completely correct!

  • 和訳お願いします!

    ▼ CAN YOU HELP ME my friend joined the spring-long-run. she have been tired out. i want to say some words to comfort her. how can i express it in japanese? ▲

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Hi sorry, my current phone doesn't actually have line on it. And I can't seem to bring my account over.I'd you send me your line qr I can add you though