• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:生物系論文のこの一文の訳し方が分かりません)



  • ベストアンサー
  • mnakauye
  • ベストアンサー率60% (105/174)

 こんにちは、 T= sum of the ranks with a minus sign    T は (マイナス)の値の階級の合計      階級は、統計で区別した各階級のこと n=number of matched-pairs with differences(differences of zero were ignored in the analysis)    n は 差が一致しているペアの数 (差が0になったものは無視している=考慮に入れていない) Means are reported ± standard error of the mean.   平均値(たち=複数)はすべて(複数なので言葉を補いました)、 ±平均の標準誤差で報告している。   (標準偏差ではなく平均値の標準誤差で)    平均値の標準誤差 については、以下を参照。   http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A8%99%E6%BA%96%E8%AA%A4%E5%B7%AE



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  • 自然記号に関する論文の和訳について

    自然記号(煙=火)と慣習的な記号(赤旗=危険)の例をあげて動詞"mean"の様々な使い方に関する論文なのですが、内容が難しく、上手に和訳できません。 大体の意味を取るだけでなく、他の人にも読んでもらうことを考慮して和訳していただきたくお願いいたします。 (1)Whereas smoke is a natural sign of fire, causally connected with what it signifies, the red flag is a conventional sign of danger: it is a culturally established symbol. These distinctions between the intentional and the nonintentional, on the one hand, and between what is natural and what is conventional, or symbolic, on the other, play a central part in the theoretical investigation of meaning. (2)That the verb 'mean' is being employed in different senses in the examples that I have used so far is evident from the fact that Mary means trouble is ambiguous: it can be taken like Mary means well or like Smoke means fire. Indeed, with a little imagination it is possible to devise a context, or scenario, in which the verb 'mean' in Mary means trouble can be plausibly interpreted in the way that it would normally be interpreted in That red flag means danger. Most language-utterances, we shall see, depend for their interpretation upon the context in which they are used. And the vast majority of them have a wider range of meanings than first come to mind. Utterances containing the word 'meaning' (or the verb 'mean') are no different from other English utterances in this respect.

  • with the sign reversed この意味は?

    Transactions in the assets include the accrual of interest, over a period of time but with the sign reversed.という文面で使用されているwith the sign reversedはどういう意味になりますか?

  • 英語の例文は原文のままでいいのでしょうか?(翻訳)

    以下の英文を翻訳するとき、(1)の"the red flag is a conventional sign of danger"や(2)の"Mary means trouble","Mary means well","Smoke means fire"等の例文として挙げている文は原文のままでいいのでしょうか? また、その例文の箇所に""(ダブルクオーテーション)等つけた方がいいのでしょうか?お時間があれば以下の英文を翻訳していただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。 (1)Whereas smoke is a natural sign of fire, causally connected with what it signifies, the red flag is a conventional sign of danger: it is a culturally established symbol. These distinctions between the intentional and the nonintentional, on the one hand, and between what is natural and what is conventional, or symbolic, on the other, play a central part in the theoretical investigation of meaning. (2)That the verb 'mean' is being employed in different senses in the examples that I have used so far is evident from the fact that Mary means trouble is ambiguous: it can be taken like Mary means well or like Smoke means fire. Indeed, with a little imagination it is possible to devise a context, or scenario, in which the verb 'mean' in Mary means trouble can be plausibly interpreted in the way that it would normally be interpreted in That red flag means danger. Most language-utterances, we shall see, depend for their interpretation upon the context in which they are used. And the vast majority of them have a wider range of meanings than first come to mind. Utterances containing the word 'meaning' (or the verb 'mean') are no different from other English utterances in this respect.

  • 和訳のお願いです。

    意味論についての論文だと思いますが、和訳お願いいたします。自分でも訳してみましたが、読み返して見て分かりづらいため、和訳が上手な方の文章を参考にしたいと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。 (1)Whereas smoke is a natural sign of fire, causally connected with what it signifies, the red flag is a conventional sign of danger: it is a culturally established symbol. These distinctions between the intentional and the nonintentional, on the one hand, and between what is natural and what is conventional, or symbolic, on the other, play a central part in the theoretical investigation of meaning. (2)That the verb 'mean' is being employed in different senses in the examples that I have used so far is evident from the fact that Mary means trouble is ambiguous: it can be taken like Mary means well or like Smoke means fire. Indeed, with a little imagination it is possible to devise a context, or scenario, in which the verb 'mean' in Mary means trouble can be plausibly interpreted in the way that it would normally be interpreted in That red flag means danger. Most language-utterances, we shall see, depend for their interpretation upon the context in which they are used. And the vast majority of them have a wider range of meanings than first come to mind. Utterances containing the word 'meaning' (or the verb 'mean') are no different from other English utterances in this respect.

  • 文構造を教えて下さい

    To be a kokusaijin definitely does not mean that one belittles one's own country or constantly expresses admiration for some other country. It means that one is able to understand people in other countries, ※and with this understanding see the virtues and defects of one's own with an eventual aim of devoting one's efforts to making both one's own country and the rest of the world more decent places for human beings to live. ※あたりからの文の構造を教えていただけないでしょうか?      後半のmake O C やboth A and Bは理解しています。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の文の意味はなんでしょうか

    Although there is and should be complete freedom of thought and expression, that does not mean that there is nothing wrong with exploiting depraved popular tastes for the sake of financial gain. exploiting depraved popular tastesがどんな意味かわかりませんでした。よくない人気あるものを開発する...?ということですか?

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Appropriate means shall be provided at the facility for the monitoring of activity in fluid systems that have the potential for significant contamination, and for the collection of process and waste samples. The timescale of sample analysis and assessment shall be commensurate with any processing lag in the system. 意味はなんとなくわかるのですが、日本語にするのは難しいです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • nature(論文)の和訳添削のお願い(その17)

    Q No. 7420227の続きです.natureに掲載された論文の訳です.いよいよ最後の文章になりました.どなたか添削をお願いします. (1)We obtained 2.5 Gb (gigabase pairs) contig sequences with N50 19.3 kb (kilobase pairs) and N90 4.7 kb, and 2.7Gb scaffold sequences with N50 1.6Mb (megabase pairs) and N90 0.3 Mb. (2)我々は、N50 19.3kd(キロベース:核酸連鎖の長さ?/キロベースペア)の配列を有する2.5GB(10の9乗)およびN90 4.7kb、そしてN50 1.6MbおよびN90 0.3Mbを有する2.7Gbの足場配列を得た。 (3)The N50 (or N90) contig size is the length of the smallest contig S in the sorted list of all contigs where the cumulative length from the largest contig to contig S is at least 50% (or 90%) of the total assembly length.) RNA-seq data (ageing and low O2 experiments) were for animals from the same colony. (3)N50(あるいはN90)のコンティングサイズは,(検討した?)の全てのコンティング分類されたリストの最小コンティングSの長さである.最大のコンティングからコンティングSまでの累積長さが全アセンブリ長さの少なくとも50%(あるいは90%)だった. (4)See Supplementary Information for data analysis and additional details. (4)参照:データ解析の捕捉情報および追加細部  (5)Received 14 June; accepted 5 September 2011. Published online 12 October 2011. (5)受付:6月14日 受理:9月5日 オンライン出版:2011年10月12日

  • continuous monitoring

    EDIを使用している際に監査の中の一文からです。 continuous monitoring and analysis of transaction procesing with an embedded audit module. どういうことを意味するのでしょうか

  • 六価クロムフリーの和訳で困っています

    浸出によって消散する六価クロム量の測定に関する和訳で困ってます。 分析方法として使用する器具(Apparatus)の欄の一つに - Analysis balance, with an accuracy of 1mg とあるのですが、、 これはどういう意味なのでしょうか??Analysis balanceは器具の名称ですか?分析バランス?!で調べても分からなくて。。。後のwith an accuracy of 1mgというのは1mgの誤差?!正確性?! 教えて下さい。 もう一つの器具の中にあるMagnetic stirring with a heater plate with a possibility of connecting a contact thermometerなのですが、熱板をもつ磁気スターラーは分かるのですが、plate以下の接点温度計に接続する可能性のある熱板。。。?!うまく訳せません!!助けて下さい。 宜しくお願い致します。